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  Port série oui ou non?


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Port série oui ou non?

Posté le 18-04-2005 à 11:03:33  profilanswer

Est-il possible d'envoyer des informations par le port série de l'ordi avec le langage PHP?
Si oui, comment?

Posté le 18-04-2005 à 11:03:33  profilanswer

Profil : pointeur
Posté le 18-04-2005 à 11:04:25  profilanswer

mais quel idée de mettre le php a toutes les sauces  ??
php, n'est pas prévu pour ca !! prend un autre language...

Nos estans firs di nosse pitite patreye...
Posté le 18-04-2005 à 11:05:56  profilanswer

Je sais mais j'ai déjà un programme sur php, et j'aimerai ne pas changer de langage pour ne pas tous reprogrammer, comprends tu

the Grim R​eaper
La confiance est surfaite...
Posté le 18-04-2005 à 12:26:31  profilanswer

avec le C c'est facile (merci les tp de l'iut) mais faut connaitre l'adressage sur la cm du port serie :d
tu devrai developer sous c ou autre et integrer dans ta page php ;)

Tout ce que tu peux pas faire devant ton PC et ton ecran, le fait pas ! © de moi  
Inserer phrase hype en anglais
Posté le 18-04-2005 à 13:20:37  profilanswer

the Grim Reaper a écrit :

avec le C c'est facile (merci les tp de l'iut) mais faut connaitre l'adressage sur la cm du port serie :d

heink ?
struct termios...  

Posté depuis des chiottes, sales. Me gusta.
Inserer phrase hype en anglais
Posté le 18-04-2005 à 13:21:12  profilanswer

Euh c'est bien le port serie du serveur que tu comptes bidouiller ? (je demande on sait jamais [:petrus75] )

Posté depuis des chiottes, sales. Me gusta.
the Grim R​eaper
La confiance est surfaite...
Posté le 18-04-2005 à 13:47:41  profilanswer

boulax a écrit :

heink ?
struct termios...

bon c'est sur faut avoir l'adressage et c'est la que ca devient chiant, mais pas impossible a avoir ;)
on a realiser une interface entre une console distante et le pc qui permettait de diriger un processus industriel  :ange:

Tout ce que tu peux pas faire devant ton PC et ton ecran, le fait pas ! © de moi  
Posté le 18-04-2005 à 14:21:56  profilanswer

J'aimerais programmer un analyseur de spectre relier par la connexion RS232 à l'ordi, voilà ce que j'aimerai réaliser

Pa Capona ಠ_ಠ
Posté le 18-04-2005 à 14:35:19  profilanswer

php n'est pas un langage approprié dans ce cas... [:jagstang]

Citation :

PHP is a server-side HTML embedded scripting language. It provides web developers
with a full suite of tools for building dynamic websites

Message édité par jagstang le 18-04-2005 à 14:37:00

What if I were smiling and running into your arms? Would you see then what I see now?  
Inserer phrase hype en anglais
Posté le 18-04-2005 à 16:04:56  profilanswer

martialus a écrit :

J'aimerais programmer un analyseur de spectre relier par la connexion RS232 à l'ordi, voilà ce que j'aimerai réaliser


Posté depuis des chiottes, sales. Me gusta.
Posté le 18-04-2005 à 16:04:56  profilanswer

Posté le 12-05-2005 à 18:00:04  profilanswer

jagstang a écrit :

php n'est pas un langage approprié dans ce cas... [:jagstang]

Citation :

PHP is a server-side HTML embedded scripting language. It provides web developers
with a full suite of tools for building dynamic websites
 * PHP Freaks Code Library
 * Title: Serial port comms with PHP CLI (Windows or DOS)
 * Version: 1.0
 * Author: Tony Frame
 * Date: Sunday, 05/11/2003 - 04:27 AM
 * NOTICE: This code is available from code Library.
 *         This code is not Copyrighted by PHP Freaks.  
 *         PHP Freaks does not claim authorship of this code.
 *         This code was submitted to our website by a user.  
 *         The user may or may not claim authorship of this code.
 *         If there are any questions about the origin of this code,
 *         please contact the person who submitted it, not!
 * SHAMELESS PLUG: Need WebHosting? Checkout WebHost Freaks:
 *                 WebHosting by PHP Freaks / The Web Freaks!
// *    Description / Example:
// *    
// *    Full PHP CLI script to open COM1 or COM2 on Windows and retrieve readings from a digital dial gauge. The data are logged to *.csv file on the local disk and also inserted into a remote (could be local) MySQL database. On startup the script checks for existance of the database and appropriate table - if not found it creates the database and table (as long as it has appropriate priviledges set in the MySQL server).
// *    
// *    The script has been succesfully run on Windows 2K and XP systems where it is started by the Task Scheduler at 12:00 am (ie midnight) every day.
// mitutoyo.php - version 1.00 dated 3 May 2003
// php 4.3.2rc1 script to read data from a Mitutoyo digital dial gauge, log  
// <time, reading, status> triples to a local ASCII CSV format log file and  
// insert same into a MySQL database server.
// function to set DOS com port parameters.  
// Does sanity check on parity and numerical parameters and then calls the  
// DOS MODE function to set the parameters. The output from the MODE command is
// echoed to the local console. If the MODE command is not successful the  
// script exits.
function set_com($com_no, $baud, $parity, $data, $stop) {
// check com port number is either 1 or 2
  switch ($com_no) {
    case 1 :
      $port_name = "COM1:";
    case 2 :
      $port_name = "COM2:";
    default :
      echo("Error : a COM port number of ".$com_no." is not allowed. Allowed range is [1,2]\n" );
// check baud rate
  if (($baud < 1200) or ($baud > 9600 )) {
      echo("Error : a baud rate of ".$baud." is not allowed. Allowed range is [1200,9600]\n" );
// check parity
  switch ($parity) {
    case "EVEN" :
    case "eVEN" :
    case "Even" :
    case "even" :
    case "E" :
    case "e" :
      $parity = "E";
    case "ODD" :
    case "oDD" :
    case "Odd" :
    case "odd" :
    case "O" :
    case "o" :
      $parity = "O";
    case "NONE" :
    case "nONE" :
    case "None" :
    case "none" :
    case "N" :
    case "n" :
      $parity = "N";
    default :
      echo("Error : a parity of ".$parity." is not allowed. Allowed settings are [EVEN, ODD, NONE]\n" );
// check data bits is either 7 or 8
  switch ($data) {
    case 7 :
    case 8 :
    default :
      echo("Error : a data bits value of ".$data." is not allowed. Allowed range is [7,8]\n" );
// check stop bits is either 0 or 1
  switch ($stop) {
    case 0 :
    case 1 :
    default :
      echo("Error : a stop bits value of ".$stop." is not allowed. Allowed range is [0,1]\n" );
// use DOS mode command to set com port parameters
  $cmd_str = "MODE $port_name BAUD=$baud PARITY=$parity DATA=$data STOP=$stop TO=ON OCTS=ON ODSR=OFF IDSR=OFF RTS=HS DTR=ON";
  echo("\nRunning DOS command : \n  $cmd_str ....\n" );
  $output = array();
  exec($cmd_str, $output, $result);
  echo("\nOutput is : \n\n" );
// check exit status from MODE command
  switch ($result) {
    case 0 :
      echo("\nCOM port parameters set successfully.\n" );
    default :
      echo("\nError while trying to set COM port parameters - exiting.\n" );
// Function to open console as a binary input file, echo a prompt and read
// the input which must be terminated by a [CR][LF] ie press the [ENTER] key.
// The [CR][LF] sequence is stripped from the input that is returned to the  
// calling script.
function read($prompt) {  
// open DOS CON device ie console, display prompt and read input
  $fp=fopen("con", "rb" );
  echo("\n$prompt" );
  $input=fgets($fp, 255);  
  return str_replace("\r\n", "", $input);  
// main segment.
// Sets initial values, configures and opens DOS com port, opens local log file,
// connects to database server and then starts the data acquisition (DAQ). The
// time stamped gauge reading and status data are written to the log file and
// inserted into the database. After completion of the DAQ, the com port, log
// file and database connections are closed.  
//define("DEBUG", TRUE);
define("DEBUG", FALSE);
$com_no = 1;
$baud = 2400;
$parity = "N";
$data_bits = 8;
$stop_bits = 1;
$log_file_name = "_rdg.csv";
$db_server_address = "localhost";
//$db_server_address = ";
$db_name = "tko_geomon";
$db_username = "tko_geomon";
$db_password = "";
$table_name = "mitutoyo_gauge";
$gauge_id = 1;
$start_time = 0; // ie any time after midnight
$end_time = 86100; // ie 5 minutes before midnight
//$end_time = 9100;
// configure and open serial port
set_com($com_no, $baud, $parity, $data_bits, $stop_bits);  
echo("\nTrying to open serial port COM$com_no ... \n" );
$serial_port = fopen("COM$com_no", "w+b" );
if ($serial_port) {
  echo("\nSuccessfully opened serial port COM$com_no.\n" );
else {
  echo("\nError while trying to open serial port COM$com_no - exiting.\n" );
// open log file
$log_file_name = time().$log_file_name;
echo("\nTrying to open log file $log_file_name ... \n" );
$log_file = fopen("$log_file_name", "wb" );
if ($log_file) {
  echo("\nSuccessfully opened log file $log_file_name.\n" );
else {
  echo("\nError while trying to open log file $log_file_name - exiting.\n" );
// open connection to database server
echo("\nTrying to connect to database server at $db_server_address\n   with [username]:[password] = [$db_username]:[$db_password]\n" );  
$db = mysql_connect($db_server_address, $db_username, $db_password)
      or die("\nError : " . mysql_error()."\n" );
echo("\nConnected successfully to database server.\n" );
// select database in the database server
echo("\nTrying to select database $db_name ...\n" );  
if (!mysql_select_db($db_name, $db)) {
  echo("\nError : " . mysql_error()."\n" );
  echo("\nTrying to create database $db_name ...\n" );
  if (!mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE $db_name", $db)) {
    echo("\nError : " . mysql_error()."\n" );
    echo("\nError trying to create database $db_name. Giving up!\n" );
  else {
    echo("\nSuccessfully created database.\n" );
    echo("\nRe-trying to select database $db_name\n" );  
    if (!mysql_select_db($db_name, $db)) {
      echo("\nError : " . mysql_error()."\n" );
      echo("\nError trying to select database $db_name. Giving up!\n" );
echo("\nSuccessfully selected database.\n" );
// check tables in the database
echo("\nChecking database structure ...\n" );
$table_list = mysql_list_tables($db_name, $db);
if (!$table_list) {
  echo("\nError : " . mysql_error()."\n" );
else {
  if (mysql_num_rows($table_list) < 1) {
    echo("\nNo tables found in database $db_name.\n\nCreating new table $table_name ...\n" );
    if (!mysql_query("CREATE TABLE $table_name (
                        id smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,  
                        rdg_time datetime NOT NULL,  
                        rdg_data float(10,3) default NULL,  
                        rdg_status varchar(10) default NULL,  
                        PRIMARY KEY  (id, rdg_time)
                      ) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Mitutoyo digital dial gauge data'", $db)) {
      echo("\nError : " . mysql_error()."\n" );
      echo("\nError trying to create table. Giving up!\n" );
    else {
       echo("\nSuccessfully created table.\n" );
  else {
    $i = 0;
    while ( ($i < mysql_num_rows($table_list)) and (mysql_tablename($table_list, $i) != $table_name) ) {
      $i = $i + 1;
    if ($i < mysql_num_rows($table_list)) {
      if (mysql_tablename($table_list, $i) == $table_name) {
        echo("\nFound table $table_name.\n" );
      else {
        echo("\nDatabase contains tables but not $table_name. Exiting.\n" );
    else {
      echo("\nDatabase contains tables but not $table_name. Exiting.\n" );
// read data from gauge, write to log file and insert into database
echo("\nStarting data aquisition ...\n\n" );
$last_time = time();
$time_array = localtime(time());
$elapsed_time = $time_array[0] + 60*($time_array[1] + 60*$time_array[2]);
while (($elapsed_time > $start_time) and ($elapsed_time < $end_time)) {  
//for ($ctr = 1; $ctr <= 3; $ctr++) {
  $time_array = localtime(time());
  $elapsed_time = $time_array[0] + 60*($time_array[1] + 60*$time_array[2]);
  // busy wait until at least 1s elapsed
  while (time() == $last_time) ;
  $last_time = time();
  if (DEBUG) {
    echo("\nTrying to write to serial port COM$com_no... \n" );
  $result = fwrite($serial_port, "1" );
  if ($result) {
    if (DEBUG) {
      echo("\nSuccessfully wrote $result bytes to serial port COM$com_no.\n" );
  else {
    echo("\nError while trying to write to serial port COM$com_no.\n" );
  if (DEBUG) {
    echo("\nTrying to read from serial port COM$com_no... \n" );
  $data = NULL;
  $status = str_replace(array("\r", "\n" ), array('', ''), fgets($serial_port, 4));
  $rdg_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s" );
  if ($status <> "01A" ) {
    echo("Error in reading data. Code = $status.\n" );
  else {
    $data = str_replace(array("\r", "\n" ), array('', ''),fgets($serial_port, 11));
    echo("$rdg_time $elapsed_time $data\n" );
  fwrite($log_file, $rdg_time.", $data, $status\n" );
  $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO $table_name (id, rdg_time, rdg_data, rdg_status) VALUES ('$gauge_id', '$rdg_time', '$data', '$status')";
  if (DEBUG) {
    echo("\nSQL query is [$sql].\n" );
  if (!mysql_query($sql, $db)) {
    echo("\nError : " . mysql_error()."\n" );
echo("\nCompleted data aquisition.\n" );
// close serial port
echo("\nTrying to close serial port COM$com_no ... \n" );
$result = fclose($serial_port);
if ($result) {
  echo("\nSuccessfully closed serial port COM$com_no.\n" );
else {
  echo("\nError while trying to close serial port COM$com_no.\n" );
// close log file
echo("\nTrying to close log file $log_file_name ... \n" );
$result = fclose($log_file);
if ($result) {
  echo("\nSuccessfully closed log file $log_file_name.\n" );
else {
  echo("\nError while trying to close log file $log_file_name.\n" );
// close database connection
echo("\nTrying to close connection to database server at $db_server_address ... \n" );
$result = mysql_close($db);
if ($result) {
  echo("\nSuccessfully closed connection to database server at $db_server_address.\n" );
else {
  echo("\nError while trying to close connection to database server at $db_server_address.\n" );
// dummy read to prevent console screen closing before user has time to read messages
// only used during development / debugging - use in conjunction with for loop at line 288
// instead of while loop at line 287 in the read data section above
//$dump = read("Press [Enter] to continue ... " );  

Yoyo, le roi du ...
Posté le 12-05-2005 à 18:54:53  profilanswer

On peut donc "tout" faire avec php :)

--------------- -> Wednesday 14 September a 02:00:01 up 43 days, 11:47,  2 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.03, 0.00
Posté le 12-05-2005 à 21:30:38  profilanswer

Oui mais c'est legerement de la triche la :p, on utilise php juste pour lancer un programme C/des commandes shell :p

Si la vérité est découverte par quelqu'un d'autre,elle perd toujours un peu d'attrait

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  Port série oui ou non?


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