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Le logiciel en question est Piosolver version pro.
Mais, c'est plus du tout du poker ca
C'est limite un bot ^^'
T'as vérifié que ca fonctionne avec les app sur lesquelles tu joues ?
ps: moi je vois 8/16Go, et "desktop de qqs années ou portable récent"
a mon avis un 3900x c'est craqué pour un logiciel comme celui-là, mais bon,
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Not anymore! With PioSOLVER all you need is a high end laptop or average few years old desktop and 8GB of RAM (16 for really big trees). You will still get your typical flop situations solved in 1-5 minutes and things like river games with 6-8 bet sizes are solved in few seconds. All this without any lossy abstractions.
et ici c'est mm encore plus light :
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4+GB of free RAM for comfortable usage (full single-raised-pot with 2/3 pot bets everywhere takes about 1.2GB of RAM for wide 6max ranges and 1.9GB for wide HU ranges (90% vs 70%)); you need more for trees with multiple bet sizes (25bb HU tree with 2 sizes everywhere (30%-60%) is 5.9GB, 100bb tree with 2 sizes everywhere and 6max ranges is 7.8GB; the trees are proportionally smaller with smaller ranges). modern 64-bit CPU (for comfortable usage i5/i7 quad or equivalent is recommended but we tested on older quads as well and it will work just slower (anywhere from 2x to 5x slower))
ou alors t'as extrapolé pcq tu multi sur 16 tables, je sais pas
Message édité par kabyll le 31-07-2020 à 20:36:48
Infographiste 3D & Post-Production - Freelance