To keep the test running smoothly and quickly, you should only test the amount of RAM that is free, rather than the total amount of RAM in your system - otherwise your computer will spend 90% of the test reading and writing to your hard drive, rather than testing RAM. You can use the Windows2000/XP Task Manager, or the Windows 9X System Monitor to determine the proper amount of ram to check. As a rule of thumb, Win9X uses about 32MB of RAM when nothing is open, and Windows2000/XP uses about 64MB. Even though you cannot directly check this RAM, Windows dynamically moves the location of most of its subsystems, so most of your RAM will be checked eventually.
Voilà je cherche à tester mes deux barettes Corsair CMX512 - 3200 C2PT 512MB 400MHz CL2 qui sont en Dual (Mini PC Shuttle SB75G2) et 2/3/3/5.
Cependant il faut que je détermine la quantité de Ram libre pour faire un BON test, mais je ne sais pas comment faire.
Dans le gestionnaire de tâches de Windows 2000, onglet Performances j'ai dans la catégorie Mémoire Physiques (ko) trois choses:
-TOTAL 1048044
cependant ces chiffres sont sans cesse modifiés : QUE FAIRE???