Option Explicit
Public Sub fusion_Click()
' les variables
' variables pour les feuilles de classeurs et les classeurs
Dim onglet_fusionA As Worksheet
Dim onglet_fusionb As Worksheet
Dim fichier_fusionA As Workbook
Dim fichier_fusionB As Workbook
' variables pour les nb de ligne d'une feuille
Dim nblf1 As Integer
Dim nblf2 As Integer
Dim nblf3 As Integer
Dim nblf4 As Integer
Dim nblf5 As Integer
Dim nblf6 As Integer
Dim nblf7 As Integer
Dim nblf8 As Integer
Dim nblf9 As Integer
Dim nblf10 As Integer
Dim nblent1 As Integer
Dim nblent2 As Integer
Dim nblent3 As Integer
Dim nblent4 As Integer
Dim nblent5 As Integer
Dim nblent6 As Integer
Dim nblent7 As Integer
Dim nblent8 As Integer
Dim nblent9 As Integer
Dim nblent10 As Integer
' variables pour les nb de ligne total
Dim nbltot1 As Integer
Dim nbltot2 As Integer
Dim nbltot3 As Integer
Dim nbltot4 As Integer
Dim nbltot5 As Integer
Dim nbltot6 As Integer
Dim nbltot7 As Integer
Dim nbltot8 As Integer
Dim nbltot9 As Integer
Dim nbltot10 As Integer
' variables pour les nb de colonne d'une feuille
Dim nbcf1 As Integer
Dim nbcf2 As Integer
Dim nbcf3 As Integer
Dim nbcf4 As Integer
Dim nbcf5 As Integer
Dim nbcf6 As Integer
Dim nbcf7 As Integer
Dim nbcf8 As Integer
Dim nbcf9 As Integer
Dim nbcf10 As Integer
Dim nbcent1 As Integer
Dim nbcent2 As Integer
Dim nbcent3 As Integer
Dim nbcent4 As Integer
Dim nbcent5 As Integer
Dim nbcent6 As Integer
Dim nbcent7 As Integer
Dim nbcent8 As Integer
Dim nbcent9 As Integer
Dim nbcent10 As Integer
' variables pour les nb de colonne total
Dim nbctot1 As Integer
Dim nbctot2 As Integer
Dim nbctot3 As Integer
Dim nbctot4 As Integer
Dim nbctot5 As Integer
Dim nbctot6 As Integer
Dim nbctot7 As Integer
Dim nbctot8 As Integer
Dim nbctot9 As Integer
Dim nbctot10 As Integer
' declaration de variable compteur
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim l As Integer
Dim cpt1 As Integer
Dim cpt2 As Integer
Dim nblp1 As Integer
Dim nblp2 As Integer
Dim nblp3 As Integer
Dim nblp4 As Integer
Dim nblp5 As Integer
Dim nblp6 As Integer
Dim nblp7 As Integer
Dim nblp8 As Integer
Dim nblp9 As Integer
Dim nblp10 As Integer
' variable pour l utilisation des chaines de caractères
Dim chaine1 As String
Dim chaine2 As String
Dim chaine3 As String
Dim chaine4 As String
Dim chaine5 As String
Dim chaine6 As String
Dim chaine7 As String
Dim chaine8 As String
Dim chaine9 As String
Dim chaine10 As String
' variable pour les classeurs
Dim wbk1 As Workbook
Dim wbk2 As Workbook
Dim wbk3 As Workbook
Dim wbk4 As Workbook
Dim wbk5 As Workbook
Dim wbk6 As Workbook
Dim wbk7 As Workbook
Dim wbk8 As Workbook
Dim wbk9 As Workbook
Dim wbk10 As Workbook
Dim wbkf1 As Workbook
Dim wbkf2 As Workbook
' variable pour des objets
Dim xlsApp1 As Object
Dim xlsApp2 As Object
' creation de tableaux à taille dynamique pour le deplacement des morceaux de tableau par bloc
Dim tabdyna1()
Dim tabdyna2()
Dim tabdyna3()
Dim tabdyna4()
' creation des formulaires
' traitement feuille de classeur
Dim MyForm1 As Form
Dim MyForm2 As Form
Dim MyForm3 As Form
Dim MyForm4 As Form
Dim MyForm5 As Form
Dim MyForm6 As Form
Dim MyForm7 As Form
Dim MyForm8 As Form
Dim MyForm9 As Form
Dim MyForm10 As Form
' fusion finale
Dim MyForm1f As Form
Dim MyForm2f As Form
Dim MyForm3f As Form
Dim MyForm4f As Form
Dim MyForm5f As Form
Dim MyForm6f As Form
Dim MyForm7f As Form
Dim MyForm8f As Form
Dim MyForm9f As Form
Dim MyForm10f As Form
' calcul du nombre de lignes et colonnes du fichier d'entete (onglet A) , ici on est directement dans le fichier avec les lignes d'entetes ou il y a la macro dans le même fichier .
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("ongleta" ).Activate
'wb.Worksheets("Gestion_Boite" ).Activate
nblent1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
nbcent1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
' rangement dans le tableau a taille variable , on ne sait pas combien de lignes seront empilées ...
ReDim tabdyna1(1, 0)
tabdyna1(1, 0) = Range("A" & 1)
ReDim tabdyna1(1, 1)
tabdyna1(1, 1) = Range("B" & 1)
ReDim tabdyna1(1, 2)
tabdyna1(1, 2) = Range("C" & 1)
ReDim tabdyna1(1, 3)
tabdyna1(1, 3) = Range("D" & 1)
ReDim tabdyna1(1, 4)
tabdyna1(1, 4) = Range("E" & 1)
ReDim tabdyna1(1, 5)
tabdyna1(1, 5) = Range("F" & 1)
ReDim tabdyna1(1, 6)
tabdyna1(1, 6) = Range("G" & 1)
ReDim tabdyna1(1, 7)
tabdyna1(1, 7) = Range("H" & 1)
ReDim tabdyna1(1, 8)
tabdyna1(1, 8) = Range("I" & 1)
cpt1 = nblent1
' calcul du nombre de lignes et colonnes du fichier d'entete (onglet B)
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("ongletb" ).Activate
'ActiveWorkbook.Sheets ("ongletb" )
nblent2 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
nbcent2 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
' rangement dans le tableau a taille variable , on ne sait pas combien de lignes seront empilées ..
ReDim tabdyna2(1, 0)
tabdyna2(1, 0) = Range("A" & 1)
ReDim tabdyna2(1, 1)
tabdyna2(1, 1) = Range("B" & 1)
ReDim tabdyna2(1, 2)
tabdyna2(1, 2) = Range("C" & 1)
ReDim tabdyna2(1, 3)
tabdyna2(1, 3) = Range("D" & 1)
ReDim tabdyna2(1, 4)
tabdyna2(1, 4) = Range("E" & 1)
ReDim tabdyna2(1, 5)
tabdyna2(1, 5) = Range("F" & 1)
cpt2 = nblent2
' fichier de donnees
'fichier 1
' fichier 1 onglet A
wbk1 = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="P:\fichier_donnees1.xlsx" )
wbk1.Worksheets("ongleta" ).Activate
nblf1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
nbcf1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
Set MyForm1 = Form1
For i = (cpt1 + 1) To nblf1 ' toujour un remplissage à la ligne ligne+1
MyForm.Command1.Caption = i
ReDim tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 8)
tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 8) = Range("A" & nblf1)
ReDim tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 7)
tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 7) = Range("B" & nblf1)
ReDim tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 6)
tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 6) = Range("C" & nblf1)
ReDim tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 5)
tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 5) = Range("D" & nblf1)
ReDim tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 4)
tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 4) = Range("E" & nblf1)
ReDim tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 3)
tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 3) = Range("F" & nblf1)
ReDim tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 2)
tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 2) = Range("G" & nblf1)
ReDim tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 1)
tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1 - 1) = Range("H" & nblf1)
ReDim tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1)
tabdyna1(nblf1, nbcf1) = Range("I" & nblf1)
Next i
cpt1 = cpt1 + nblf1
' fichier 1 onglet B
wbk2 = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="P:\fichier_donnees1.xlsx" )
wbk2.Worksheets("ongletb" ).Activate
nblf2 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
nbcf2 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
Set MyForm2 = Form2
For i = (cpt2 + 1) To nblf2 ' toujour un remplissage à la ligne ligne+1
MyForm.Command2.Caption = i2
ReDim tabdyna2(nblf2, nbcf2 - 5)
tabdyna2(nblf2, nbcf2 - 5) = Range("A" & nblf2)
ReDim tabdyna2(nblf2, nbcf2 - 4)
tabdyna2(nblf2, nbcf2 - 4) = Range("B" & nblf2)
ReDim tabdyna2(nblf2, nbcf2 - 3)
tabdyna2(nblf2, nbcf2 - 3) = Range("C" & nblf2)
ReDim tabdyna2(nblf2, nbcf2 - 2)
tabdyna2(nblf2, nbcf2 - 2) = Range("D" & nblf2)
ReDim tabdyna2(nblf2, nbcf2 - 1)
tabdyna2(nblf2, nbcf2 - 1) = Range("E" & nblf2)
ReDim tabdyna2(nblf2, nbcf2)
tabdyna2(nblf2, nbcf2) = Range("F" & nblf2)
Next i
cpt2 = cpt2 + nblf2
'fin traitement fichier donnees 1
'fin d'import des données dans les feuilles excel dans les tableaux virtuels dynamiques
' nommination des futures feuilles et classeurs excel
chaine1 = "P:\fusion_ongleta.xlsx"
chaine2 = "P:\fusion_ongletb.xlsx"
chaine3 = "ongleta"
chaine4 = "ongletb"
' creation des fichiers de sorties
'xlApp1 = CreateObject("Excel.Application", chaine1)
'xlApp2 = CreateObject("Excel.Application", chaine2)
' ouverture des fichiers excel nouvellement créés
Set wbkf1 = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=chaine1)
'xlSheet1 = xlApp1.Createworksheets(chaine3)
Set wbkf1 = ThisWorkbook
'wbkf1.Worksheets("ongleta" ).Activate
wbk1.Worksheets("ongleta" ).Activate
Set wbkf2 = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=chaine2)
'xlSheet2 = xlApp2.Createworksheets(chaine4)
Set wbkf2 = ThisWorkbook
'wbkf2.Worksheets("ongletb" ).Activate
wbk2.Worksheets("ongletb" ).Activate
' compacter les lignes dans les feuilles créés
' onglet de fusion A >> injection des données
Set MyForm1f = Form1f
For i = 1 To cpt1 ' ligne par ligne
MyForm.Command1f.Caption = i
Worksheets(chaine3).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("A" & i)) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf1 - 8)
Worksheets(chaine3).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("B" & i)) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf1 - 7)
Worksheets(chaine3).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("C" & i)) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf1 - 6)
Worksheets(chaine3).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("D" & i)) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf1 - 5)
Worksheets(chaine3).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("E" & i)) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf1 - 4)
Worksheets(chaine3).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("F" & i)) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf1 - 3)
Worksheets(chaine3).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("G" & i)) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf1 - 2)
Worksheets(chaine3).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("H" & i)) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf1 - 1)
Worksheets(chaine3).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("I" & i)) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf1)
Next i
' onglet de fusion B >> injection des données
Set MyForm2f = Form2f
For i = 1 To cpt2 ' ligne par ligne
MyForm.Command2f.Caption = i
Worksheets(chaine4).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("A" & i), xlYes) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf2 - 5)
Worksheets(chaine4).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("B" & i), xlYes) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf2 - 4)
Worksheets(chaine4).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("C" & i), xlYes) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf2 - 3)
Worksheets(chaine4).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("D" & i), xlYes) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf2 - 2)
Worksheets(chaine4).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("E" & i), xlYes) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf2 - 1)
Worksheets(chaine4).Add(xlSrcRange, Range("F" & i), xlYes) = tabdyna1(i, nbcf2)
Next i
End Sub