ça y est j'arrive à centrer!
pour ceux que ça interesse :
## Hack Title: BBcode [center]..[/center]
## Hack Version: 1.0.2 (phpBB 2.0.x)
## Author: Acid
## Support: http://www.phpbbhacks.com/forums/
## Description: A new BBcode, so you can center your text with the bbcode buttons.
## Files to edit: 6
## includes/bbcode.php
## posting.php
## privmsg.php
## language/lang_english/lang_main.php
## templates/xxx/bbcode.tpl
## templates/xxx/posting_body.tpl
## Note:
## First always make a back-up from the files that you're going to edit.
## If you have additional bbcodes installed you will need to increase the
## addbbcodeXX (part in posting_body.tpl) accordingly and be sure that you don´t use
## same letters and digits for two different bbcode hacks.
## The colspan value in posting_body.tpl (3x after bbcodes) should be changed too
## (it depends on how many bbcodes you have installed).
## Versions:
## 1.0.2 - colspan (posting_body.tpl)
## 1.0.1 - fixed a typo
## 1.0 - Release
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
# includes/bbcode.php
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
// and for italicizing text.
$text = str_replace("[i:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['i_open'], $text);
$text = str_replace("[/i:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['i_close'], $text);
#-----[ ADD BELOW ]------------------------------------------
// [center] and [/center] for centered text.
$text = str_replace("[center:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['center_open'], $text);
$text = str_replace("[/center:$uid]", $bbcode_tpl['center_close'], $text);
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
// and for italicizing text.
$text = preg_replace("#\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]#si", "[i:$uid]\\1[/i:$uid]", $text);
#-----[ ADD BELOW ]------------------------------------------
// [center] and [/center] for centered text.
$text = preg_replace("#\[center\](.*?)\[/center\]#si", "[center:$uid]\\1[/center:$uid]", $text);
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
# posting.php/privmsg.php
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
'L_BBCODE_F_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_f_help'],
#-----[ ADD BELOW ]------------------------------------------
'L_BBCODE_Y_HELP' => $lang['bbcode_y_help'],
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
# languages/lang_english/lang_main.php
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
$lang['bbcode_f_help'] = 'Font size: [size=x-small]small text[/size]';
#-----[ ADD BELOW ]------------------------------------------
$lang['bbcode_y_help'] = 'Font Center: [center]text[/center] (alt+y)';
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
# templates/xxx/bbcode.tpl
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
<!-- BEGIN i_open --><span style="font-style: italic"><!-- END i_open -->
<!-- BEGIN i_close --></span><!-- END i_close -->
#-----[ ADD BELOW ]------------------------------------------
<!-- BEGIN center_open --><div align="center"><!-- END center_open -->
<!-- BEGIN center_close --></div><!-- END center_close -->
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
# templates/xxx/posting_body.tpl
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
f_help = "{L_BBCODE_F_HELP}";
#-----[ ADD BELOW ]------------------------------------------
y_help = "{L_BBCODE_Y_HELP}";
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
bbtags = new Array('','','','','','','
#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ IN-LINE ADD ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
<input type="button" class="button" accesskey="w" name="addbbcode16" value="URL" style="text-decoration: underline; width: 40px" onClick="bbstyle(16)" onMouseOver="helpline('w')" />
#-----[ ADD BELOW ]------------------------------------------
# see "Note" at the beginning of this guide
<td><span class="genmed">
<input type="button" class="button" accesskey="y" name="addbbcode18" value=" Center " style="width: 60px" onClick="bbstyle(18)" onMouseOver="helpline('y')" />
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
<select name="addbbcode18" onChange="bbfontstyle('[color=' + this.form.addbbcode18.options[this.form.addbbcode18.selectedIndex].value + ']', '[/color]')" onMouseOver="helpline('s')">
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------------
# see "Note" at the beginning of this guide
<select name="addbbcode20" onChange="bbfontstyle('[color=' + this.form.addbbcode20.options[this.form.addbbcode20.selectedIndex].value + ']', '[/color]')" onMouseOver="helpline('s')">
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
</select> {L_FONT_SIZE}:<select name="addbbcode20" onChange="bbfontstyle('[size=' + this.form.addbbcode20.options[this.form.addbbcode20.selectedIndex].value + ']', '[/size]')" onMouseOver="helpline('f')">
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------------
# see "Note" at the beginning of this guide
</select> {L_FONT_SIZE}:<select name="addbbcode22" onChange="bbfontstyle('[size=' + this.form.addbbcode22.options[this.form.addbbcode22.selectedIndex].value + ']', '[/size]')" onMouseOver="helpline('f')">
#-----[ FIND und increase colspan value ]--------------------------------------------------
# see "Note" at the beginning of this guide
<td colspan="9">
#-----[ FIND und increase colspan value ]--------------------------------------------------
# see "Note" at the beginning of this guide
<td colspan="9"> <span class="gensmall">
#-----[ FIND und increase colspan value ]--------------------------------------------------
# see "Note" at the beginning of this guide
<td colspan="9"><span class="gen">
Message édité par bibibobobubu le 17-09-2004 à 23:03:43