western AJMM | souvent, les BA sont des MOV, un format assez bien supporté par mplayer donc ...
Sinon, il y a le http://www.apple.com/trailers qui a tout les BA que tu veux (et meme en français ...)
Ensuite, il y a un script perl qui télécharge le BA à partir de l'URL:
Code :
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- #
- # (C) 2002 Draco D.
- # email: draco_d@gmx.net
- #
- # script to download Trailers from www.apple.com/trailers
- #
- # pass the URL of the HTML File which contains the embedded QT Mov file as
- # argument to this skript.
- # example:
- # getMov.pl http://www.apple.com/trailers/mgm/ [...] r3_lg.html
- #
- #
- # I wrote this script by analysing some sample-trailer-pages; if it doesn't
- # work with one you're trying, you can send me the link, *maybe* I can and want to fix it...
- #
- # Or, even better, you fix it and send me a patch ;-)
- #
- # How this works:
- # 1. the script uses 'wget' to download the HTML file
- # 2. the HTML File is parsed for appearance of an <EMBED> tag. the first one is taken
- # 3. the embedded filename in the HREF is extracted
- # 4. if it ends in \d*.mov (some digits, then ".mov" ) insert the "m" and download. done!
- # if it doesn't end with digits+.mov then use second strategy, described below, where it starts...
- #
- # NO WARRANTY! I can't guarantee that this script always works... It shouldn't delete some of your
- # files either, since it doesn't use any command which may overwrite files. Even wget creates new ones
- # if the target already exists!
- #
- # You need Perl, wget and strings installed for this script to work!
- #
- if ($#ARGV != 0) {
- print "Start with one argument, which is the URL to the HTML file containing the embedded mov\n";
- die;
- }
- # 1. get HTML File
- open HTMLFILE, "wget -q -O - $ARGV[0] |" or die "can't read output from wget";
- @html=<HTMLFILE>;
- # 2. parse file, search for EMBED tag... Break out if found
- $embed="";
- foreach $line (@html) {
- if (($line=~/embed/) || ($line=~/EMBED/)) {
- $embed=$line;
- last;
- }
- }
- if ($embed eq "" ) {
- die "didn't find any EMBED";
- }
- # 3. Extract movie filename
- $embed=~s/.*HREF//i;
- $embed=~s/\.mov.*/.mov/;
- $embed=~s/.*http/http/i;
- if ($embed=~/\d*.mov/) {
- $filen=$embed;
- $filen=~s/(\d*).mov/m$1.mov/;
- chomp $filen;
- system "wget $filen";
- $fn=$filen;
- $fn=~s|.*/||g;
- $size= -s $fn;
- if ($size > "1000000" ) {
- print "Done!\n";
- exit 0;
- }
- }
- # this didn't work, so let's take the SECOND STRATEGY....
- # a1. download the .mov file. this isn't the movie, but contains the URL of it...
- # a2. use 'strings' to get filenames, the ones which end with .mov and don't have http://
- # a3. there may be different sizes. this script only uses the 480 ones...
- # a4. get the file which was referenced in the first mov
- # a5. if it's smaller than 1MB then it's another file which contains URLs, so "goto a2"
- # the file is already downloaded...
- # save url of directory (without filename, but with http://) for later use
- $dir=$embed;
- $dir=~s|(.*/).*|$1|g; #remove filename
- chomp $dir;
- # a1 get .mov file
- $tmpfilename="tmp.mov";
- system "wget -q -O $tmpfilename $embed";
- $done="0";
- while ($done < "10" ) { # < 10 to prevent infinite loop
- # a2. use strings to extract the filenames out of the .mov
- open MOVFILE1, "strings $tmpfilename |" or die "can't read from strings";
- @mov1=<MOVFILE1>;
- @movienames = ();
- foreach $something (@mov1) {
- if (($something=~/.mov/) && (not($something=~/http/i))) {
- @movienames = (@movienames, $something);
- }
- }
- # this isn't very efficient, it could be done in one loop only.
- # but I wanted to write it so that it can be changed easily later, eg
- # if someone wants to download a smaller size *if* the 480 doesn't exist
- $movie="";
- #try to find the movie with 480 in its name. it's the large one...
- foreach $m (@movienames) {
- if ($m=~/480/ || (@movienames == "1" )) {
- # if there's only 1 movie, take this!
- $movie=$m;
- last;
- }
- }
- die "No link to Movie found " if ($movie eq "" );
- $movie=~s/(^\W)|(^\d)//;
- $completename=$dir.$movie;
- print "Downloading $completename\n";
- # 7: download the file
- $fn=$completename;
- $fn=~s|.*/||g;
- chomp $fn;
- system "wget $completename";
- # 8. if it's too small it isn't the movie but yet another "link"...
- $size = -s $fn;
- $done="100" if ($size > "1000000" );
- $done++; #to prevent infinite loop
- $tmpfilename=$fn;
- }
- if ($done < "100" ) {
- print "Downloading probably failed :( Sorry.\n";
- } else {
- print "Done!\n";
- }
Par exemple:
getmov http://www.apple.com/trailers/columbia/charliesangelsfullthrottle/trailer_large.html
telecharge la BA de Droles des dames2 ... |