Je vous explique mon problème, je me suis acheté le matos necessaire pour monter une tour gamer :
Carte Mère : Asus Z87-A
Proc : I5-4670k
Cool Master Evo 212
Carte Graphique : GTX670
Mémoire : DDR3 G.Skill RipjawsX 16Go (2x8Go) PC12800 1600Mhz 1.5V CL9
Alim : Corsair CX600, 600watts
Lecteur DVD ASUS - DRW-24F1ST
Tour Zalman z11plus avec 1 ventilo devant, 1 derrière, 1 en haut et 2 sur les cotés.
Cela fait 4 voire même 5 fois que je reinstalle mon OS, Win 7 ultimate 64bits, car j'ai un écran bleu récurrent.
J'ai vu beaucoup de topic la dessus mais ça n'a pas résoud mon problème.
Voila le rapport avec WhoCrashed :
On Mon 25/11/13 00:55:19 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\112513-31980-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: hal.sys (hal+0x12903)
Bugcheck code: 0x124 (0x0, 0xFFFFFA801285C028, 0xBF800000, 0x124)
Bug check description: This bug check indicates that a fatal hardware error has occurred. This bug check uses the error data that is provided by the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA).
This is likely to be caused by a hardware problem problem. This problem might be caused by a thermal issue.
A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: hal.sys .
Google query: hal.sys WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR
On Sun 24/11/13 23:50:43 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\112513-29764-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: hal.sys (hal+0x12903)
Bugcheck code: 0x124 (0x0, 0xFFFFFA8012B61028, 0xBF800000, 0x124)
Bug check description: This bug check indicates that a fatal hardware error has occurred. This bug check uses the error data that is provided by the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA).
This is likely to be caused by a hardware problem problem. This problem might be caused by a thermal issue.
A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: hal.sys .
Google query: hal.sys WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR
On Sun 24/11/13 23:10:38 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\112513-30919-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: hal.sys (hal+0x12903)
Bugcheck code: 0x124 (0x0, 0xFFFFFA8012B9D028, 0xBF800000, 0x124)
Bug check description: This bug check indicates that a fatal hardware error has occurred. This bug check uses the error data that is provided by the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA).
This is likely to be caused by a hardware problem problem. This problem might be caused by a thermal issue.
A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: hal.sys .
Google query: hal.sys WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR
On Sun 24/11/13 22:36:41 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\112413-27768-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: hal.sys (hal+0x12903)
Bugcheck code: 0x124 (0x0, 0xFFFFFA8012855028, 0xFF800000, 0x124)
Bug check description: This bug check indicates that a fatal hardware error has occurred. This bug check uses the error data that is provided by the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA).
This is likely to be caused by a hardware problem problem. This problem might be caused by a thermal issue.
A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: hal.sys .
Google query: hal.sys WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR
Je précise ques mes pilotes sont tous à jour.
J'ai fait un test de Prime95 histoire de stresser le CPU pendant environ 6 heures et tout s'est bien passé, aucun crash.
Le blue screen apparait de façon aléatoire.
J'ai laissé le PC allumé une journée sans rien faire, le soir en revenant j'ai vu qu'il y a eu un blue screen.
J'ai remarqué que mon Core Voltage est de 0.706 environ alors que lorsque je lance Prime95 il monte à 1.200V et ça tient la route. Peutêtre que le CPU n'est pas assez alimenté?
Merci de votre aide.
Message édité par Ahmed_F le 30-11-2013 à 11:57:19