colouryourmind Tu aimes la OS? Tu aimes MacOS | nodus a écrit :
Omniplan le permet je pense, ou Omnioutliner, enfin l'un des deux.
ok ....
"With OmniPlan, you can create logical, manageable project plans with Gantt charts, schedules, summaries, milestones, and critical paths. Break down the tasks needed to make your project a success, optimize resources, and streamline budgets. It's project management made painless."
"Use OmniOutliner to draft to-do lists, create agendas, manage tasks, track expenses, take notes, plan events, write screenplays"
Merci quand même t'as pris le temps de repondre ---------------
Vista, eh ben ... désolè pas bon : Have a taste with Mac OS X .... leopard !!!