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Auteur | Sujet : Ventilo d'un P4C 3Ghz trop bruyant => quel nouveau ventilo choisir ? |
Publicité | Posté le 21-09-2003 à 22:30:33 |
dWarFy81 Super-Connard | openjl.fr
darknico |
thefaboss | Merci bien, je vais voir ça de plus près sur le site alors ) |
mareek Et de 3 \o/ | http://www.materiel.be/refroid/heatsinks_2/page1.php --------------- "I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack |
Cocovitsch | Le Zalman 7000-CU est au moins aussi bon et clairement moins onéreux |
dWarFy81 Super-Connard |
mareek Et de 3 \o/ |
--------------- "I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack |
mareek Et de 3 \o/ |
--------------- "I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack |
Publicité | Posté le 22-09-2003 à 13:45:59 |
miramax | tiens vla un test nokytech! sur le sp94 (ki sera bientot a moi! )
mareek Et de 3 \o/ |
--------------- "I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack |
com21 real men don't click | zalman c'est tres bien --------------- Cherche geekette | Traquez vos billets d'€ | Don du sang | Don de moelle osseuse |
Space Profil: Maux des rateurs |
--------------- Ma cinémathèque |
mareek Et de 3 \o/ |
--------------- "I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack |
mareek Et de 3 \o/ |
--------------- "I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack |
mareek Et de 3 \o/ |
--------------- "I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack |
dWarFy81 Super-Connard |
mareek Et de 3 \o/ |
--------------- "I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack |
dWarFy81 Super-Connard |
josedsf |
thefaboss | OK ça passe juste à côté des condo dont je parlais tout à l'heure en effet ! Mais ça passe !
dWarFy81 Super-Connard | non il a grillé à cause d'un coup de cutter |
dWarFy81 Super-Connard |
mareek Et de 3 \o/ |
--------------- "I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack |
dWarFy81 Super-Connard |
mareek Et de 3 \o/ |
--------------- "I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack |
mareek Et de 3 \o/ |
--------------- "I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack |
thefaboss | La pâte thermique ne risque pas d'avoir collé entre le proc et le radiateur d'origine ? |
mareek Et de 3 \o/ |
au pire, tu fais un bon burn pendans une heure, t'éteins ton PC et tu retire le rad dans la foulée --------------- "I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack |
mareek Et de 3 \o/ |
Message édité par mareek le 22-09-2003 à 21:35:59 --------------- "I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack |
Publicité | Posté le |
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