Citation :
- Updated translations (ca, de, eu, it, ko, mk, nb, nl, pt, ru, sl,
sq, uk, zh_TW).
- Fixed custom marker-line color not reloading.
- Brought back the "Connect to selected server only" option in the
Serverlist edit window (it's like the reverse of "Cycle until
connected" in 2.0.x).
- You can now move networks and servers via Shift+Up/Down (in the
ServerList window).
- Small efficiency improvements in receiving dcc. It will now not
send ACKs while the input buffer is non-empty.
- Python: Fixed crash when a timer callback routine executes
xchat.unhook() and returns false.
- Fixed playing sound files with spaces in them.
- Added support for NickServ on DalNet and FreeNode.
- Plugin API: Added xchat_get_info(ph,"inputbox" );.
- Added /settext and /setcursor commands for scripters.
- You can now scroll tabs with the mouse-wheel while hovering over
the arrow buttons.
- Fixed connecting to a SSL server via http proxy (#1054152).
- Fixed: Opened server tab doesn't count as "requested" (#1044227).