Begin scan...
Possible partition(DOS FAT), size(1404mb), offset(0mb)
Possible partition(Windows NT/W2K FS), size(9005mb), offset(1404mb)
Possible extended partition at offset(10409mb)
Possible partition(Linux swap), size(494mb), offset(10409mb)
Possible partition(Linux ext2), size(3914mb), offset(10903mb)
Possible partition(DOS FAT), size(5396mb), offset(14817mb)
Possible partition(Windows NT/W2K FS), size(30004mb), offset(20214mb)
Possible partition(Linux ext2), size(3004mb), offset(50218mb)
Possible partition(Linux ext2), size(1247mb), offset(53223mb)
Possible partition(Windows NT/W2K FS), size(60000mb), offset(54470mb)
End scan.
Checking partitions...
Partition(DOS or Windows 95 with 32 bit FAT, LBA): primary Partition(OS/2 HPFS, NTFS, QNX or Advanced UNIX): primary Partition(Linux swap or Solaris/x86): logical Partition(Linux ext2 filesystem): invalid orphaned logical Partition(DOS or Windows 95 with 32 bit FAT, LBA): orphaned logical Partition(OS/2 HPFS, NTFS, QNX or Advanced UNIX): logical Partition(Linux ext2 filesystem): logical Partition(Linux ext2 filesystem): logical Partition(OS/2 HPFS, NTFS, QNX or Advanced UNIX): logical Ok.
Guessed primary partition table:
Primary partition(1)
type: 012(0x0C)(DOS or Windows 95 with 32 bit FAT, LBA)
size: 1404mb #s(2875572) s(63-2875634)
chs: (0/1/1)-(178/254/63)d (0/1/1)-(178/254/63)r
Primary partition(2)
type: 007(0x07)(OS/2 HPFS, NTFS, QNX or Advanced UNIX)
size: 9005mb #s(18442616) s(2875635-21318250)
chs: (179/0/1)-(1023/254/63)d (179/0/1)-(1326/254/59)r
Primary partition(3)
type: 015(0x0F)(Extended DOS, LBA)
size: 104061mb #s(213118290) s(21318255-234436544)
chs: (1023/254/63)-(1023/254/63)d (1327/0/1)-(14592/254/63)r
Primary partition(4)
type: 000(0x00)(unused)
size: 0mb #s(0) s(0-0)
chs: (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)d (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)r