Dragon PC PowerBox :
Environ 10 sur ebay
Pas de gestion de retour de force (vibrations)
Télécharger les drivers
Celui que j'ai... Acheté sur eBay pour 7
J'ai installé les drivers fournis avec, branché, et tt de suite joué
Gestion de retour de force. Fonctionne Nickel
Fabriqué par EMS Production: http://www.hkems.com/
Commentaires d'utilisateurs:
Citation :
User Report: Some report that the latest version of this adapter does not work when using 2 pads at the same time. This is likely because of the higher power requirements when using two pads. Beware.
User Report: The EMS USB2 adapter is incompatible with the TX1000 pad series. These same pads do work correctly with a Super Dual Box though.
User Report: This adapter did not work with my Naki foam dance pad. The pad does work with the SmartJoy Plus adapter though.
RedOctane Universal PS/PS2 Controller Adapter
PlayStation 1 and 2 to Xbox, GameCube or PC
Fabriqué par RedOctane
Drivers ici
Citation :
This adapter works fine. First install the driver, then when the driver is done installing, go to Control Panel -> Game Controllers and activate the DANCE MODE option. If it doesn't work, try holding UP+START+SELECT for 3 seconds.
SmartJoy Dual PLUS:
Citation :
Works in Linux, with my off-brand PS2 DDR pad. No code is required; it mapped the arrows onto buttons automatically.
Super Joy Box 5 Pro
Fabriqué par: May Flash http://www.mayflash.com/pc/pc039/pc039-1.htm
Difficile à trouver en France
Support les vibrations et les Joysticks.
Idéal pour PES5
Citation :
Supports multiple ways of mapping the directions to buttons: 1) The Start+Select+Up code to set "DDR mode" just like the previous version. 2) Install the driver and set the adaptor to "DDR mode" in the adaptor configuration; however, seems to cause a slight delay, unlike the code for it. 3) There is also an option that will change the directions into buttons 13-16. This doesn't seem to cause the delay I noticed with the option for "DDR mode" 4) Also allows manually remapping buttons and remapping axes to buttons. I used two Red Octane Ignition pads (version 1) with it and they both worked fine. To get more than one controller to be detected, they must be plugged in before plugging in the adaptor.
D'autres adaptateurs mais pas d'infos
Si vous les identifiez n'hésitez pas à nous dire ce qu'ils valent...
Evitez les adaptateurs de marque APM
(Problème de drivers surtout sur le SP2...) (www.apmfrance.com)
Pour le reste, à vous de m'aider à compléter la liste et faire un tri
Problèmes récurrents:
Citation :
Quelques adapteurs ne sont pas compatibles avec StepMania. Ces adapteurs incompatibles ont une limitation matérielle: ils ne peuvent pas détecter Left+Right si on appuit dessus simultanément, et ils ne peuvent pas détecter Up+Down simultanément aussi. Le PC ne peut pas détecter 2 pressions simultanées sur le même axe. Ainsi, par exemple, si à gauche et à droite sont pressés simultanément, le PC pourra seulement détecter gauche et droite sera ignorée.
Compatible USB adapters instead map the PlayStation directional pad appear as USB joystick buttons to the PC. The PC can detect the state of each button individually, so now the PC can detect simultaneous presses of Left+Right.
Some adapters map the PlayStation directional pad to both USB axes and USB buttons. We want StepMania to ignore all axis data from USB joysticks and instead use the USB joystick's button data.
Other adapters have a Dance Pad Code.
For most adapters, the code is:
Hold Up, Start, and Select for three seconds
The code can be entered at any time after plugging in the USB adapter to the PC. The code needs to be entered every time you restart your computer or plug your adapter into your computer. It is especially important that you enter the pad code before trying to map the buttons of the pad in StepMania.
Workaround idea
A less-than-ideal solution is to not use the directional buttons on the pad but instead use only the 4 corner buttons (X, O, Square, Triangle on PlayStation pads). If you turn the pad 45 degrees then map your joystick to match that configuration you can play the game fine and hit 2 directions simultaneously, however the game will be more difficult due to the buttons being further apart than normal.
(Information submitted by JasaniAvatar, who gives credit to wolfoftheair for the original suggestion.)
Older versions of StepMania contained an option called IgnoreJoyAxes. This caused StepMania to ignore the axes of all joysticks when mapping inputs.
Newer versions of StepMania have a smarter input mapping screen. StepMania now detects when pressing a button on your dance pad triggers both an an axis and a button, and StepMania will automatically ignore the axis. This way, StepMania will automatically be compatible with adapters that map the PlayStation directional pad to both USB joystick axes and USB joystick buttons.
XBCD Setup Workaround Idea
If using the XBCD setup, the four directional pad buttons (POVu/d/l/r) can be programmed to act as the four corner buttons (A, B, X, Y on xbox), and the D-Pad buttons just need to be changed from the POV to anything else (or left unspecified). Then when running stepmania simply set up the controls as your normally would. Since the game thinks that you are setting the four corner buttons as the arrows, it will allow you to hit multiple arrows and combinations without any problems. This setup it pretty much the turned-pad solution submitted by JasaniAvatar taken a step further.
(Information submitted by Steve The Pirate, who gives credit to JasaniAvatar for inspiring this idea.)
Hack for Linux
If you're using Linux (or maybe some other OS with open source) and not afraid of a bit kernel-hacking the following dirty hack might help. It works perfectly for me with kernel 2.6.12 an a USB PS2->PC-converter from 2-tech. Only take this as an initial idea. You should know what you're doing.
Download the kernel-source of your distribution. Find and edit the file ${PATH_TO_YOUR_KERNEL_SRC}/drivers/input/joydev.c
Find the method joydev_connect and insert before very last line (the return ...): joydev->nkey += 4;. This will tell joydev, that your device has 4 more buttons.
Find the method joydev_event an insert at the beginning:
#define JOYDEV_LOW 0
#define JOYDEV_MID 127
#define JOYDEV_BOTH 128
#define JOYDEV_HIGH 255
#define JOYDEV_LEFT 12
#define JOYDEV_RIGHT 13
#define JOYDEV_UP 14
#define JOYDEV_DOWN 15
static int lastLeftRight = JOYDEV_MID;
static int lastUpDown = JOYDEV_MID;
The values defined might be dependant of your hardware. But they might be similar for other hardware. Adding some debug-output with printk should reveal the right values.
Now go to case EV_ABS: and replace the code to break; with:
event.type = JS_EVENT_BUTTON;
event.number = joydev->absmap[code];
if(event.number == 0) { // Left-Right
if(value == JOYDEV_LOW) {
if(lastLeftRight == JOYDEV_MID) {
event.number = JOYDEV_LEFT;
event.value = 1;
} else if(lastLeftRight == JOYDEV_BOTH) {
event.number = JOYDEV_RIGHT;
event.value = 0;
} else {
printk("joydev: LR %i -> %i", lastLeftRight, value);
} else if(value == JOYDEV_MID) {
if(lastLeftRight == JOYDEV_LOW) {
event.number = JOYDEV_LEFT;
event.value = 0;
} else if(lastLeftRight == JOYDEV_HIGH) {
event.number = JOYDEV_RIGHT;
event.value = 0;
} else {
printk("joydev: LR %i -> %i", lastLeftRight, value);
} else if(value == JOYDEV_BOTH) {
if(lastLeftRight == JOYDEV_LOW) {
event.number = JOYDEV_RIGHT;
event.value = 1;
} else if(lastLeftRight == JOYDEV_HIGH) {
event.number = JOYDEV_LEFT;
event.value = 1;
} else {
printk("joydev: LR %i -> %i", lastLeftRight, value);
} else if(value == JOYDEV_HIGH) {
if(lastLeftRight == JOYDEV_MID) {
event.number = JOYDEV_RIGHT;
event.value = 1;
} else if(lastLeftRight == JOYDEV_BOTH) {
event.number = JOYDEV_LEFT;
event.value = 0;
} else {
printk("joydev: LR %i -> %i", lastLeftRight, value);
} else {
printk("joydev: value != {0,127,128,255}\n" );
lastLeftRight = value;
} else if(event.number == 1) { // Up-Down
if(value == JOYDEV_LOW) {
if(lastUpDown == JOYDEV_MID) {
event.number = JOYDEV_DOWN;
event.value = 1;
} else if(lastUpDown == JOYDEV_BOTH) {
event.number = JOYDEV_UP;
event.value = 0;
} else {
printk("joydev: LR %i -> %i", lastUpDown, value);
} else if(value == JOYDEV_MID) {
if(lastUpDown == JOYDEV_LOW) {
event.number = JOYDEV_DOWN;
event.value = 0;
} else if(lastUpDown == JOYDEV_HIGH) {
event.number = JOYDEV_UP;
event.value = 0;
} else {
printk("joydev: LR %i -> %i", lastUpDown, value);
} else if(value == JOYDEV_BOTH) {
if(lastUpDown == JOYDEV_LOW) {
event.number = JOYDEV_UP;
event.value = 1;
} else if(lastUpDown == JOYDEV_HIGH) {
event.number = JOYDEV_DOWN;
event.value = 1;
} else {
printk("joydev: LR %i -> %i", lastUpDown, value);
} else if(value == JOYDEV_HIGH) {
if(lastUpDown == JOYDEV_MID) {
event.number = JOYDEV_UP;
event.value = 1;
} else if(lastUpDown == JOYDEV_BOTH) {
event.number = JOYDEV_DOWN;
event.value = 0;
} else {
printk("joydev: LR %i -> %i", lastUpDown, value);
} else {
printk("joydev: value != {0,127,128,255}\n" );
lastUpDown = value;
} else {
printk("joydev: axis-code != {0,1}\n" );
if (event.value == joydev->abs[event.number]) return;
joydev->abs[event.number] = event.value;
Recompile the kernel modules and replace the joydev.ko. Your new joystick should have 4 new buttons instead of the axes.
Citation :
J'ai fait l'acquisition aujourd'hui d'une manette de jeu PS2 avec un adaptateur USB pour PC (USB Joypad v1.22 de Big Ben Interactive) . J'ai suivi exactement la procédure d'installation , en installant les drivers présents sur le mini CD puis en connectant ma manette. Mais lorsque je la branche je reçoit le message suivant : Aucun pilote n'est installé pour ce périphérique. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec ce périphérique, cliquez sur Résoudre les problèmes pour démarrer l'utilitaire de résolution de problèmes.
Solution: Il faut télécharger ntpadxp et l'installer... Logiquement ca devrait marcher.
Citation :
Lorsque j'active les forces dans les options du jeux, j'ai des plantages du dit jeu ??? Avez vous déjà rencontrer ce phénomène ? y a t-il un pilote màj pour l'adaptateur car le site est en accès restreint ?
ex. dans la démo de CMR 04 > options ... controllers ... forces ... le passage de high à maximum etc me fait planter le jeu !
Solution: En cours...
Citation :
J'ai un adaptateur USB--> PS2 dragon PC Power box avec une manette premier prix "Big ben interactive".
Sous le configurateur de joystick (calibration), dès que j'appuie sur un bouton, il oscille entre "on" et "off", alors que je laisse appuyé tt le tps. Pareil pour les sticks : j'ai beau appuyer à fond à droite, ils oscillent constamment entre la direction droite et le milieu...
Solution: Sur la notice, il est indiqué qu'il ne faut surtout pas brancher l'adaptateur avant d'avoir inséré le CD drivers et l'avoir installé...
Donc encore une fois lisez bien les notices et directives !
Citation :
J'ai un cd avec un "setup.exe" dessus, je l'installe, il me dit installation succesfull,
mais xp n'arrive toujours pas a reconnaitre l'adaptateur (votre port jeu ou vos pilotes de port jeu ne sont pas configurés correctement) Les pilotes de ce périphérique ne sont pas installés. (Code 28) - Impossible qui trouve les pilotes qui sont pourtant sur le cd fournie avec
Solution: En cours...
La suite pour très bientôt .....
N'hésitez pas biensûr à nourrir ce topic et à me donner des idées pour le compléter encore
Message édité par revohsalf le 16-06-2006 à 23:19:40
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