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  [TOPIC] Battlefield patch 1.2


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[TOPIC] Battlefield patch 1.2


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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 11:49:18  profilanswer

Vos impressions ?

Posté le 28-11-2002 à 11:49:18  profilanswer


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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 12:00:38  profilanswer

faut attendre la version euro du patch  :pfff:


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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 12:16:13  profilanswer

non ca marche avec ma version ... je l ai achetée sur alapage ... et ca marche  
le jeu a l air plus souple. je viens de finir une partie premier ;)


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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 12:48:08  profilanswer

oui ça marche en solo ou en multi sur certains serveurs mais faudra que tu patches euro

† Grand prince des enfers †
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 12:57:43  profilanswer

on se fait toujours sniper par des tank avec ce patch? :D

"Donnez moi une bière, ou donnez moi la mort, ou donnez moi les deux !" ©Al Bundy
Le plus crazy des crazy
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 12:59:02  profilanswer

faire un topic juste pour ca  :pfff:  :pfff:  :pfff:  :pfff:  
Y A UN TOPIC UNIK [:toad666]

JerryCrazy - My Digital Life - - Jeux Linux
Le plus crazy des crazy
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 12:59:20  profilanswer

stolas a écrit a écrit :

on se fait toujours sniper par des tank avec ce patch? :D  

:??:  :heink:

JerryCrazy - My Digital Life - - Jeux Linux

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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 13:01:26  profilanswer

Est-ce que le jeu est plus fluide maintenant???pareceque meme avec ma terrible config le jeu saccade...chai pas si vous imaginez.... :heink:

Le plus crazy des crazy
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 13:11:18  profilanswer

cybermatos a écrit a écrit :

Est-ce que le jeu est plus fluide maintenant???pareceque meme avec ma terrible config le jeu saccade...chai pas si vous imaginez.... :heink:  

:heink: sacade po moi  :heink:  
comme koa,on est pas obliger d'avoir une machine de guerre

JerryCrazy - My Digital Life - - Jeux Linux
Le plus crazy des crazy
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 13:47:03  profilanswer

y en a des chose :ouch:  :ouch:  :ouch:  

    * Low close combat hit accuracy due to network lag is much improved.
    * Some Server CPU usage optimizations: Multiple server instances should perform better.
    * Fixed currently connected players being dropped at map switch in favor of new connections.
    * Remote Console application is now fixed.
    * Release of bound sockets works correctly.
    * Bug causing missing spawn points and Gray flags that do not change is fixed.
    * Bug causing soldier animation states to be dropped is fixed.
    * Reconnection problems fixed.
    * The ASEHost.dll "Failed to execute ASEQuery_init()" error is fixed.
    * No longer need to reissue the admin.enableRemoteConsole and enableRemoteAdmin commands every time the server restarts.
    * Bug in Standalone Server causing "Corrupted Data" error when hosting CTF on Bocage is fixed.
    * Added hit detection feedback: Client crosshairs blink with a small dot in the crosshair and additional cross
    * lines when the server registers a successful hit.
    * Dedicated server settings are saved properly. (Note: if Friendly Fire checkbox is turned off, the next time the dedicated server is started the check box will be checked, but the percentages will all be at 0%)
    * Remote Admin (admin connected to server as a player) does not have to authorize every time a new map starts anymore.  
    * Totally new file structure
          o Ensures easy implementation of mods and expansion packs.
          o There is a file that includes the process id for the battlefield game running.  
    * Gameplay Tweaks
          o Jeeps more sensitive to shells (one shot equals one kill).
          o Increased B17 rate of fire for better carpet bombing.
          o Grenade damage versus tanks is 40% less powerful.
          o AA Gun Damage vs Infantry is increased (1 shot equals 1 kill in torso/head). Also removed splash damage versus infantry.
          o Slightly increased knife damage distance.
          o Slightly decreased deviation when walking and shooting with side arms.
          o Increased damage for Machine Gun 42 and browning versus infantry.
          o Increased damage for Plane Machine Guns versus other planes.
          o Tiger tank health increased by 25%.
          o Fixed M10 being treated as a jeep for splash damage.
          o Slightly increased damage for MP40, MP18 and Thompson versus infantry.  
    * Cheats Removed
          o "Long View Distance" cheat fixed.
          o "Wireframe" cheat fixed.
          o "Turning Off Fog" cheat fixed.  
    * Sound improvements and optimizations
          o Irregular looping sounds and/or loss of sounds bug has been fixed.
          o Redundant sound state changes removed.  
    * Memory usage optimizations.
    * Physics engine improvements
          o Mine placed on jeep causing jeep to sink through ground no longer possible.  
    * AI optimization
          o Bots do not jump in and out of vehicles anymore.
          o Bots have improved mobility and behavior while sitting in tanks: close range enemies now make the AI drive further away and fire from distance instead of just hopelessly circling around the enemy.
          o Several small tweaks and improvements for bot control
                + Major improvements to artillery.
                + Improved path selection (less prone to go on rough terrain).
                + Major improvement of the fire behavior.
                + Fixed bug in SAI's bot ordering update.
                + Fixed AI handgun sound effect.
                + AI will not favor planes on a runway which is blocked by other vehicles.
                + Decreased AI view distance.
                + Several tweaks of .con files for more accurate description of the game elements.  
          o Menu
                + New Button "Custom Game" lets the player play a custom made mod game or Expansion Pack games.
                + Server browser "Backfire" setting displays properly in server details window.
                + The in-game console stays in front of game text and is less transparent for improved visibility.
                + Improved In-game server browser filters.
                + TAB button works so players can see their own score even if they didn't make the top 3.
                + The Minimap arrow yellow flash lasts longer when a teammate uses a voice or radio command.
                + Dedicated Server menu has an added function called "Automatic Restart". When checked the server will automatically restart if it crashes or is turned off any other way than pressing the stop server button.  
          o Rendering Optimization
                + Billboard trees for GeForce 3-4.
                + Hardware shadows on all cards (GeForce 1-4).
                + Hardware skinning on animated meshes (wheels, flags, soldiers) (GeForce 3+ and hw vertexshaders cards).
                      # New option to put into videoDefault.con (if wanted)
                            renderer.forceSwSkinning 1
                            (default is 0 = use hardware if available.)  
                + Tri-stripping (optimizing meshes to improve FPS).
                + GeForce4 MX support fix that eliminates desktop crashes occurring on some computers.

JerryCrazy - My Digital Life - - Jeux Linux
Posté le 28-11-2002 à 13:47:03  profilanswer

On Saturday night
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 14:09:34  profilanswer

JerryCrazy a écrit a écrit :

y en a des chose :ouch:  :ouch:  :ouch:  

    * Low close combat hit accuracy due to network lag is much improved.
    * Some Server CPU usage optimizations: Multiple server instances should perform better.
    * Fixed currently connected players being dropped at map switch in favor of new connections.
    * Remote Console application is now fixed.
    * Release of bound sockets works correctly.
    * Bug causing missing spawn points and Gray flags that do not change is fixed.
    * Bug causing soldier animation states to be dropped is fixed.
    * Reconnection problems fixed.
    * The ASEHost.dll "Failed to execute ASEQuery_init()" error is fixed.
    * No longer need to reissue the admin.enableRemoteConsole and enableRemoteAdmin commands every time the server restarts.
    * Bug in Standalone Server causing "Corrupted Data" error when hosting CTF on Bocage is fixed.
    * Added hit detection feedback: Client crosshairs blink with a small dot in the crosshair and additional cross
    * lines when the server registers a successful hit.
    * Dedicated server settings are saved properly. (Note: if Friendly Fire checkbox is turned off, the next time the dedicated server is started the check box will be checked, but the percentages will all be at 0%)
    * Remote Admin (admin connected to server as a player) does not have to authorize every time a new map starts anymore.  
    * Totally new file structure
          o Ensures easy implementation of mods and expansion packs.
          o There is a file that includes the process id for the battlefield game running.  
    * Gameplay Tweaks
          o Jeeps more sensitive to shells (one shot equals one kill).
          o Increased B17 rate of fire for better carpet bombing.
          o Grenade damage versus tanks is 40% less powerful.
          o AA Gun Damage vs Infantry is increased (1 shot equals 1 kill in torso/head). Also removed splash damage versus infantry.
          o Slightly increased knife damage distance.
          o Slightly decreased deviation when walking and shooting with side arms.
          o Increased damage for Machine Gun 42 and browning versus infantry.
          o Increased damage for Plane Machine Guns versus other planes.
          o Tiger tank health increased by 25%.
          o Fixed M10 being treated as a jeep for splash damage.
          o Slightly increased damage for MP40, MP18 and Thompson versus infantry.  
    * Cheats Removed
          o "Long View Distance" cheat fixed.
          o "Wireframe" cheat fixed.
          o "Turning Off Fog" cheat fixed.  
    * Sound improvements and optimizations
          o Irregular looping sounds and/or loss of sounds bug has been fixed.
          o Redundant sound state changes removed.  
    * Memory usage optimizations.
    * Physics engine improvements
          o Mine placed on jeep causing jeep to sink through ground no longer possible.  
    * AI optimization
          o Bots do not jump in and out of vehicles anymore.
          o Bots have improved mobility and behavior while sitting in tanks: close range enemies now make the AI drive further away and fire from distance instead of just hopelessly circling around the enemy.
          o Several small tweaks and improvements for bot control
                + Major improvements to artillery.
                + Improved path selection (less prone to go on rough terrain).
                + Major improvement of the fire behavior.
                + Fixed bug in SAI's bot ordering update.
                + Fixed AI handgun sound effect.
                + AI will not favor planes on a runway which is blocked by other vehicles.
                + Decreased AI view distance.
                + Several tweaks of .con files for more accurate description of the game elements.  
          o Menu
                + New Button "Custom Game" lets the player play a custom made mod game or Expansion Pack games.
                + Server browser "Backfire" setting displays properly in server details window.
                + The in-game console stays in front of game text and is less transparent for improved visibility.
                + Improved In-game server browser filters.
                + TAB button works so players can see their own score even if they didn't make the top 3.
                + The Minimap arrow yellow flash lasts longer when a teammate uses a voice or radio command.
                + Dedicated Server menu has an added function called "Automatic Restart". When checked the server will automatically restart if it crashes or is turned off any other way than pressing the stop server button.  
          o Rendering Optimization
                + Billboard trees for GeForce 3-4.
                + Hardware shadows on all cards (GeForce 1-4).
                + Hardware skinning on animated meshes (wheels, flags, soldiers) (GeForce 3+ and hw vertexshaders cards).
                      # New option to put into videoDefault.con (if wanted)
                            renderer.forceSwSkinning 1
                            (default is 0 = use hardware if available.)  
                + Tri-stripping (optimizing meshes to improve FPS).
                + GeForce4 MX support fix that eliminates desktop crashes occurring on some computers.


Et en français ca donne ?

Le plus crazy des crazy
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 14:10:28  profilanswer

un peu long a traduire

resumé :  
on a tout modifier


JerryCrazy - My Digital Life - - Jeux Linux
Un Noizo...
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 15:27:44  profilanswer

cybermatos a écrit a écrit :

Est-ce que le jeu est plus fluide maintenant???pareceque meme avec ma terrible config le jeu saccade...chai pas si vous imaginez.... :heink:  

Moi je viens d'avoir ce jeu, et il saccade pas mal ossi en 1024 détails par defaut, avec mon P4 2.4+GF4 Ti4200, mais chez moi ça swap beaucoup ds la premire mission, je crois que j'ai pas assez de mémoire (256Mo :( )... :sweat:

Le plus crazy des crazy
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 15:32:12  profilanswer

essaier les bots a 100%,c marrant a voir les quelque images seconde qu on a  :lol:

JerryCrazy - My Digital Life - - Jeux Linux

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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 16:55:22  profilanswer

Ca se trouve où ce patch ?


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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 16:58:56  profilanswer

DAFT974 a écrit a écrit :

Moi je viens d'avoir ce jeu, et il saccade pas mal ossi en 1024 détails par defaut, avec mon P4 2.4+GF4 Ti4200, mais chez moi ça swap beaucoup ds la premire mission, je crois que j'ai pas assez de mémoire (256Mo :( )... :sweat:  

on m'avait dit qu'il fallait bien 512mo
car perso je suis en xp2200 et gf4200 et cela roule bien
possible que tes 256mo te ralentissent


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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 17:06:08  profilanswer

super fluide chez moi,en 1280/960 32Bits et aniso en 8X,ce superbe :love:  
un lien pour le patch?

Le plus crazy des crazy
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 17:11:21  profilanswer

bubu31 a écrit a écrit :

super fluide chez moi,en 1280/960 32Bits et aniso en 8X,ce superbe :love:  
un lien pour le patch?  :o

JerryCrazy - My Digital Life - - Jeux Linux

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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 17:18:00  profilanswer

JerryCrazy a écrit a écrit :  :o  

ouais j'ai trouvé,mais j'avait la fleme de chercher :D

Le plus crazy des crazy
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 17:20:42  profilanswer

bubu31 a écrit a écrit :

ouais j'ai trouvé,mais j'avait la fleme de chercher :D  


JerryCrazy - My Digital Life - - Jeux Linux

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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 17:44:05  profilanswer

A propos Battlefield 1942 possede quel moteur 3D???

Le plus crazy des crazy
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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 17:44:37  profilanswer

cybermatos a écrit a écrit :

A propos Battlefield 1942 possede quel moteur 3D???

ca dois etre leur propre moteur ,sachant que DICE(Digital illusion) sont  :love:  :love:  :love:  :love:

JerryCrazy - My Digital Life - - Jeux Linux

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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 18:51:18  profilanswer

Donc si j'ai bien compris ce patch ne fonctionne pas avec la version française du jeu... :??:  
Ou bien alors le patch fonctionne quand meme mais il transforme le jeu en anglais :??:

Profil sup​primé

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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 18:54:51  answer

Pour ceux qui ont des pb de ralentissement avec de grosses config essayer en desactivant la carte son pour voir si ca vient pas de la , c est injouable chez moi (P4 2.6 /512rdram/ti4200) avec le son car j utilise l ac97 de ma Cm en la desactivant c impecable dc  :cry:  


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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 19:07:41  profilanswer

ratur a écrit a écrit :

Donc si j'ai bien compris ce patch ne fonctionne pas avec la version française du jeu... :??:  
Ou bien alors le patch fonctionne quand meme mais il transforme le jeu en anglais :??:  

non non ce nickel,j'ai la version Fr et ca passe sans prob,je me demande d'ailleur pq ils disent que que pour la version US?
en plus ya pas mal de serveurs deja en 1.2,vraimant excelent ce jeu  :love:


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Posté le 28-11-2002 à 19:08:54  profilanswer

isamu1024 a écrit a écrit :

Pour ceux qui ont des pb de ralentissement avec de grosses config essayer en desactivant la carte son pour voir si ca vient pas de la , c est injouable chez moi (P4 2.6 /512rdram/ti4200) avec le son car j utilise l ac97 de ma Cm en la desactivant c impecable dc  :cry:  

moi j'ai une Sb 128 et ca marche nickel :)
faut quand meme baisser un peu la qualité du son,met toi en 22hz et 16 cannaux,tu verra sans doute une grosse difference ;)

Posté le   profilanswer

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  [TOPIC] Battlefield patch 1.2


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