Damien060 | Bonsoir,
Voilà depuis plusieurs jours je bloque sur un de mes scripts qui me permet d'envoyer des mails en smtp depuis mon site.
J'ai repris le script dans tous les sens, mais je pense avoir trouvé le problème.
Dès que je tente d'envoyer un mail avec des caractères spéciaux (û, à, ç etc.) le script ne m'envoi rien...
Je sais que le même message (corps du mail) sans ces caractères, passe...
Voici le script qui gère l'envoi :
Code :
- class Mail{
- private $smtpServer = 'xxxx'; // YOURSMTPHOST Enter the smtp server
- private $port = '26';
- private $timeout = '45';
- private $uname = 'xxxx@xxxx.xxxx'; // YourSiteName enter uname
- private $username = 'xxxx@xxxx.xxxx'; // YourEmail enter username (smtp server)
- private $password = 'xxxx'; // YourPassword enter password (smtp server)
- private $newline = "\r\n";
- private $localdomain = 'xxxx'; //enter localdomain.
- private $charset = 'utf-8'; //charser code
- private $contentTransferEncoding = false;
- // Do not change anything below
- private $smtpConnect = false;
- private $to = false;
- private $subject = false;
- private $message = false;
- private $format = 1;
- private $headers = false;
- private $logArray = array(); // Array response message for debug
- private $Error = '';
- //ajour de $webmasteremail, $nom_autorep
- public function __construct($to, $subject, $message, $format, $webmasteremail, $nom_autorep, $idmembre) {
- $this->to = &$to;
- $this->subject = &$subject;
- $this->message = &$message;
- echo "message : ".$this->message;
- $this->format = &$format;
- $this->webmasteremail = &$webmasteremail;
- $this->nom_autorep = &$nom_autorep;
- $this->idmembre = &$idmembre;
- $this->newmailmembre = $this->idmembre.'@xxxx';
- // Connect to server
- if(!$this->Connect2Server()) {
- // Display error message
- echo $this->Error.$this->newline.' '.$this->newline;
- print_r($this->logArray);
- echo $this->newline.' '.$this->newline;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- private function Connect2Server() {
- // Connect to server
- $this->smtpConnect = fsockopen($this->smtpServer,$this->port,$errno,$error,$this->timeout);
- $this->logArray['CONNECT_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse();
- if (!is_resource($this->smtpConnect)) {
- return false;
- }
- $this->logArray['connection'] = "Connection accepted: $smtpResponse";
- // Hi, server!
- $this->sendCommand("EHLO $this->localdomain" );
- $this->logArray['EHLO'] = $this->readResponse();
- // Let's know each other
- $this->sendCommand('AUTH LOGIN');
- $this->logArray['AUTH_REQUEST'] = $this->readResponse();
- // My name...
- $this->sendCommand(base64_encode($this->username));
- $this->logArray['REQUEST_USER'] = $this->readResponse();
- // My password..
- $this->sendCommand(base64_encode($this->password));
- $this->logArray['REQUEST_PASSWD'] = $this->readResponse();
- // If error in response auth...
- if (substr($this->logArray['REQUEST_PASSWD'],0,3)!='235') {
- $this->Error .= 'Authorization error! '.$this->logArray['REQUEST_PASSWD'].$this->newline;
- return false;
- }
- // "From" mail...
- $this->sendCommand("MAIL FROM: $this->username" );
- $this->logArray['MAIL_FROM_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse();
- if (substr($this->logArray['MAIL_FROM_RESPONSE'],0,3)!='250') {
- $this->Error .= 'Mistake in sender\'s address! '.$this->logArray['MAIL_FROM_RESPONSE'].$this->newline;
- return false;
- }
- // "To" address
- $this->sendCommand("RCPT TO: $this->to" );
- $this->logArray['RCPT_TO_RESPONCE'] = $this->readResponse();
- if (substr($this->logArray['RCPT_TO_RESPONCE'],0,3)!='250') {
- $this->Error .= 'Mistake in reciepent address! '.$this->logArray['RCPT_TO_RESPONCE'].$this->newline;
- }
- // Send data to server
- $this->sendCommand('DATA');
- $this->logArray['DATA_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse();
- // Send mail message
- if (!$this->sendMail()) return false;
- // Good bye server! =)
- $this->sendCommand('QUIT');
- $this->logArray['QUIT_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse();
- // Close smtp connect
- fclose($this->smtpConnect);
- return true;
- }
- // Function send mail
- private function sendMail() {
- $this->sendHeaders();
- $this->sendCommand($this->message);
- $this->sendCommand('.');
- $this->logArray['SEND_DATA_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse();
- if(substr($this->logArray['SEND_DATA_RESPONSE'],0,3)!='250') {
- $this->Error .= 'Mistake in sending data! '.$this->logArray['SEND_DATA_RESPONSE'].$this->newline;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Function read response
- private function readResponse() {
- $data="";
- while($str = fgets($this->smtpConnect,4096))
- {
- $data .= $str;
- if(substr($str,3,1) == " " ) { break; }
- }
- return $data;
- }
- // function send command to server
- private function sendCommand($string) {
- fputs($this->smtpConnect,$string.$this->newline);
- return ;
- }
- // function send headers
- private function sendHeaders() {
- $this->sendCommand("Date: ".date("D, j M Y H:i:s" )." +0700" );
- //changement $this->sendCommand("From: $this->uname <$this->username>" ); en $this->sendCommand("From: $this->nom_autorep <$this->webmasteremail>" );
- $this->sendCommand("From: $this->nom_autorep <$this->webmasteremail>" );
- //changement $this->sendCommand("Reply-To: <$this->username>" ); en $this->sendCommand("Reply-To: <$this->webmasteremail>" );
- $this->sendCommand("Reply-To: <$this->webmasteremail>" );
- //ajout $this->sendCommand("Sender: <$this->newmailmembre" );
- $this->sendCommand("Sender: <$this->newmailmembre>" );
- $this->sendCommand("To: <$this->to>" );
- $this->sendCommand("Subject: $this->subject" );
- $this->sendCommand("MIME-Version: 1.0" );
- if(($this->format)==1)
- $this->sendCommand("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$this->charset" );
- else
- $this->sendCommand("Content-Type: text/html; charset=$this->charset" );
- if ($this->contentTransferEncoding) $this->sendCommand("Content-Transfer-Encoding: $this->contentTransferEncoding" );
- $this->sendCommand($this->newline);
- // print_r($this->to);
- return ;
- }
- public function __destruct() {
- if (is_resource($this->smtpConnect)) fclose($this->smtpConnect);
- }
- }
Voilà, c'est pas du code propre de chez propre, mais ça à le mérite de marcher (presque)...
Avez-vous une idée de là où je pourrais corrigé la machine pour que ça fonctionne parfaitement ?
Merci par avance pour votre aide.
EDIT : Re... après quelques tests c'est surtout le "^" qui semble ne pas passer (j'ai fais le test avec août).
Le ç et le à passe sans problème...
Merci pour votre aide. Message édité par Damien060 le 30-07-2014 à 22:10:09