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  [Xbox] Pro Racer Driver (Toca) compatible Xbox Live / RE Ownz


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[Xbox] Pro Racer Driver (Toca) compatible Xbox Live / RE Ownz

Perfect Da​rk

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Posté le 11-02-2003 à 18:59:48  profilanswer

Originally, Pro Race Driver was coming to Xbox and PS2 at the same time. Then came the announced (and dreaded) Xbox delay. Oh, the groans around the office as we learned Xbox was getting the delay-shaft. Then we learned the reason for the delay -- the Xbox version of Pro Race Driver was going to be Live compatible. Yeah, we can stand a five month delay in order to get one of the best racing games around on Xbox Live. Well, the long await is nearly over as Pro Race Driver nears its March release.  
Pro Race Driver isn't just another racing title. This is an attempt at, essentially, a racing RPG. In career mode, you play Ryan McKane, son of a race driver killed on the track fifteen years prior. With plenty to prove and a chip on his shoulder, Ryan must work his way through the ranks to become one of the elite racers in the country.  
Filled with cut-scenes between races, Pro Race Driver, even after just a couple of hours behind the wheel, is a unique driving experience. It's amazing how immediately different the game feels from the moment you get your first cut-scene where you (begrudgingly) join your first team.  
As you progress, you'll earn your own rivalries from drivers you cut-off, beat, and even humiliate. Having only had a chance to play PRD for the first time today, I can't say for certain how deep these rivalries run, but I'll certainly delve into that aspect in a later feature. Hopefully, it's as good as promised.  
Outside of the RPG elements, the racing dynamics seem solid. Cars take realistic damage. We're not talking dings and dents from smashing into a safety wall. Instead, you bash into a retaining wall and your hood flies off and your car rumbles. Performance is affected as well, so ripping your car to shreds by driving like a maniac will only hurt your chances of winning a race.  
The odd thing is seeing how no one else really takes damage. But, the reason for that is because no one else is as poor a driving as I am. Do while I'm ramming into every object in sight like a four-year old in need of attention, the other drivers are actually driving. The fun part, then, comes in finding ways to edge out other racers and force them out of position, into other cars, or even into a wall. It's one way to drive, anyway. But I'm sure it's also a great way to earn many enemies.  
The car handling is just about as good as can be and racing the tracks is fun and can be challenging once you've had a few wins under your belts and the competition takes you seriously. Spinning out is an easy thing to do, as is hitting walls and performing purely. The ability to customize your car for a specific ride and the sensitivity of the wheel and braked makes this a definite sim experience.  
With 5.1 Dolby Digital support and "Sweet Home Alabama" running in the background, it looks like PRD will do a good job at capturing the noise of the race track. You also get some solid voice acting in the cut-scenes and the chatter of your manager in your ear as you race. Hopefully he has more to say than, "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"  
While the online functionality isn't available in this build, PRD will allow up to twenty racers to go on the track at one time. No word yet on how the lobby will function or how voice communication will be implemented. Hopefully you won't hear twenty people at once in their child voice masks cursing at the top of their lungs. Offline, Pro Race Driver allows for four-player split-screen and System Link play. Hoorah!  
PRD isn't going to win a beauty contest (not even the $10 prize in Monopoly), but it's certainly no ugly dog. The car models look great and the sense of speed is fantastic, but the textures and level of detail in some areas leaves us hoping this 80% complete title has some more graphical tuning coming its way.  
If you like racing online or offline, this is one to watch for. Though delayed a good five months, it's worth it for the chance to race nineteen other people online at the same time. Both the single-player and multiplayer aspects are enticing and if Codemasters can maintain or improve a title that was solid on PS2 in 2002, Xbox owners will have a happy time racing this spring.
60 images/s, DD5.1, compatible Live, beau ... [...] [...] [...]
Source : IGN

Message édité par Perfect Dark le 11-02-2003 à 19:01:02
Posté le 11-02-2003 à 18:59:48  profilanswer


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Posté le 11-02-2003 à 19:08:06  profilanswer

Could you sum up in french please ??

I'll see you out there
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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 00:04:32  profilanswer

héhé, ça pourrait bien le faire (après un RE en demi teinte)

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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 00:12:47  profilanswer

J'ai joué un TOCA sur PS2, c une daube fini ce truc, on croirait conduire une tuture télécommandé qui pèse 20 grammes :/
Conseil : ne fantasmez pas trop sur ce jeu


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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 00:22:19  profilanswer

60 images/s, beau, ...
Ca me dit qqch ca :O


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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 00:23:06  profilanswer

Falcor a écrit :

J'ai joué un TOCA sur PS2, c une daube fini ce truc, on croirait conduire une tuture télécommandé qui pèse 20 grammes :/
Conseil : ne fantasmez pas trop sur ce jeu

LA version xbox et pc, n'aurait pas grand chose avoir avec la version ps2, enfin c ce qu;'il ont toujours dit :O


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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 00:36:25  profilanswer

:heink: euh je viens de regarder une video ça à l'air toujours aussi nul...

ストリートファイターBrasileiro NTSC-J
Transactions (1)
Posté le 12-02-2003 à 00:49:33  profilanswer


AC : SW-5993-1459-0978 / dani / THE REAL KRYSTOPHE (Miss) / Pinacolada   Hémisphère sud
ストリートファイターBrasileiro NTSC-J
Transactions (1)
Posté le 12-02-2003 à 01:00:30  profilanswer

g matté les videos ca l aire toot naze  on dirais un jeu PC :vomi:
zavez vu la magnabilité ?   LA ca toorne par akoot  cai horrible ca .  :(

AC : SW-5993-1459-0978 / dani / THE REAL KRYSTOPHE (Miss) / Pinacolada   Hémisphère sud

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Posté le 12-02-2003 à 01:06:46  profilanswer


g matté les videos ca l aire toot naze  on dirais un jeu PC :vomi:
zavez vu la magnabilité ?   LA ca toorne par akoot  cai horrible ca .  :(

 :heink:  :pfff:  

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  [Xbox] Pro Racer Driver (Toca) compatible Xbox Live / RE Ownz


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