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  [RESOLU]Parse error unexpected $end !!


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[RESOLU]Parse error unexpected $end !!

Posté le 19-02-2007 à 11:48:09  profilanswer

J'ai une erreur qui va me rendre folle...
Voici le message d'erreur:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /...../translator/new_query.php on line 524
Sachant que la ligne en question est la dernière qu'elle est vous montre mon code:

Code :
  1. <?php
  2. include_once ("../auth.php" );
  3. include_once ("../authconfig.php" );
  4. include_once ("../check.php" );
  5. if (($check['user_type']!=1) && ($check['user_type']!=2) && ($check['user_type']!=3) && ($check['user_type']!=4))
  6. {
  7.  ?>
  8. <html><head></head><body><p>Access only for *** members!</p></body></html>
  9. <?
  10. exit;
  11. }
  12. $project_pwd=$_COOKIE["project_pwd"];
  13. $login=$_COOKIE["login"];
  14. mysql_connect($mysqlhost, $mysqluser, $mysqlpass);
  15. mysql_select_db($mysqlbase);
  16.   $query2=mysql_query("select  distinct Project_name from Projects where Password='$project_pwd'" );
  17.      while($query2 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($query2)) {
  18.               $project_name=$data["Project_name"];
  19.      }
  20. $ispwdcorrect=mysql_query("select * from Projects where Password='$project_pwd'" );
  21. $howmanyrows=mysql_num_rows($ispwdcorrect);
  22. if ($howmanyrows==0) {
  23. echo "You typed the incorrect project password ! Please try <a href=../index.php>again</a>";
  24. exit;
  25. }
  26. $project_pwd=$_COOKIE["project_pwd"];
  27. $login=$_COOKIE["login"];
  28. mysql_connect($mysqlhost, $mysqluser, $mysqlpass);
  29. mysql_select_db($mysqlbase);
  30.     /****************************** Project name *****************************/
  31.   $query1=mysql_query("select  distinct Project_name from Projects where Password='$project_pwd'" );
  32.      while($query1 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($query1)) {
  33.               $project_name=$data["Project_name"];
  34.      }
  35.      /************************************************************************/
  37.      /************** Check if the project password is correct ***************/
  38.      $ispwdcorrect=mysql_query("select * from Projects where Password='$project_pwd'" );
  39.      $howmanyrows=mysql_num_rows($ispwdcorrect);
  40.      if ($howmanyrows==0) {
  41.        echo "You typed the incorrect project password ! Please try <a href=../index.php>again</a>";
  42.        exit;
  43.      }       
  44.      /************************************************************************/
  46.      /************** If the user click on "Create" button ********************/
  47.      if (isset($_POST['add_new_query'])) {
  49.         if(isset($_POST['author']))     $name=$_POST['author'];
  50.         if(isset($_POST['language']))    $lg=$_POST['language'];
  51.         if(isset($_POST['file']) )     $file=$_POST['file'];
  53.         if(isset($_POST['upload']))      $upload=$_POST['upload'];
  54.           else      $upload="";
  55.         if(isset($_POST['query']))    $query=$_POST['query'];
  57.         if(isset($_POST['reference']))    $reference=$_POST['reference'];
  59.         if(isset($_POST['proposal']))    $proposal=$_POST['proposal']; 
  61.         if(isset($_POST['type']))    $type=$_POST['type']; 
  63.         if (isset($_POST['context'])) $context=$_POST['context'];
  64.        if(!empty($name) && !empty($lg) && !empty($file) && !empty($query) && !empty($reference) && !empty($proposal) && !empty($type))
  65.        {
  66.           $date = date("j-m-Y" );
  67.           $querycount=mysql_query("select * from Queries where Project_name='$project_name' and Translator_name='$name' and Language_name='$lg' and Query_type='$type' and Query_text='$query' and Doc_name='$file' and Proposal='$proposal' and Reference='$reference' and Context='$context' " );
  68.           $howmanyrows2=mysql_num_rows($querycount);
  69.           /*test to know if the query is already into the database*/
  70.           if ($howmanyrows2==0) {
  71.             /*insert the query with the status : pending (1) */
  72.             $sql = "INSERT INTO Queries (Project_name,Translator_name,Language_name,Query_type,Query_text,Doc_name,Proposal,Reference,Creation_date,Query_status,Replied, Context) VALUES ('$project_name','$name','$lg','$type','$query','$file','$proposal','$reference','$date',1,0,'$context')";
  73.             mysql_query($sql) or die('Erreur SQL !'.$sql.'<br>'.mysql_error());
  74.           }
  75.         }
  76.       /************************************************************************/
  77.        $query51=mysql_query("select distinct customer_name,Translator_name, Q.language_name,Replied, Query_type,Doc_name, Reference, Proposal, Query_text, Creation_date from Projects P inner join Queries Q on (P.Project_name=Q.Project_name) where P.Password='$project_pwd'" );
  78. /*************************** click on filter button **************************/
  79. if (isset($_POST['btn_filter'])) {
  80. if (isset($_POST ['filter'])) $filter=$_POST ['filter'];
  81. else $filter="";
  82. if (isset($_POST ['language'])) $language=$_POST ['language'];   /* $language= Array['language']*/
  83. else $language="";
  84. /* list of selected languages */
  85. if ($language!="" ){
  86.   if ($filter=="" ) {
  87.     for ($i = 0; $i < count($language); $i++)
  88.     {
  89.       $query54=mysql_query("select distinct ISO,language_name from Languages where ISO='$language[$i]'" );
  90.       while($query54 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($query54)){
  91.         $lg_name=$data["language_name"];
  92.         $query51=mysql_query("select distinct customer_name,Translator_name, Q.language_name,Replied, Query_type,Doc_name, Reference, Proposal, Query_text, Creation_date from Projects P inner join Queries Q on (P.Project_name=Q.Project_name) where P.Password='$project_pwd' and Q.Language_name='$lg_name'" ); 
  93.       } 
  94.     }
  95.   }
  96. }
  97.   if ($filter=="all" ) {
  98.   $query51=mysql_query("select distinct customer_name,Translator_name, Q.language_name,Replied, Query_type,Doc_name, Reference, Proposal, Query_text, Creation_date from Projects P inner join Queries Q on (P.Project_name=Q.Project_name) where P.Password='$project_pwd'" );
  100.     if ($language!="" ) {
  101.       for ($i = 0; $i < count($language); $i++)
  102.       {
  103.         $query54=mysql_query("select distinct ISO,language_name from Languages where ISO='$language[$i]'" );
  104.         while($query54 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($query54)){
  105.           $lg_name=$data["language_name"];
  106.           $query51=mysql_query("select distinct customer_name,Translator_name, Q.language_name,Replied, Query_type,Doc_name, Reference, Proposal, Query_text, Creation_date from Projects P inner join Queries Q on (P.Project_name=Q.Project_name) where P.Password='$project_pwd' and Q.Language_name='$lg_name'" ); 
  107.         } 
  108.       }
  109.     }
  110.   }
  111.   else if ($filter=="answered" )  {
  112.   $query51=mysql_query("select distinct customer_name,Translator_name, Q.language_name,Replied, Query_type,Doc_name, Reference, Proposal, Query_text, Creation_date from Projects P inner join Queries Q on (P.Project_name=Q.Project_name) where P.Password='$project_pwd' and Replied=1" );
  114.     if ($language!="" ) {
  115.       for ($i = 0; $i < count($language); $i++)
  116.       {
  117.         $query54=mysql_query("select distinct ISO,language_name from Languages where ISO='$language[$i]'" );
  118.         while($query54 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($query54)){
  119.           $lg_name=$data["language_name"];
  120.           $query51=mysql_query("select distinct customer_name,Translator_name, Q.language_name,Replied, Query_type,Doc_name, Reference, Proposal, Query_text, Creation_date from Projects P inner join Queries Q on (P.Project_name=Q.Project_name) where P.Password='$project_pwd' and Q.Language_name='$lg_name' and Replied=1" ); 
  121.         } 
  122.       }
  123.     }
  124.   }
  125.   else if ($filter=="not_answered" ) {
  126.   $query51=mysql_query("select distinct customer_name,Translator_name, Q.language_name,Replied, Query_type,Doc_name, Reference, Proposal, Query_text, Creation_date from Projects P inner join Queries Q on (P.Project_name=Q.Project_name) where P.Password='$project_pwd' and Replied=0 " );
  127.     if ($language!="" ) {
  128.       for ($i = 0; $i < count($language); $i++)
  129.       {
  130.         $query54=mysql_query("select distinct ISO,language_name from Languages where ISO='$language[$i]'" );
  131.         while($query54 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($query54)){
  132.           $lg_name=$data["language_name"];
  133.           $query51=mysql_query("select distinct customer_name,Translator_name, Q.language_name,Replied, Query_type,Doc_name, Reference, Proposal, Query_text, Creation_date from Projects P inner join Queries Q on (P.Project_name=Q.Project_name) where P.Password='$project_pwd' and Q.Language_name='$lg_name' and Replied=0" ); 
  134.         } 
  135.       }
  136.     }
  137.   }
  138.   else if ($filter=="answered_by_client" ) {
  139.   $query51=mysql_query("select distinct customer_name,Translator_name, Q.language_name,Replied, Query_type,Doc_name, Reference, Proposal, Query_text, Creation_date from Projects P inner join Queries Q on (P.Project_name=Q.Project_name) where P.Password='$project_pwd' and Replied=1 and Query_status=4" );
  140.     if ($language!="" ) {
  141.       for ($i = 0; $i < count($language); $i++)
  142.       {
  143.         $query54=mysql_query("select distinct ISO,language_name from Languages where ISO='$language[$i]'" );
  144.         while($query54 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($query54)){
  145.           $lg_name=$data["language_name"];
  146.           $query51=mysql_query("select distinct customer_name,Translator_name, Q.language_name,Replied, Query_type,Doc_name, Reference, Proposal, Query_text, Creation_date from Projects P inner join Queries Q on (P.Project_name=Q.Project_name) where P.Password='$project_pwd' and Q.Language_name='$lg_name' and Replied=1 and Query_status=4" ); 
  147.         } 
  148.       }
  149.     }
  150.   }
  151.   else if ($filter=="answered_by_ln" ) {
  152.   $query51=mysql_query("select distinct customer_name,Translator_name, Q.language_name,Replied, Query_type,Doc_name, Reference, Proposal, Query_text, Creation_date, Query_status from Projects P inner join Queries Q on (P.Project_name=Q.Project_name) where P.Password='$project_pwd' and Replied=1 and Query_status=2" );
  153.     if ($language!="" ) {
  154.       for ($i = 0; $i < count($language); $i++)
  155.       {
  156.         $query54=mysql_query("select distinct ISO,language_name from Languages where ISO='$language[$i]'" );
  157.         while($query54 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($query54)){
  158.           $lg_name=$data["language_name"];
  159.           $query51=mysql_query("select distinct customer_name,Translator_name, Q.language_name,Replied, Query_type,Doc_name, Reference, Proposal, Query_text, Creation_date from Projects P inner join Queries Q on (P.Project_name=Q.Project_name) where P.Password='$project_pwd' and Q.Language_name='$lg_name' and Replied=1 and Query_status=4 and Replied=1 and Query_status=2" ); 
  160.         } 
  161.       }
  162.     }
  163.   }
  164. }
  165. ?>
  166. <html>
  167. <head>   
  168.   <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;" charset="iso-8859-1/">   
  169.   <link href="./../css/styleQuery.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />   
  171.   <title>LinguaNet</title>
  173. <script type="text/javascript">
  174. <!-- <![CDATA[
  175. function wyslij(t) {
  177.   odp ="","odp","toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,height=520,width=580" );
  178.   odp.moveTo(0, 0)
  179.   odp.focus();
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  185. <body>
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  202.                 <td width="99%" height="15" align="right">
  203.                   <font color="#AC1100" face="verdana" size="1"><b>> My LinguaNet</b>
  204.                 </td>
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  208.             <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#AC1100">
  209.               <tr>
  210.              <td width="50%" height="20" align="left">
  211.                <b><a href="http://***.net"><img src="./../img/home.jpg" border=0></a>
  212.                </td>
  213.                <td width="48%" height="20" align="right">
  214.                   <font face="verdana" size="1" color="white"><a href="./../logout.php"><b>Logout</b></font>
  215.                </td>
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  220.           <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#E3E4E8">
  221.             <tr>
  222.               <td bgcolor="#E3E4E8" height="10"></td>
  223.             </tr>       
  224.           <tr >
  225.              <td align="center">
  226.                 <form method=post action="export.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  227.                   <b>Import a csv list:</b>
  228.                   <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000">
  229.                <input name="export" type="file" style="width:240px; height:20px;">
  230.                <input type="submit" name="btn_export" value="Import">
  231.              </form>
  232.                </td>
  233.            </tr>
  234.           </table></td></tr></table>
  236. <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#E3E4E8" >
  237.   <tr>
  238.     <td bgcolor="#E3E4E8" height="10"></td>
  239.   </tr>
  240.   <tr width="100%">
  241.     <td width="5%"></td>
  242.     <td width="30%" align="center" bgcolor="#E3E4E8">
  243.        <input type="button" value="Get a template" onClick="self.location.href='./../excel_template.xls'"  style="width:130px; height:20px;">
  244.     </td>
  245.     <td width="30%" align="center" bgcolor="#E3E4E8">
  246.        <input type="button" value="Create a new query" onClick="self.location.href='new_query.php'" style="width:130px; height:20px;">   
  247.     </td>   
  248.     <td width="30%" align="center" bgcolor="#E3E4E8">
  249.        <input type="button" value="Search" onClick="self.location.href='search.php'" style="width:130px; height:20px;">   
  250.     </td>
  251.     <td width="5%"></td>
  252.   </tr>
  253.   <tr>
  254.     <td bgcolor="#E3E4E8" height=20></td>
  255.   </tr>
  257.   <table ="0" width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" colspaccing="0" bgcolor="#E3E4E8">
  258.   <form method="post" action="index.php">
  259.     <tr>
  260.       <td>    <b> Filter by : </b></td>
  261.       <td colspan="6" align="center">
  262.         <input type="radio" name="filter" value="answered" > Answered
  263.     <input type="radio" name="filter" value="not_answered"> Not answered
  264.     <input type="radio" name="filter" value="answered_by_ln"> Answered by LinguaNet
  265.     <input type="radio" name="filter" value="answered_by_client" > Answered by customer
  266.     <input type="radio" name="filter" value="all"> All queries
  267.       </td>
  268.     </tr>
  269.     <tr>
  270.       <td bgcolor="#E3E4E8" height=10></td>
  271.     </tr>
  272.     </table>
  273.     <table ="0" width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="0" colspaccing="0" bgcolor="#E3E4E8">
  274.     <tr width="100%">
  275.       <?           
  276.        $query2=mysql_query("select distinct language_name from Projects where Password='$project_pwd' order by language_name ASC" );           
  278.        while($query2 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($query2)) {
  279.          $lg_list=$data["language_name"];    /*$lg_list=EN;FR;IT;HU;... */           
  280.          $explode = explode (";",$lg_list);
  281.          $count=substr_count($lg_list,";" ) ;
  282.          for ($j=0;$j<$count;$j++) {
  283.            $lg_iso = $explode[$j];       
  284.            $flag_name=$lg_iso.".png";
  286.            /****** to divide the row second the number of flags ********/
  287.            $div=100/$count;
  288.            $cell_size=intval(abs($div));
  289.            $query3=mysql_query("select distinct language_name, ISO from Languages where ISO='$lg_iso'" );
  290.            while($query3 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($query3)) {
  291.              $lg_name=$data["language_name"];             
  292.              echo"<td width=\"$cell_size%\" bgcolor=\"#E3E4E8\" align=\"center\">
  293.                     <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"language[]\" value=\"$lg_iso\"></input><img src=./../img/flagues/$flag_name style=\"border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:black;\" title='$lg_name' width=18 height=13>
  294.                   </td>";
  295.            }
  296.          }
  297.         }                 
  298.       ?>
  299.     </tr>
  300.     <table width="100%" bgcolor="#E3E4E8">
  301.       <tr>
  302.         <td bgcolor="#E3E4E8" height=10></td>
  303.       </tr>
  304.       <tr>
  305.         <td align="center"><input type="submit" name="btn_filter" value="Filter" style="width:240px; height:20px;"></td>
  306.       </tr>
  307.     </table>
  308.   </form>
  310.   <tr>
  311.     <td bgcolor="#E3E4E8" height=20></td>
  312.   </tr>
  313.  <tr bgcolor="#E3E4E8">
  314.    <td colspan="4">
  315.         <b>Project name: <? echo $project_name ;?></b>
  316.      </td>
  317.  </tr>
  318.  <tr>
  319.     <td bgcolor="#E3E4E8">
  320.    <b>You will add a new query:</b>
  321.        <form method=post action="new_query.php" >
  322.      <table align="center">
  323.      <tr>
  324.        <td width="45%" align="center">
  325.          <table>
  326.            <tr>
  327.              <td>Author</td>
  328.              <td>
  329.                <?echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"author\" value='$login' style=\"width:266px; height:23px;\">";?>
  330.              </td>
  331.                   </tr>
  332.           <tr>
  333.            <td>Language </td>
  334.            <td>
  335.               <?  
  336.                       $result=mysql_query("select distinct language_name from Languages order by language_name ASC" );
  337.                       echo "<select name=\"language\">";
  338.                       while($result and $data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
  339.                         $lg=$data["language_name"];
  340.                         echo "<option value=\"$lg\">$lg</option>";
  341.                       }
  342.                       echo " </select>";
  343.                     ?>
  344.                     </td>
  345.          </tr>
  346.          <tr>
  347.            <td>File </td>
  348.            <td>
  349.              <input type="text" name="file" style="width:266px; height:23px;">
  350.            </td>
  351.          </tr>
  352.          <tr>
  353.            <td>Upload </td>
  354.            <td>
  355.             <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000">
  356.             <input name="upload" type="file" style="width:340px; height:20px;">
  357.            </td>
  358.          </tr>
  359.          <tr>
  360.            <td>Type </td>
  361.            <td>
  362.           <?
  363.          $result2=mysql_query("select distinct type_name from Query_type" );
  364.                     echo "<select name=\"type\">";
  365.                     while($result2 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
  366.                       $type=$data["type_name"];
  367.                       echo "<option value=\"$type\">$type</option>";
  368.                     }
  369.                     echo " </select>";
  370.                     ?>       
  371.            </td>
  372.          </tr>
  373.          <tr>
  374.            <td>String ID </td>
  375.            <td>
  376.         <input type="text" name="stringID" style="width:266px; height:23px;">
  377.        </td>
  378.       </tr>
  379.      </table>
  380.     </td>
  381.           <td width="45%" align="left" valign="top">
  382.      <table>
  383.       <tr>
  384.        <td>Source text </td>
  385.        <td>
  386.          <textarea name="reference" rows="1" cols="30"></textarea>
  387.        </td>
  388.       </tr>
  389.       <tr>
  390.        <td>Proposal </td>
  391.        <td>
  392.          <textarea name="proposal" rows="1" cols="30"></textarea>
  393.        </td>
  394.       </tr>
  395.        <tr>
  396.        <td>Query </td>
  397.        <td>
  398.            <textarea name="query" rows="1" cols="30"></textarea>
  399.        </td>
  400.       </tr>
  401.       <tr>
  402.        <td>Context </td>
  403.        <td>
  404.            <textarea name="context" rows="1" cols="30"></textarea>
  405.        </td>
  406.       </tr>
  407.      </table>
  408.     </td>
  409.      <td width="10%" align="left">
  410.      <input type="submit" value="Create" name="add_new_query" style="width:50px; height:130px;">
  411.     </td>
  412.    </tr>  
  413.   </table>  
  414.   </form>
  415.  </td>
  416. </tr>
  419. <form method=post action="popup.php" onsubmit="return wyslij(this);">  
  420.  <tr bgcolor="#E3E4E8">
  421.   <td height="30" colspan="2"><b>Queries already wrote for this project:</b></td>
  422.  </tr>
  423.  <tr>
  424.    <div style="width:100%;overflow:auto;">
  425.    <table id=mainTable1 cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%;overflow:hidden;">
  426.    <tr>
  427.      <td id=th1 width=33px>Date</td>
  428.     <td id=th1 width=17px>Lg</td>
  429.     <td id=th1 width=75px>File</td>
  430.     <td id=th1 width=60px>Type</td>
  431.     <td id=th1 width=124px>Source text</td>
  432.     <td id=th1 width=123px>Proposal</td>
  433.     <td id=th1 width=119px>Query/Comment</td>
  434.     <td id=th1 width="1%">Reply</td>
  435.    </tr>
  436.    </table>
  437.   </div>
  438.   <div style="width:100%;height:188px;overflow-Y:auto;">
  439.         <table id=mainTable1  cellpadding="0"  cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; width:100%; overflow:hidden">
  440.    <?
  441.            while($query51 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($query51)) {
  442.               $author=$data["Translator_name"];
  443.               $language=$data["language_name"];
  444.               $doc_name=$data["Doc_name"]; 
  445.               $doc_type=$data["Query_type"];
  446.               $reference=$data["Reference"];
  447.               $proposal=$data["Proposal"];
  448.               $query=$data["Query_text"];
  449.               $replied=$data["Replied"];
  450.               $date=$data["Creation_date"];
  452.               $query52=mysql_query("select distinct query_id from Queries where Project_name='$project_name' and Query_text='$query'" );               
  453.               while($query52 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($query52)){
  454.               $query_id=$data["query_id"];
  455.               }
  457.               $query53=mysql_query("select distinct ISO from Languages where language_name='$language' " );
  458.               while($query53 and $data = mysql_fetch_array($query53)){
  459.                 $iso=$data["ISO"];
  460.               }
  461.               echo "<tr>
  462.               <td width=50px><div class=fix_cell_small><font size=2>$date</font</div></td>
  463.               <td width=28px><div class=fix_cell_lg>$iso</div></td>
  464.               <td width=100px><div class=fix_cell_large>$doc_name</div></td>
  465.               <td width=80px><div class=fix_cell_type>$doc_type</div></td>
  466.               <td width=160px><div class=fix_cell_large>$reference</div></td>
  467.               <td width=160px><div class=fix_cell_proposal>$proposal</div></td>
  468.               <td width=160px><div class=fix_cell_query>
  469.                 <a href=\"popup.php?query_id=$query_id\" onclick=\"return !,null,'width=595,height=670, status=no, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=yes');\"><font color=\"blue\">$query</font></a>       
  470.               </div></td>
  471.               <td id=td1 width=2px >";
  472.                 if ($replied==0) echo "<img src=\"./../img/checkbox_nc.JPG\"></td>";
  473.                 else echo"<img src=\"./../img/checkbox.JPG\"></td>";                         
  474.            }
  475.         ?>
  476.    </form>
  477.      </table>
  478.     </div>
  479.  </tr>
  480.   </table>
  481. </table>
  483. </td></tr></table>
  484. </body>  
  485. </html>

J'ai vérifié toutes les accolades, je comprends pas...
Merci de bien vouloir m'aider!

Message édité par acorsa le 02-04-2007 à 10:28:30
Posté le 19-02-2007 à 11:48:09  profilanswer

Posté le 19-02-2007 à 11:52:49  profilanswer

J'ai pas envie de tout lire, mais commence par tester en remplaçant <? par <?php au cas où t'ais les short_tags de désactivés (c'est fortement recommandé de toute façon).

StarCraft Professional Gaming Database | [Ze Topic] Starcraft/BroodWar
Posté le 19-02-2007 à 11:57:24  profilanswer

Merci pour le conseil mais malheureusement ça n'a pas résolu mon problème...;-(

Posté le 19-02-2007 à 12:00:20  profilanswer

Je compte 42 "{" et 41 "}". [:pingouino]  
Faudrait penser à découper un minimum ton code, à défaut de séparer la vue du reste...

Message édité par sielfried le 19-02-2007 à 12:00:55

StarCraft Professional Gaming Database | [Ze Topic] Starcraft/BroodWar
Posté le 19-02-2007 à 12:05:36  profilanswer

C'était ça l'erreur!!Merci beaucoup!!
Si tu as des conseils à me donner pour améliorer moon coed je prends!!
Selon toi il faut séparer la vue de reste???C'est-à-dire??
Faire d'autres fichiers?

Pas me confondre avec Lycos!
Posté le 19-02-2007 à 12:15:04  profilanswer

pour ça, aller lire le topic MVC en php de FlorentG : [...] 7425_1.htm

Posté le 19-02-2007 à 12:16:18  profilanswer
Posté le 19-02-2007 à 14:04:38  profilanswer

Merci !

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