pour ce qui est du trackpad, si tu a un trackpad tres repandu ds les portables (synaptics) hé bien le driver est integre dans le kernel 2.6. Voici un extrait de
Linux 2.6 input driver FAQ
My Synaptics touchpad lost the ability of tap-to-click, scroll, etc.
The easy solution is to pass psmouse.proto=imps on the kernel command line,
or proto=imps on the psmouse module command line. This will restore 2.4
A better solution is to download the new XFree86 Synaptics driver that
cooperates with the input drivers nicely, from:
This will allow you to configure the behavior of the touchpad in detail and
give you all the features it can do, including palm detection and similar.
In case you want to get this running at the console, too, an updated GPM
package can be found here:
Perso je te conseille la premiere solution
Pour l'usb2, peut etre ?
- probleme de kernel car normalement les bus usb sont geres avec des drivers kernels mais il faut plus de tests.
my 5 cent