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  convertir une date


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convertir une date

Posté le 18-01-2006 à 13:47:39  profilanswer

problème de convertion
voici mon code:
<?$current_year = $_GET['date'];
echo $current_year;
le echo m'affiche exemple:20060118
J'aimerais qu'il m'affiche 2006-01-18  
J'ai essayer avec ceci mais sans succès.
function GetMyDate($date) {  
list($day,$month,$year) = explode("-",$date);  
$MyDate = $year."-".$month."-".$day;  
return $MyDate;  

Posté le 18-01-2006 à 13:47:39  profilanswer

s/travail/glanding on hfr/gs;
Posté le 18-01-2006 à 14:03:20  profilanswer

fais un truc dans le genre:

Code :
  1. function GetMyDate($str){
  2. return date('Y-m-d', mktime(0,0,0,substr($str,4,2), substr($str,-2), substr($str,0,4)));
  3. }

L'avantage de faier un date de mktime plutôt que de juste renvoyer la concaténation des trois champs c'est que si par hasard tu as '20060631' comme date, la fonction te renverras '2006-07-01'

$question = $to_be || !$to_be;
Posté le 18-01-2006 à 14:23:39  profilanswer

Il vient d'où ton $_GET['date'] ?

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Dj YeLL le 18-01-2006 à 14:23:46

Gamertag: CoteBlack YeLL
Posté le 18-01-2006 à 14:44:37  profilanswer

Dj YeLL a écrit :

Il vient d'où ton $_GET['date'] ?

D'un calendrier en php

Posté le 18-01-2006 à 14:45:41  profilanswer

anapajari a écrit :

fais un truc dans le genre:

Code :
  1. function GetMyDate($str){
  2. return date('Y-m-d', mktime(0,0,0,substr($str,4,2), substr($str,-2), substr($str,0,4)));
  3. }

L'avantage de faier un date de mktime plutôt que de juste renvoyer la concaténation des trois champs c'est que si par hasard tu as '20060631' comme date, la fonction te renverras '2006-07-01'

Merci mais même avec ceci sa ne fonctionne pas.

s/travail/glanding on hfr/gs;
Posté le 18-01-2006 à 14:49:49  profilanswer

spoque a écrit :

Merci mais même avec ceci sa ne fonctionne pas.

Nawak [:pingouino]

Code :
  1. <?php
  2. function GetMyDate($str){
  3.   return date('Y-m-d', mktime(0,0,0,substr($str,4,2), substr($str,-2), substr($str,0,4)));
  4. }
  5. $a = '20060118';
  6. $b = '20060132';
  7. print GetMyDate($a)."\n";
  8. print GetMyDate($b)."\n";
  9. ?>


Code :
  1. 2006-01-18
  2. 2006-02-01

Posté le 18-01-2006 à 14:53:10  profilanswer

anapajari a écrit :

Nawak [:pingouino]

Code :
  1. <?php
  2. function GetMyDate($str){
  3.   return date('Y-m-d', mktime(0,0,0,substr($str,4,2), substr($str,-2), substr($str,0,4)));
  4. }
  5. $a = '20060118';
  6. $b = '20060132';
  7. print GetMyDate($a)."\n";
  8. print GetMyDate($b)."\n";
  9. ?>


Code :
  1. 2006-01-18
  2. 2006-02-01

Voici le calendrier en php mais iposible de changer le format:

Code :
  1. <?php
  2. ### French Version
  3. $calendar_txt['french']['monthes']      = array('', 'Janvier', 'Février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet',
  4.           'Août', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre');
  5. $calendar_txt['french']['days']      = array('Lundi', 'Mardi', 'Mercredi','Jeudi', 'Vendredi', 'Samedi', 'Dimanche');
  6. $calendar_txt['french']['first_day']    = 0;
  7. $calendar_txt['french']['misc']      = array('Mois précédent', 'Mois suivant','Jour précédent', 'Jour suivant');
  8. ### English version
  9. $calendar_txt['english']['monthes']     = array('', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
  10.           'August', 'September', 'October','November', 'December');
  11. $calendar_txt['english']['days']     = array('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday','Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday','Sunday');
  12. $calendar_txt['english']['first_day']   = -1;
  13. $calendar_txt['english']['misc']        = array('Previous month', 'Next month', 'Previous day', 'Next day');
  14. ### Spanish version
  15. $calendar_txt['spanish']['monthes']     = array('', 'Enero', 'Febrero', 'Marzo', 'Abril', 'Mayo', 'Junio', 'Julio',
  16.           'Agosto', 'Septiembre', 'Octubre', 'Noviembre', 'Diciembre');
  17. $calendar_txt['spanish']['days']        = array('Lunes', 'Martes', 'Miércoles', 'Jueves', 'Viernes', 'Sábado', 'Domingo');
  18. $calendar_txt['spanish']['first_day']   = 0;
  19. $calendar_txt['spanish']['misc']        = array('Mes anterior', 'Mes próximo', 'día anterior', 'día siguiente');
  20. ### German version
  21. $calendar_txt['german']['monthes']     = array('', 'Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli',
  22.           'August', 'September', 'Oktober','November', 'Dezember');
  23. $calendar_txt['german']['days']         = array('Montag', 'Dienstag', 'Mittwoch', 'Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag', 'Sonntag');
  24. $calendar_txt['german']['first_day']    = 0;
  25. $calendar_txt['german']['misc']         = array('Vorhergehender Monat', 'Folgender Monat', 'Vorabend', 'Am nächsten Tag');
  26. function calendar($date = '') {
  27. Global $link_on_day, $PHP_SELF, $params;
  29. Global $calendar_txt;
  30. ### Default Params
  31. $param_d['calendar_id']   = 1; // Calendar ID
  32. $param_d['calendar_columns']  = 5; // Nb of columns
  33. $param_d['show_day']    = 0; // Show the day bar
  34. $param_d['show_month']   = 1; // Show the month bar
  35. $param_d['nav_link']   = 1; // Add a nav bar below
  36. $param_d['link_after_date']  = 0; // Enable link on days after the current day
  37. $param_d['link_before_date'] = 1; // Enable link on days before the current day
  38. $param_d['link_on_day']   = $PHP_SELF.'?date=%%dd%%'; // Link to put on each day
  39. $param_d['font_face']   = 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica'; // Default font to use
  40. $param_d['font_size']   = 10; // Font size in px
  41. $param_d['bg_color']   = '#FFFFFF';
  42. $param_d['today_bg_color']  = '#A0C0C0';
  43. $param_d['font_today_color'] = '#990000';
  44. $param_d['font_color']   = '#000000';
  45. $param_d['font_nav_bg_color'] = '#A9B4B3';
  46. $param_d['font_nav_color']  = '#FFFFFF';
  47. $param_d['font_header_color'] = '#FFFFFF';
  48. $param_d['border_color']  = '#2798C4';
  49. $param_d['use_img']    = 1; // Use gif for nav bar on the bottom
  50. ### New params V2
  51. $param_d['lang']    = 'english';
  52. $param_d['font_highlight_color']= '#FF0000';
  53. $param_d['bg_highlight_color']  = '#00FF00';
  54. $param_d['day_mode']   = 0;
  55. $param_d['time_step']   = 30;
  56. $param_d['time_start']   = '0:00';
  57. $param_d['time_stop']   = '24:00';
  58. $param_d['highlight']   = array();
  59.     // Can be 'hightlight' or 'text'
  60.     $param_d['highlight_type']      = 'highlight';
  61.     $param_d['cell_width']          = 20;
  62.     $param_d['cell_height']         = 20;
  63.     $param_d['short_day_name']      = 1;
  64.     $param_d['link_on_hour']        = $PHP_SELF.'?hour=%%hh%%';
  65. ### /Params
  66. ### Getting all params
  67. while (list($key, $val) = each($param_d)) {
  68.  if (isset($params[$key])) {
  69.   $param[$key] = $params[$key];
  70.  }
  71.  else {
  72.   $param[$key] = $param_d[$key];
  73.  }
  74. }
  75. $monthes_name = $calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['monthes'];
  76. $param['calendar_columns'] = ($param['show_day']) ? 7 : $param['calendar_columns'];
  78.     $date = priv_reg_glob_calendar('date');
  79. if ($date == '') {
  80.  $timestamp = time();
  81. }
  82. else {
  83.  $month   = substr($date, 4 ,2);
  84.  $day   = substr($date, 6, 2);
  85.  $year  = substr($date, 0 ,4);
  86.  $timestamp  = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
  87. }
  90. $current_day   = date("d", $timestamp);
  91. $current_month   = date("n", $timestamp);
  92. $current_month_2 = date("m", $timestamp);
  93. $current_year   = date("Y", $timestamp);
  94.     $first_decalage  = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $current_month, 1, $current_year));
  95. ### Sunday is the _LAST_ day
  96. $first_decalage  = ( $first_decalage == 0 ) ? 6 : $first_decalage;
  97. $current_day_index = date('w', $timestamp) + $calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['first_day'] - 1;
  98. $current_day_index = ($current_day_index == -1) ? 7 : $current_day_index;
  99. $current_day_name = $calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['days'][$current_day_index];
  100. $current_month_name = $monthes_name[$current_month];
  101. $nb_days_month   = date("t", $timestamp);
  102. $current_timestamp  = mktime(23,59,59,date("m" ), date("d" ), date("Y" ));
  103. ### CSS
  104. $output  = '<style type="text/css">'."\n";
  105. $output .= '<!--'."\n";
  106. $output .= ' .calendarNav'.$param['calendar_id'].'  {  font-family: '.$param['font_face'].'; font-size: '.($param['font_size']-1).'px; font-style: normal; background-color: '.$param['border_color'].'}'."\n";
  107. $output .= ' .calendarTop'.$param['calendar_id'].'  {  font-family: '.$param['font_face'].'; font-size: '.($param['font_size']+1).'px; font-style: normal; color: '.$param['font_header_color'].'; font-weight: bold;  background-color: '.$param['border_color'].'}'."\n";
  108. $output .= ' .calendarToday'.$param['calendar_id'].' {  font-family: '.$param['font_face'].'; font-size: '.$param['font_size'].'px; font-weight: bold; color: '.$param['font_today_color'].'; background-color: '.$param['today_bg_color'].';}'."\n";
  109. $output .= ' .calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'  {  width:'.$param['cell_width'].'; height:'.$param['cell_height'].'; font-family: '.$param['font_face'].'; font-size: '.$param['font_size'].'px; font-style: normal; color: '.$param['font_color'].'; background-color: '.$param['bg_color'].'; text-align: center}'."\n";
  110. $output .= ' .calendarHL'.$param['calendar_id'].'  {  width:'.$param['cell_width'].'; height:'.$param['cell_height'].';font-family: '.$param['font_face'].'; font-size: '.$param['font_size'].'px; font-style: normal; color: '.$param['font_highlight_color'].'; background-color: '.$param['bg_highlight_color'].'; text-align: center}'."\n";
  111. $output .= ' .calendarHeader'.$param['calendar_id'].'{  font-family: '.$param['font_face'].'; font-size: '.($param['font_size']-1).'px; background-color: '.$param['font_nav_bg_color'].'; color: '.$param['font_nav_color'].';}'."\n";
  112. $output .= ' .calendarTable'.$param['calendar_id'].' {  background-color: '.$param['border_color'].'; border: 1px '.$param['border_color'].' solid}'."\n";
  113. $output .= '-->'."\n";
  114. $output .= '</style>'."\n";
  115. $output .= '<table border="0" class="calendarTable'.$param['calendar_id'].'" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">'."\n";
  116. ### Displaying the current month/year
  117. if ($param['show_month'] == 1) {
  118.  $output .= '<tr>'."\n";
  119.  $output .= ' <td colspan="'.$param['calendar_columns'].'" align="center" class="calendarTop'.$param['calendar_id'].'">'."\n";
  120.  ### Insert an img at will
  121.  if ($param['use_img'] ) {
  122.   $output .= '<img src="cal/mois.gif">';
  123.  }
  124.  if ( $param['day_mode'] == 1 ) {
  125.   $output .= '  '.$current_day_name.' '.$current_day.' '.$current_month_name.' '.$current_year."\n";
  126.  }
  127.  else {
  128.   $output .= '  '.$current_month_name.' '.$current_year."\n";
  129.  }
  130.  $output .= ' </td>'."\n";
  131.  $output .= '</tr>'."\n";
  132. }
  133. ### Building the table row with the days
  134. if ($param['show_day'] == 1 && $param['day_mode'] == 0) {
  135.  $output .= '<tr align="center">'."\n";
  136.  $first_day = $calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['first_day'];
  137.  for ($i = $first_day; $i < 7 + $first_day; $i++) {
  138.   $index = ( $i >= 7) ? (7 + $i): $i;
  139.   $index = ($i < 0) ? (7 + $i) : $i;
  141.             $day_name = ( $param['short_day_name'] == 1 ) ? substr($calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['days'][$index], 0, 1) : $calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['days'][$index];
  142.   $output .= ' <td class="calendarHeader'.$param['calendar_id'].'"><b>'.$day_name.'</b></td>'."\n";
  143.  }
  144.  $output .= '</tr>'."\n";
  145.  $first_decalage = $first_decalage - $calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['first_day'];
  146.  $first_decalage = ( $first_decalage > 7 ) ? $first_decalage - 7 : $first_decalage;
  147. }
  148. else {
  149.  $first_decalage = 0;
  150. }
  151. $output .= '<tr align="center">';
  152. $int_counter = 0;
  153. if ( $param['day_mode'] == 1 ) {
  154.  list($hour_start, $min_start)  = explode(':', $param['time_start']);
  155.  list($hour_end, $min_end)  = explode(':', $param['time_stop']);
  156.  $ts_start  = ( $hour_start * 60 ) + $min_start;
  157.  $ts_end  = ( $hour_end * 60 ) + $min_end;
  158.  $nb_steps = ceil( ($ts_end - $ts_start) / $param['time_step'] );
  159.  for ( $i = 0; $i <= $nb_steps; $i++ ) {
  160.             $current_ts  = ($ts_start) + $i * $param['time_step'];
  161.   $current_hour  = floor($current_ts / 60);
  162.   $current_min  = $current_ts % 60;
  163.   $current_hour  = (strlen($current_hour) < 2) ? '0'.$current_hour : $current_hour;
  164.   $current_min  = (strlen($current_min) < 2) ? '0'.$current_min : $current_min;
  165.       $highlight_current  = ( isset($param['highlight'][date('Ymd', $timestamp).$current_hour.$current_min]) );
  166.             $css_2_use          = ( $highlight_current ) ? 'HL' : 'Days';
  167.             $txt_2_use          = ( $highlight_current && $param['highlight_type'] == 'text') ? $param['highlight'][date('Ymd', $timestamp).$current_hour.$current_min] : '';
  168.   $output .= '<tr>'."\n";
  169.             if ( $param['link_on_hour'] != '') {
  170.                 $output .= ' <td class="calendar'.$css_2_use.$param['calendar_id'].'" width="10%"><a href="'.str_replace('%%hh%%', date('Ymd', $timestamp).$current_hour.$current_min, $param['link_on_hour']).'">'.$current_hour.':'.$current_min.'</a></td>'."\n";
  171.             }
  172.             else {
  173.                 $output .= ' <td class="calendar'.$css_2_use.$param['calendar_id'].'" width="10%">'.$current_hour.':'.$current_min.'</td>'."\n";
  174.             }
  175.   $output .= '    <td class="calendar'.$css_2_use.$param['calendar_id'].'">'.$txt_2_use.'</td> '."\n";
  176.   $output .= '</tr>'."\n";
  177.  }
  178. }
  179. else {
  180.  # Filling with empty cells at the begining
  181.  for ($i = 1; $i < $first_decalage; $i++) {
  182.   $output .= '<td class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'">&nbsp;</td>'."\n";
  183.   $int_counter++;
  184.  }
  185.  ### Building the table
  186.  for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_days_month; $i++) {
  187.   ### Do we highlight the current day ?
  188.   $i_2 = ($i < 10) ? '0'.$i : $i;
  189.      $highlight_current = ( isset($param['highlight'][date('Y-m', $timestamp).$i_2]) );
  190.   ### Row start
  191.   if ( ($i + $first_decalage) % $param['calendar_columns'] == 2 && $i != 1) {
  192.    $output .= '<tr align="center">'."\n";
  193.    $int_counter = 0;
  194.   }
  195.   $css_2_use = ( $highlight_current ) ? 'HL' : 'Days';
  196.             $txt_2_use = ( $highlight_current && $param['highlight_type'] == 'text') ? '<br>'.$param['highlight'][date('Y-m', $timestamp).$i_2] : '';
  198.             if ($i == $current_day) {
  199.    $output .= '<td class="calendarToday'.$param['calendar_id'].'" align="center">'.$i.$txt_2_use.'</td>'."\n";
  200.   }
  201.   elseif ($param['link_on_day'] != '') {
  202.    $loop_timestamp = mktime(0,0,0, $current_month, $i, $current_year);
  203.    if (( ($param['link_after_date'] == 0) && ($current_timestamp < $loop_timestamp)) || (($param['link_before_date'] == 0) && ($current_timestamp >= $loop_timestamp)) ){
  204.     $output .= '<td class="calendar'.$css_2_use.$param['calendar_id'].'">'.$i.$txt_2_use.'</td>'."\n";
  205.    }
  206.    else {
  207.     $output .= '<td class="calendar'.$css_2_use.$param['calendar_id'].'"><a href="'.str_replace('%%dd%%', $current_year.$current_month_2.$i_2,$param['link_on_day']).'">'.$i.'</a>'.$txt_2_use.'</td>'."\n";
  208.    }
  209.   }
  210.   else {
  211.    $output .= '<td class="calendar'.$css_2_use.$param['calendar_id'].'">'.$i.'</td>'."\n";
  212.   }
  213.   $int_counter++;
  214.   ### Row end
  215.   if (  ($i + $first_decalage) % ($param['calendar_columns'] ) == 1 ) {
  216.    $output .= '</tr>'."\n";
  217.   }
  218.  }
  219.  $cell_missing = $param['calendar_columns'] - $int_counter;
  220.  for ($i = 0; $i < $cell_missing; $i++) {
  221.   $output .= '<td class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'">&nbsp;</td>'."\n";
  222.  }
  223.  $output .= '</tr>'."\n";
  224. }
  225. ### Display the nav links on the bottom of the table
  226. if ($param['nav_link'] == 1) {
  227.  $previous_month = date("Ymd",
  228.        mktime( 12,
  229.          0,
  230.          0,
  231.          ($current_month - 1),
  232.          $current_day,
  233.          $current_year
  234.            )
  235.        );
  236.  $previous_day  = date("Ymd",
  237.        mktime( 12,
  238.          0,
  239.          0,
  240.          $current_month,
  241.          $current_day - 1,
  242.          $current_year
  243.            )
  244.        );
  245.  $next_day   = date("Ymd",
  246.        mktime( 1,
  247.          12,
  248.          0,
  249.          $current_month,
  250.          $current_day + 1,
  251.          $current_year
  252.            )
  253.        );
  254.  $next_month  = date("Ymd",
  255.        mktime( 1,
  256.          12,
  257.          0,
  258.          $current_month + 1,
  259.          $current_day,
  260.          $current_year
  261.            )
  262.        );
  263.  if ($param['use_img']) {
  264.   $g  = '<img src="cal/g.gif" border="0">';
  265.   $gg = '<img src="cal/gg.gif" border="0">';
  266.   $d  = '<img src="cal/d.gif" border="0">';
  267.   $dd = '<img src="cal/dd.gif" border="0">';
  268.  }
  269.  else {
  270.   $g  = '&lt;';
  271.   $gg = '&lt;&lt;';
  272.   $d = '&gt;';
  273.   $dd = '&gt;&gt;';
  274.  }
  275.  if ( ($param['link_after_date'] == 0)
  276.    && ($current_timestamp < mktime(0,0,0, $current_month, $current_day+1, $current_year))
  277.   ) {
  278.   $next_day_link = '&nbsp;';
  279.  }
  280.  else {
  281.   $next_day_link   = '<a href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?date='.$next_day.'" title="'.$calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['misc'][3].'">'.$d.'</a>'."\n";
  282.  }
  283.  if ( ($param['link_before_date'] == 0)
  284.    && ($current_timestamp > mktime(0,0,0, $current_month, $current_day-1, $current_year))
  285.   ){
  286.   $previous_day_link = '&nbsp;';
  287.  }
  288.  else {
  289.   $previous_day_link   = '<a href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?date='.$previous_day.'" title="'.$calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['misc'][2].'">'.$g.'</a>'."\n";
  290.  }
  291.  if ( ($param['link_after_date'] == 0)
  292.    && ($current_timestamp < mktime(0,0,0, $current_month+1, $current_day, $current_year))
  293.   ) {
  294.   $next_month_link = '&nbsp;';
  295.  }
  296.  else {
  297.   $next_month_link  = '<a href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?date='.$next_month.'" title="'.$calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['misc'][1].'">'.$dd.'</a>'."\n";
  298.  }
  299.  if  ( ($param['link_before_date'] == 0)
  300.    && ($current_timestamp >= mktime(0,0,0, $current_month-1, $current_day, $current_year))
  301.   ){
  302.   $previous_month_link = '&nbsp;';
  303.  }
  304.  else {
  305.   $previous_month_link  = '<a href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?date='.$previous_month.'" title="'.$calendar_txt[$param['lang']]['misc'][0].'">'.$gg.'</a>'."\n";
  306.  }
  307.  $output .= '<tr>'."\n";
  308.  $output .= ' <td colspan="'.$param['calendar_columns'].'" class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'">'."\n";
  309.  $output .= '  <table width="100%" border="0" >';
  310.  $output .= '  <tr>'."\n";
  311.  $output .= '   <td width="25%" align="left" class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'">'."\n";
  312.  $output .=      $previous_month_link;
  313.  $output .= '   </td>'."\n";
  314.  $output .= '   <td width="25%" align="center" class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'">'."\n";
  315.  $output .=      $previous_day_link;
  316.  $output .= '   </td>'."\n";
  317.  $output .= '   <td width="25%" align="center" class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'">'."\n";
  318.  $output .=      $next_day_link;
  319.  $output .= '   </td>'."\n";
  320.  $output .= '   <td width="25%" align="right" class="calendarDays'.$param['calendar_id'].'">'."\n";
  321.  $output .=      $next_month_link;
  322.  $output .= '   </td>'."\n";
  323.  $output .= '  </tr>';
  324.  $output .= '  </table>';
  325.  $output .= ' </td>'."\n";
  326.  $output .= '</tr>'."\n";
  327. }
  328. $output .= '</table>'."\n";
  329. return $output;
  330. }
  331. function priv_reg_glob_calendar($var) {
  333. if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS[$var])) {
  334.  return $HTTP_GET_VARS[$var];
  335. }
  336. elseif (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[$var])) {
  337.  return $HTTP_POST_VARS[$var];
  338. }
  339. else {
  340.  return '';
  341. }
  342. }
  343. ?>


Posté le 18-01-2006 à 14:54:38  profilanswer

spoque a écrit :

D'un calendrier en php

Le GET viens de ce calendrier sa fait maintenant 3 jours que j'essaye de changer le format mais imposible!!!

$question = $to_be || !$to_be;
Posté le 18-01-2006 à 14:54:48  profilanswer

Ca fait bcp de substr et autre juste pour ça :D
Tiens, mets ça :

Code :
  1. $maDate = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($_GET['date']));

Gamertag: CoteBlack YeLL
Posté le 18-01-2006 à 14:59:02  profilanswer

Dj YeLL a écrit :

Ca fait bcp de substr et autre juste pour ça :D
Tiens, mets ça :

Code :
  1. $maDate = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($_GET['date']));

SUPER merci mille fois DJ Yell sa fonctionne!!!!
Très bonne journée

Posté le 18-01-2006 à 14:59:02  profilanswer

$question = $to_be || !$to_be;
Posté le 18-01-2006 à 16:16:24  profilanswer


Gamertag: CoteBlack YeLL

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  convertir une date


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