Un poste sur le forum de google:
I am successfully running an Athlon XP 2000+ running at 1.8ghz no
problems for the last day (just replaced my friends 1700+ that I
borrowed). I have the ICS 94215 on my A7V133 rev 1.04 which seems
to be the reason it works at all so check yours before ordering one.
I can still change the voltage and FSB speeds in the bios without a
problem. I did find just one quirk though. It allows me to change
the multiplier and doing so just makes it beep continuously on bootup
but I had to try it :-) The only way I could get out of it was to pull
the battery since for the life of me I couldn't find the proper pins
to short to clear the cmos.
Donc pas mal de gens ont put faire tourner l'athlon XP sur une a7v133 1.04. Il semblerais que cela dependent si tu as ou non un clock generator model ICS 94215 (le meme que sur les 1.05). Tu peus verifier ca avec sandra les infos sur la mobo. Sinon c'est marque sur le chip qui est juste a droite des bancs memoires.
Bonne chances
[jfdsdjhfuetppo]--Message édité par carlito_72 le 03-05-2002 à 23:40:37--[/jfdsdjhfuetppo]