joce Architecte / Développeur principal "BugHunter" | Voici les erreurs affichées :
Code :
- gcc -g -O2 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -W -o authvmailmgr authvmailmgr.o authvlib.o ../lib/libvmailmgr.a -L../lib/courier-authlib -lauthmod -lcrypt
- authvlib.o: In function `set_user(pwentry const*)':
- /home/admin/vmailmgr-0.96.9/authenticate/ undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned)'
- /home/admin/vmailmgr-0.96.9/authenticate/ undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
- authvlib.o: In function `check(mystring, mystring, bool)':
- /home/admin/vmailmgr-0.96.9/authenticate/ undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned)'
- /home/admin/vmailmgr-0.96.9/authenticate/ undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned)'
- authvlib.o: In function `check(mystring, mystring, bool)':
- <cut>
- La fonction en question avec la ligne qui merdouille :
- void set_user(const pwentry* pw)
- {
- pw->export_env();
- if(!!exec_presetuid && execute(exec_presetuid))
- fail_temporary("Execution of presetuid failed" );
- if(setgid(pw->gid) == -1 ||
- setuid(pw->uid) == -1 ||
- chdir(pw->home.c_str()) == -1)
- fail_temporary("Bad user data in password file" );
- domain = new vdomain(*pw);
- config = &domain->config;
- }
- Le header pour la class vdomain :
- class vdomain
- {
- public:
- const mystring subdir;
- const mystring prefix;
- const configuration config;
- private:
- vpwtable* ptable;
- // Helper functions for chattr
- response chpass(vpwentry*, mystring);
- response chdest(vpwentry*, mystring);
- public:
- vdomain(const pwentry&);
- vdomain(const pwentry&, mystring, mystring, const configuration&);
- ~vdomain();
- vpwtable* table();
- mystring userdir(mystring username) const;
- // Virtual user manipulation functions
- vpwentry* lookup(mystring name, bool nodefault);
- bool exists(mystring name);
- response set(const vpwentry*, bool onlyadd, mystring maildir = "" );
- response chattr(mystring user, unsigned attr, mystring newval);
- response chattr(const vpwentry*, unsigned attr, mystring newval);
- response deluser(mystring name, bool del_mailbox);
- // Virtual user validation functions
- response validate_forward(mystring);
- bool validate_username(mystring) const;
- bool validate_password(mystring) const;
- static const unsigned ATTR_PASS = 1;
- static const unsigned ATTR_DEST = 2;
- static const unsigned ATTR_HARDQUOTA = 3;
- static const unsigned ATTR_SOFTQUOTA = 4;
- static const unsigned ATTR_MSGSIZE = 5;
- static const unsigned ATTR_MSGCOUNT = 6;
- static const unsigned ATTR_EXPIRY = 7;
- static const unsigned ATTR_MAILBOX_ENABLED = 8;
- static const unsigned ATTR_PERSONAL = 9;
- };
- Le fichier :
- vdomain::vdomain(const pwentry& user)
- : subdir(), prefix(),
- config(&user.config, user.home + "/" LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR),
- ptable(0)
- {
- }
- vdomain::~vdomain()
- {
- }
Vous auriez une idée de ce qui pourrait causer ca Message édité par joce le 06-08-2002 à 18:42:40