Voici ce que j'ai envoyé à info@pbus-167.com, sans réponse :
NHC is really one of the best software ever.
With NHC Personal Edition my computer (running under Windows XP) is not able to pass in sleeping mode any more : I must exit NHC for computer to be able to turn down completely. Looks like system is not able to exit NHC when passing in sleeping mode.
So I don't use the sleeping mode an more. Pitty.
Do you confirm that with Pro Edition my compter will be able to pass in sleeping mode normally ?
I read section 10 of "License agreement" but it does not speak about beta versions. If I purchase a license for 1.10 beta 03, do you confirm tha I will receive free updates from version 1.10 beta 04, 1.10 beta 05, ..., 1.10 (no beta), up to version 1.9 (no beta) ?
Quelqu'un aurait-il acheté la licence Pro Edition et pourrait me renseigner ?
Message édité par iamnan le 08-09-2006 à 22:32:02