HuGoBioS a écrit a écrit :
Ds : merci, ca je le sais deja !
Apolon : oui, c'est exactement ca que je cherchais ! Quels sont les parametres exactes a mettre et que modifier pour optimisr au mieux la ocmpilation !
au fait, X se compile-t-il (et de facon stable) avec gcc3.0 ?
le mien est compile avec gcc 3.1 mais ca devrait tres bien passer sous gcc 3
un extrait de ma config(drivers nvidia !!)
* If using GCC 2.x on a system where it isn't the default, uncomment
* the following
#define HasGcc2 YES
#define HasGcc YES
* If using GCC 2.x with C++ on a system where it isn't the default, uncomment
* the following.
#define HasGcc2ForCplusplus YES
* The default optimisation flags for GCC 2.x. -fno-strength-reduce is
* here to work around a bug in -O2 for GCC 2.x on i386 platforms.
* If you are using a version that doesn't have this bug, you can
* uncomment the following line, and remove '-fno-strength-reduce'
* If you are building binaries for a 486, it may be beneficial to add
* -m486
#define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -march=athlon -mcpu=athlon -ffast-math -O6 -DNDEBUG
* If you want to use the GNU malloc library, uncomment this
#define UseGnuMalloc YES
* Set this to whatever is required to access the GNU malloc library.
* The default is '-lgmalloc' unless is specified in the OS's .cf file.
#define GnuMallocLibrary
* To enable the internal Xserver malloc, uncomment this
#define UseInternalMalloc YES
* Some Linux releases don't have a libtermcap. In this case you may need
* to uncomment the following
#define TermcapLibrary -lncurses
* To disable building the Xnest server, uncomment this.
#define XnestServer NO
* To disable building Xvfb, uncomment this.
#define XVirtualFramebufferServer NO
* To disable building Xprt, uncomment this.
#define XprtServer NO
* Set the default server (ie the one that gets the sym-link to "X" )
#define ServerToInstall XFree86
* Server configuration parameters. The defaults are shown here:
* Which drivers to build. When building a static server, each of these
* will be included in it. When building the loadable server each of these
* modules will be built.
#define XF86CardDrivers
* To disable use of the Matrox HAL library, uncomment this:
#define UseMatroxHal NO
* Build XAA. This can be disabled with:
#define XF86XAA NO
* Build vgahw. This can be disabled with:
#define XF86VgaHw NO
* Build xf1bpp. This can be disabled with:
#define XF1Bpp NO
* Build xf4bpp. This can be disabled with:
#define XF4Bpp NO
* To link the X server with a dynamic version of the Xfont library,
* uncomment this.
#define XserverStaticFontLib NO
* To disable building the font server, uncomment this.
#define BuildFontServer NO
* To disable support for Speedo fonts, uncomment this.
#define BuildSpeedo NO
* To disable support for Type1 fonts, uncomment this.
#define BuildType1 NO
* To disable support for CID fonts, uncomment this.
#define BuildCID NO
* To disable support for TrueType fonts, uncomment these.
#define BuildFreeType NO
#define BuildXTrueType NO
* To enable binary compatibility with previous versions of the font
* encoding support, uncomment this.
#define FontencCompatibility YES
* Do you want to Build Fonts (Usually you only want to build and install
* fonts once, if this is a first time install you will want to build the
* fonts)
#define BuildFonts NO
* To not build/install the 75dpi fonts, uncomment the following
#define Build75DpiFonts NO
* To not build/install the 100dpi fonts, uncomment the following
#define Build100DpiFonts NO
* To not build/install the Speedo fonts, uncomment the following
#define BuildSpeedoFonts NO
* To not build/install the Type1 fonts, uncomment the following
#define BuildType1Fonts NO
* To not build/install the CID fonts, uncomment the following
#define BuildCIDFonts NO
* To not build/install the True Type fonts, uncomment the following
#define BuildTrueTypeFonts NO
* To not build/install the Cyrillic fonts, uncomment the following
#define BuildCyrillicFonts NO
* To not build/install the Latin2 fonts, uncomment the following
#define BuildLatin2Fonts NO
* To not install the local font directory, uncomment the following
#define MakeLocalFontDir NO
* To build only the servers with a cut-down source tree, uncomment
* this.
#define BuildServersOnly YES
* To disable building XInput support, uncomment this
#define BuildXInputExt NO
* Select the XInput devices you want by uncommenting this.
#define XInputDrivers mouse
* Uncomment this for joystick support.
* Note: Joystick support is only included for Linux and FreeBSD at the
* moment. For Linux it requires the Joystick module to be installed (it
* isn't part of the standard kernel distribution). For FreeBSD, a kernel
* will need to be built with the Joystick driver in order to be able to
* use this.
#define JoystickSupport YES
* To disable the ScreenSaver Extension, uncomment this line.
#define BuildScreenSaverExt NO
* If you don't want to build PEX, uncomment this.
#define BuildPexExt NO
* If you don't want to build Xinerama support, uncomment this.
#define BuildXinerama NO
* If you don't want to build support for an external GLX server module or
* library, uncomment this.
#define BuildGlxExt NO
* If you want to build support for the old dlopen style external GLX
* server module or library, uncomment this.
#define GlxStubLib YES
* If you aren't building with support for loadable modules and wish
* to statically link external GLX server libs instead of the default
* non-functional stub library, uncomment the following define and
* specify the space-seperated pathnames of those libraries here.
#define GlxStaticServerLib /full/path/name/to/glx/servGL/libServerGlx.a \
* If you don't want to build XIE, uncomment this.
#define BuildXIE NO
* If you want to build only the DIS (Document Imaging Subset of XIE)
* uncomment this line. This option is only relevant when XIE is built.
#define BuildDIS YES
* If you don't want to build the xf86rush extension, uncomment this line.
#define BuildXF86RushExt NO
* If you don't want to build the client library for the xf86rush extension,
* uncomment this line.
#define BuildXF86RushLibrary NO
* For a POSIXized build on Interactive uncomment this
* Could be used with gcc 'till Version 2.6.3
* Should be used with gcc 2.7.2.
#define UsePosix YES
* If you want XDMAUTH support (if you have Wraphelp.c), uncomment this.
#define HasXdmAuth YES
* To use ELF format shared libraries for supported OSs, uncomment this.
* For Linux the default setting of this is the same as the setting of
* LinuxElfDefault.
* For FreeBSD this should automatically be set correctly by imake. Only
* change it here if you need to override the automatic setting.
#define UseElfFormat YES
* To disable building some document formats, uncomment some of these.
#define BuildLinuxDocText NO
#define BuildLinuxDocHtml NO
#define BuildLinuxDocPS NO
un make World, make install et ca rulezz!!!
ps: oublie pas de creer /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers apres, sinon les drv nvidia vont foirer a l'install
et recuperes ceux de, pas ils sont pas a jour les cons.
voila, pour d'autres questions hesites pas