Si tu comptes te prendre une shuttle et mettre un high Vdimm, je te conseille ce thread trés intéressant dont voici juste un extrait :
I'm on A64 # 5.
As Bowman, mine have all died on an Nforce3 board, The Shuttle AN50R.
I did run crazy high voltages to the memory on mine, for obvious reasons. I also run a high 3.3v line, many times in the 3.5v range.
My assumption is I took out the memory controller. 1 of the 4 dead CPU's stopped my debug card at "detecting the memory". The last one lasted a day....not even pushed except with 3.5v+ to the memory, low multi high FSB under 2.2ghz. It ran fine that night, shut it off, next day no post. FF on the debug card...swapped the chip to an Abit KV8-Max 3...same thing...FF. [...] adid=26650
Pour ma part je viens de me commander une K8N PRO et un 3200+, je n'ai donc rien contre les A64