Je voulais installer Tuxracer et à la fin du configure, j'obient ça:
checking for GL library... no
checking for GL library (with pthreads)... no
checking for MesaGL library... no
checking for MesaGL library (with pthreads)... no
checking for opengl32 library... no
checking for opengl32 library (with pthreads)... no
*** Hmm, you don't seem to have OpenGL libraries installed in the standard
*** location (/usr/lib). I'll check in /usr/X11R6/lib, since
*** many distributions (incorrectly) put OpenGL libs there.
checking for GL library... no
checking for GL library (with pthreads)... no
checking for MesaGL library... no
checking for MesaGL library (with pthreads)... no
checking for opengl32 library... no
checking for opengl32 library (with pthreads)... no
configure: error: Cannot find GL library
Où est-ce que je peux trouver cette librairie ? (j'ai fait des recherches qui n'ont pas aboutit à grand chose)
Merci d'avance