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  console symantec AV maj des serveurs et les clients immédiate


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console symantec AV maj des serveurs et les clients immédiate

Posté le 06-06-2003 à 10:13:09  profilanswer

voilà j'ai des serveurs symantec qui sont mis a jour toutes les nuits à heure fixe.
Mais là je voudrais tout de suite mettre a jour mes serveurs et que les nouvelles définitions soient envoyées de site aux clients sans attendre la nuit prochaine comment faire.
Merci de votre aide.

Posté le 06-06-2003 à 10:13:09  profilanswer

Posté le 06-06-2003 à 10:32:15  profilanswer

Aucune idée comment le forcer à distribuer les mises à jour aux clients.

Citation :

Virus definition updates: How do you keep Symantec AntiVirus up to date?
Keeping virus definitions current is an essential part of any antivirus solution.  
Virus Definition Transport Method
Using the Virus Definitions Transport Method (VDTM), virus definitions are automatically distributed to every Symantec AV client and server. When the Primary Server receives a definition update, the Secondary Servers receive the update automatically. The clients automatically receive the definition updates from their Parent Server.
There are several ways to automatically update the virus definitions on the Primary Server. The most common method for Windows NT/2000 Symantec AV Servers is a scheduled LiveUpdate. Follow these steps to schedule LiveUpdate from the SSC:
1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Symantec System Center, and then click Symantec System Center Console.
2. Unlock the server group.
3. Right-click the Primary server, point to All Tasks, point to Symantec AntiVirus and click Virus Definition Manager...
4. Check to see that the radio button for "Update the Primary Server of this Server Group only" is selected, and then click Configure.
5. Make sure there is a check in the box "Schedule for automatic updates" and then click "Schedule" on the "Configure Primary Server Updates" window.
6. Use the "Virus Definition Update Schedule" window to set up when LiveUpdate is to run.
7. Click OK on "Virus Definition Update Schedule", click OK on "Configure Primary Server Updates", and then click OK on "<server name> Virus Definition Manager..." to close all windows.
8. Click "Console" and then click Exit to close the Symantec System Center.
You can also perform LiveUpdate manually. Launch LiveUpdate from the Primary server. Virus definitions will automatically be sent to secondary servers and clients.
To launch LiveUpdate:
1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Symantec Client Security, click Symantec AntiVirus, and then enter Password.
2. Click the LiveUpdate button and follow the on-screen instructions.
LiveUpdate Administration Utility
The LiveUpdate Administrator Utility is an optional program that allows you to set up an internal LiveUpdate server on your network. This can be used as an alternative to the Virus Definition Transport Method for updating Secondary Servers and clients, and can also be used to update the Primary server. For instructions, see the document How to use the LiveUpdate Administrator with Symantec Client Security. [...] 3014500548

Message édité par Requin le 06-06-2003 à 10:33:02

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  Windows & Software

  console symantec AV maj des serveurs et les clients immédiate


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