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  Installation modem ISA


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Installation modem ISA

Posté le 13-01-2004 à 02:21:01  profilanswer

Salut j'ai un PC que je fait tourner en server sous SME 6.0 (server only)  
Je voudrais lui ajouter un modem afin d'en faire un server FAX avec Hylafax.  
J'ai un vieux modem GVC 33.6k PnP fax/data/voice à base de chipset Lucent Apollo 1642c...  
Sous le shell la commande dmesg voit ce modem comme un LT win modem...  
J'ai trouvé un driver qui est fait pour les modem à base de chip Lucent...  
c'est le driver ltmodem-kv_2.4.20_20.7-8.26a9-1.i686.rpm...  
Bon à part le fait que le kernel de SME 6.0 c'est 2.4.20_18.7, quand j'installe (rpm -ivh ltmodem-kv_2.4.20_20.7-8.26a9-1.i686.rpm) ce driver, tout semble se passer à peu pres bien :  
J'ai juste quelques msg d'erreur :  
Au lancement de scanmodem : /usr/*/*/*/scanmodem gcc : command not found  
Quand je lance l'utilitaire checkout il me dit qu'il manque wvdial...Mais à priori wvdial sert à checkout...pas au bon fonctionnement du modem...  
Voici pour info mon fichier de diagnostic d'install (désolé ...)  
If you cannot resolve the problems, please send /usr/share/doc/ltmodem-kv_2.4.20_20.7-8.26a9/LTinstall.txt to with Subject: LTinstallRPM  
Linux simpac-971 2.4.20-18.7 #1 Thu May 29 08:32:50 EDT 2003 i686 unknown  
INSTALLER=/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.8784 1  
------------ beginning SCANMODEM section ------  
If further help is needed, send a description of your problem to:  
with this ModemData.txt Attached.  
using the following in the email Subject Line:  
scanmodem, Not_identified kernel 2.4.20-18.7  
System info follows  
Script executed as: scanmodem  
on system: Linux simpac-971 2.4.20-18.7 #1 Thu May 29 08:32:50 EDT 2003 i686 unknown  
UPDATE=2002 Nov 13  
--------- lspci scan ----------------  
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. 440BX/ZX/DX - 82443BX/ZX/DX Host bridge (rev 03)  
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 440BX/ZX/DX - 82443BX/ZX/DX AGP bridge (rev 03)  
00:07.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ISA (rev 02)  
00:07.1 IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)  
00:07.2 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 USB (rev 01)  
00:07.3 Bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 02)  
00:09.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)  
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage LT Pro AGP-133 (rev dc)  
The following information blocks just query some ppp support items.  
grep ppp /etc/modules.conf  
alias ppp ppp_generic  
alias char-major-108 ppp  
alias /dev/ppp ppp  
alias tty-ldisc-3 ppp_async  
alias tty-ldisc-14 ppp_synctty  
alias ppp-compress-18 ppp_mppe  
alias ppp-compress-21 bsd_comp  
alias ppp-compress-24 ppp_deflate  
alias ppp-compress-26 ppp_deflate  
DEVPPP=crw------- 1 root root 108, 0 Apr 11 2002 /dev/ppp  
-------------- ending SCANMODEM section ----------------  
With permissions to group: dialout  
UPDATE_MOD=/sbin/depmod -a  
Your system is lacking Default lines in /etc/modules.conf  
which are usually needed to support the modem communications protocol PPP.  
Some modem installations replace these Defaults  
with lines specific to particular modem hardware.  
There may be problems using the Lucent/Agere modem without these Default lines.  
The suspect lines are:  
cat /tmp/ltmodem/tmpfile  
and are being inserted in /usr/share/doc/ltmodem-kv_2.4.20_20.7-8.26a9/LTinstall.txt for your judgement.  
Should you insert them in /etc/modules.conf, inform the System with  
/sbin/depmod -a  
The following block has been written to /etc/modules.conf:  
# lt_drivers: autoloading and insertion parameter usage  
alias char-major-62 lt_serial  
alias /dev/tts/LT0 lt_serial  
alias /dev/modem lt_serial  
# The next two lines are syntax examples, only Rarely Needed, to automate parameter usage during lt_drivers insertion. See documentation for details.  
# options lt_modem vendor_id=0x115d device_id=0x0420  
# options lt_modem Forced=3,0x130,0x2f8,0  
# section for lt_drivers ends  
Please browse /usr/share/doc/ltmodem-kv_2.4.20_20.7-8.26a9 to benefit from DOCs/ and utils/ therein.  
L'installation des drivers installe une serie d'utilitaire dont lt_checkout...quand je le lance j'ai le diagnostic suivant :  
SUBJECT=(lt_checkout, , , kernel 2.4.20-18.7)  
UNAME_A=Linux simpac-971 2.4.20-18.7 #1 Thu May 29 08:32:50 EDT 2003 i686 unknown  
start modules section -------------------  
An essential driver has not been installed: lt_modem.o  
LTM=2.4.20-20.7/ltmodem/lt_modem.o 2.4.20-20.7/ltmodem/lt_serial.o  
If you cannot resolve the problems, please send to  
Est-il possible de faire marcher mon modem avec ce driver sur cette version SME?  
Si oui (de façon absolue) :que faut-il que je fasse de plus pour que mon modem fonctionne?  
J'ai fait le tour de tous les sites linmodem, n'ai rien trouvé...  
A priori j'ai peur que :  
Le driver ne soit pas adapté à mon kernel ...  
SME soit incompattible avec ce driver...  
Et comme c'est les seuls que j'ai trouvé pour mon pense que je suis bon pour en acheter un externe...(qui lui n'aura pas besoin de driver je crois)  
Je vous remercie d'avance pour avoir lu toute ma diahréee encore plus si vous avez un consiel ou mieux une soluce !!!  

Posté le 13-01-2004 à 02:21:01  profilanswer

Posté le 13-01-2004 à 17:21:03  profilanswer

ISA et LT winmodem, à partir du point 3.2 surtout

Acer laptop, Lucent Win Modem & Red Hat 7.1 (kernel 2.4.2-ac)
Jari Oksanen  
May 21, 2001
Get and compile ltmodem5.99b (or later), activate LT Win
Modem isa-pnp card and load the lt_serial module with three
forced parameters.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Problem description
3 Solution
    3.1 Get and compile new ltmodem package
    3.2 Activate the modem card
    3.3 Load the driver modules
    3.4 Finishing up: modem card activation at boot
1 Introduction
I had used LT Win Modem in my Acer Extensa 501T with Red
Hat 6.2, but after upgrading to Red Hat 7.1 I could not
make the modem work. My interpretation (which is subjective
and may be wrong) is that either kernel or /sbin/isapnp
changed so that they failed to activate the modem card with
correct parameters and so the modem driver kernel module
could not be loaded. Even if this interpretation is wrong,
the following procedure corrected the situation for me and
got me wired again.
2 Problem description
There are two isa-pnp cards in my Acer:
[jari@erable html]$ dmesg | grep -i pnp  
isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...  
isapnp: Card 'YAMAHA OPL3-SAx Audio System'  
isapnp: Card 'LT Win Modem'  
isapnp: 2 Plug & Play cards detected total
However, only the sound card is activated correctly, like
you will see by looking at the /proc/isapnp. If you try
to load the the modem driver (/sbin/modprobe lt_serial),
you will get an error. Alternatively, you may get some steps
further but when dialing, you will get NO DIALTONE.
3 Solution
3.1 Get and compile new ltmodem package
You need ltmodem-5.99b.tar.gz (or later?). I got mine from
but there may be other places. You may follow links from
[||]. It is important
that the version is at least 5.99b, since you need to give
three forced parameters and the older versions supported
only two.  
Compile the driver following the instructions (in 1ST-READ).
In Red Hat, you need to install kernel-source package: kernel-headers
package is not sufficient. You need only install the package:
ltmodem installation script will find what it needs without
further configuration.
3.2 Activate the modem card
Generate an /etc/isapnp.conf file using /sbin/pnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf.
Then you need to decomment to get the desired configuration,
so that you have finally something like this:
(CONFIGURE ACRdb19/256 (LD 0  
  (IO 0 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x02e8) (CHECK))
  (INT 0 (IRQ 3 (MODE +E)))  
  (IO 1 (SIZE 8) (BASE 0x0108) (CHECK))  
  (NAME "ACRdb19/256[0]{LT Win Modem }" )  
(ACT Y) )) # End tag... Checksum 0x00 (OK)
The soundcard is already active, so you should not activate
The choices above are all the first alternatives given by
pnpdump except IO 1: pnpdump suggests BASE 0x0100, but that
is reserved by the sound card; the alternative BASE 0x0108
is the same as used by Windows and automatically configured
earlier in Red Hat 6.2.  
Then you should issue /sbin/isapnp and see something like
[root@erable ltmodem-5.99b]# isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf  
Board 1 has Identity 0f ff ff ff ff 00 08 a8 65: YMH0800
Serial No -1 [checksum 0f]  
Board 2 has Identity 02 00 00 01 00 19 db 72 04: ACRdb19
Serial No 256 [checksum 02]  
ACRdb19/256[0]{LT Win Modem }: Ports 0x2E8 0x108; IRQ3 ---
Enabled OK
It seems to report to have done what you asked for. I am
not quite sure, though, since /proc/isapnp reads now:  
Card 2 'ACRdb19:LT Win Modem' PnP version 1.0 Product version
  Logical device 0 'HSM0a19:Unknown'  
    Supported registers 0x2  
    Device is active  
    Active port 0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff
    Active IRQ 255 [0xff],255 [0xff]
Active ports and active IRQs do not look correct to my taste.
3.3 Load the driver modules
It seems that lt_modem driver is unable to detect ports or
IRQs, and so all three parameters must be given as forced
parameters issuing  
# /sbin/modprobe lt_modem Forced=3,0x108,0x2e8
Then you may check that the modem is set up using /sbin/setserial
-avg /dev/modem (which should now point to /dev/ttyLT0).
If everything is fine, you should be able to dial.
If everything works, you should add the option line to /etc/modules.conf.
When you install the driver modules, installation script
(autoload) will edit /etc/modules.conf file and add some
hints for parametrization. I have added the non-commented
options line in the following in my /etc/modules.conf:  
# lt_drivers: autoloading and insertion parameter usage  
alias char-major-62 lt_serial  
# lt_drivers: autoloading and insertion parameter usage  
options lt_modem Forced=3,0x108,0x2e8 ### <-- my line  
# section for lt_drivers ends
After this, the driver module will be loaded automatically
when dialing.
3.4 Finishing up: modem card activation at boot
Even now the modem card will not be activated at boot (may
be related to bad ports and IRQs). However, you can activate
the card from rc.local which is executed after all the other
init scripts. I have the following line in /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
/sbin/isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
Now the card will be as ready as it can be, and the modem
driver modules will be loaded on demand when you start your
dial script.

Message édité par Sagittarius le 13-01-2004 à 17:22:02
Posté le 13-01-2004 à 17:29:30  profilanswer

Je viens d'uploader le src.rpm si ça t'intéresse : [...] dk.src.rpm
En mode su :
rpmbuild --rebuild ltmodem-8.26a9-7mdk.src.rpm

Posté le 13-01-2004 à 17:46:27  profilanswer

Je n'aurai qu'un mot...merci.
J'ai juste un petit n'ai pas les kernel sournce donc je ne peux pas reconstruire le module...
J'utilise SME et les sources du kernel n'ont pas l'air d'être là
J'ai comme msg  
grep: /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
error: failed build dependencies:
        kernel-source is needed by ltmodem-8.26a9-7mdk
Au passage, ce module '7mdk', il marche sur une red hat? Dans la mesure où le mdk correspond à mandrake...
Si tu as une idée merci bcp !!!

Posté le 13-01-2004 à 21:01:43  profilanswer

Tu en conviendras : à moins de forcer la prise en compte des modules, il serait mieux de pouvoir compiler le source ou le src.rpm pour ton noyau.
SME, je ne connais que de nom, c'est basé semble-t-il sur une Redhat 7.3. Comment met-on à jour le kernel et le kernel-source sur cette distribution ? En prenant les paquetages de RedHat ?
Il te faut aussi gcc pour compiler.
Sinon, il doit être possible de décompacter une archive de noyau dans l'arborescence /usr/src/linux

Posté le 15-01-2004 à 23:18:58  profilanswer

Pour activer la carte ISA conformément à ce qui est indiqué plus haut, j'ai activé ce service au moment du boot.
# description: Activate the LT Winmodem ISA Card
# chkconfig: 2345 99 00
case "$1" in
 /sbin/isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
 touch /var/lock/subsys/ISA_WinModem
 rm -f /var/lock/subsys/ISA_WinModem
 echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop }"
exit 0

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  Installation modem ISA


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