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This Summer's Dance Anthem
Wednesday, August 8, 2001
Swedish music maestros HBT have composed a song entirely about Nintendo's GameCube. Sounding something like a Eurovision song contest entry, here's the great chorus:
GameCube, it makes a big fuss!
GameCube, Nintendo bless us!
GameCube, its hardware easily surpass the rest!
And when it comes to games we'll always get the best!
You can download the GameCube "theme" by clicking on this word: Hedgehog.
The Spoon's band who specialise in songs about videogames thought these lyrics would be more fitting:
GameCube, you're a big cuss,
GameCube, you're late for the 9.15 bus,
GameCube, Shigeru Miyamoto is your daddy,
Snit snit snitta laddy.