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  problème bios avec samsung hd103uj 1 tera


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problème bios avec samsung hd103uj 1 tera

Posté le 17-05-2008 à 13:28:03  profilanswer

Je viens d'acquérir un HDD 1 tera SAMSUNG DD103UJ (ma carte mère est une ASUS A7N8X-E deluxe)
Une fois installé, au lancement le bios reconnait mon premier disque SATA ma bloque pour trouver la capacité du SAMSUNG.
Si je démare l'ordi sans le disque de 1 téra et que je le branche une fois l'ordi déméré je peut le reconnaitre et travailler dessus avec Partition magic mais une fois que je redémare l'ordi il bloque de nouveau.
Est ce une problème disque ou carte (j'ai mis à jour le bios en 1013)?
Merci de votre aide

Posté le 17-05-2008 à 13:28:03  profilanswer

Posté le 12-06-2008 à 12:18:15  profilanswer

J'ai exactement le même problème que toi.
L'as tu résolu ? Si oui peux tu m'expliquer comment ?
Sur le site internet de Samsung il parle d'un probable problème de compatibilité entre la carte mère et le disque dur, en raison du maximum de transfert de celle ci, c'est à dire 1.5Go/s et du 3Go/s du disque. [...] orderNum=2
Il y a des utilitaires à faire tourner pour résoudre le problème.
Le soucis: ce sont des utilitaires à faire tourner sous DOS, le disque dur branché... Mais quand le pc ne veut pas booter, comment lancer le DOS ? ^^
Si quelqu'un a une solution :D

Message édité par erOz le 12-06-2008 à 12:18:39
Posté le 20-06-2008 à 23:52:08  profilanswer

christian959251 a écrit :

Je viens d'acquérir un HDD 1 tera SAMSUNG DD103UJ (ma carte mère est une ASUS A7N8X-E deluxe)
Une fois installé, au lancement le bios reconnait mon premier disque SATA ma bloque pour trouver la capacité du SAMSUNG.
Si je démare l'ordi sans le disque de 1 téra et que je le branche une fois l'ordi déméré je peut le reconnaitre et travailler dessus avec Partition magic mais une fois que je redémare l'ordi il bloque de nouveau.
Est ce une problème disque ou carte (j'ai mis à jour le bios en 1013)?
Merci de votre aide

I do NOT speak french, so please write the message in English if you will reply to it :)
I found this when having the same problem and finally I found the sollution and what was causing it...
I will just paste here my answer which I already put in another forums
So, whats the problem? The problem is that the Sata raid bios (4.2.47) dos NOT support so large hard disks. There is new sata bios released (btw which already supports such huge disks - you can download it from the Silicon Image web site, BUT this bios is intended for PCI cards only). Updating to last motherboard bios will not help because this bios has still 4.2.47 sata bios in it...
So what is the solution? The solution is to buy some Sata controller and put it into PCI slot. I suggest to look after Kouwell solution smile I bought Kouwell 571S
Last note...there IS a way how to make your disk working without buying the controller but I DO NOT recommend that sollution so I will not mention it here...If you will be still interested, write an answer here...

Posté le 23-06-2008 à 09:27:20  profilanswer

Thanks for the answer.
I've read your solution but it doesn't interest me because I don't want to buy new furniture to run the disk into sata.
So I'm interested by your second solution.
Can you tell me which it is, and why don't you recommend it ?
Thank you

Posté le 24-06-2008 à 01:15:30  profilanswer

erOz a écrit :

Thanks for the answer.
I've read your solution but it doesn't interest me because I don't want to buy new furniture to run the disk into sata.
So I'm interested by your second solution.
Can you tell me which it is, and why don't you recommend it ?
Thank you

Ok, but again, I do not recomend this solution...571S sata controller costs just few Euros...
So, the second solution:
Download the official bios from Asus web sites (1013 is the latest version), then download official sata controller bios from Silicon Image web site (4284 is the latest version). Just a notice dont have to download the latest sata controller bios, large hard drives are supported from earlier versions already, I am not sure what version is it so check the notes to each bios release
Then there is a utility called CBDROM (I have version 6.06). The truth is that the sata bios is included in the motherboard bios and not only this bios, there is much more as you will see.
So now, lets put all these files in one folder (CBDROM probably does not support spaces in the path...) launch the command line and run following:
CBROM606.EXE C18E1013.BIN /d
This will show you all components of the bios file, you should get similar list:
 No. Item-Name         Original-Size   Compressed-Size Original-File-Name
  0. System BIOS       20000h(128.00K) 12D05h(75.25K)  c18e1013.bin
  1. XGROUP CODE       0C710h(49.77K)  087A6h(33.91K)  awardext.rom
  2. ACPI table        046AFh(17.67K)  018A6h(6.16K)   ACPITBL.BIN
  3. EPA pattern       0168Ch(5.64K)   002AAh(0.67K)   AwardBmp.bmp
  4. YGROUP ROM        06D70h(27.36K)  044A4h(17.16K)  awardeyt.rom
  5. Other(4029:0000)  05A70h(22.61K)  02708h(9.76K)   _EN_CODE.BIN
  6. PCI driver[A]     0A800h(42.00K)  056BEh(21.69K)  4247.BIN
  7. PCI driver[B]     10000h(64.00K)  07593h(29.39K)  NVPXES.NIC
  8. PCI driver[C]     0F800h(62.00K)  088F5h(34.24K)  Marvel.BIN
  9. OEM0 CODE         08B90h(34.89K)  006FAh(1.74K)   BSMICODE.ROM
 10. LOGO BitMap       4B30Ch(300.76K) 1A275h(104.61K) A7N8X-E0.BMP
 11. Flash ROM         0A0E7h(40.23K)  057DEh(21.97K)  AWDFLASH.EXE
 12. VRS ROM           02280h(8.62K)   014BBh(5.18K)   ANTI_VIR.BIN
  Total compress code space  = 5D000h(372.00K)
  Total compressed code size = 5A6F5h(361.74K)
  Remain compress code space = 0290Bh(10.26K)
As you can see under bullet 6. included sata bios version is 4247
Now you have to delete this version by running this command:
CBROM606.EXE C18E1013.BIN /pci release
You will be asked for letter of "Driver" you want to release (so in this case it is A)
D:\test\BIOS_M~1>CBROM606.EXE C18E1013.BIN /pci release
CBROM V6.06 (C)Award Software 1999 All Rights Reserved.
PCI driver - - - [A] : 4247.BIN
PCI driver - - - [B] : NVPXES.NIC
PCI driver - - - [C] : Marvel.BIN
Enter a choice:A
[PCI-A] ROM is release
Now you have to insert the sata bios, using this command:
CBROM606.EXE C18E1013.BIN /pci 4284.bin
And this is it...
You can check if you were sucessfull, so run again:
CBROM606.EXE C18E1013.BIN /d
You should see screen similar to this:
 No. Item-Name         Original-Size   Compressed-Size Original-File-Name
  0. System BIOS       20000h(128.00K) 12D05h(75.25K)  c18e1013.bin
  1. XGROUP CODE       0C710h(49.77K)  087A6h(33.91K)  awardext.rom
  2. ACPI table        046AFh(17.67K)  018A6h(6.16K)   ACPITBL.BIN
  3. EPA pattern       0168Ch(5.64K)   002AAh(0.67K)   AwardBmp.bmp
  4. YGROUP ROM        06D70h(27.36K)  044A4h(17.16K)  awardeyt.rom
  5. Other(4029:0000)  05A70h(22.61K)  02708h(9.76K)   _EN_CODE.BIN
  6. PCI driver[B]     10000h(64.00K)  07593h(29.39K)  NVPXES.NIC
  7. PCI driver[C]     0F800h(62.00K)  088F5h(34.24K)  Marvel.BIN
  8. OEM0 CODE         08B90h(34.89K)  006FAh(1.74K)   BSMICODE.ROM
  9. LOGO BitMap       4B30Ch(300.76K) 1A275h(104.61K) A7N8X-E0.BMP
 10. Flash ROM         0A0E7h(40.23K)  057DEh(21.97K)  AWDFLASH.EXE
 11. VRS ROM           02280h(8.62K)   014BBh(5.18K)   ANTI_VIR.BIN
 12. PCI driver[A]     0A800h(42.00K)  05621h(21.53K)  4284.bin
Now just flash your bios and it should work :)
Why do I not recomend this?  The PCI sata controller cost just few Euro, I know...its an old hardware so every next Euro invested to it is pain but...
I was lazy to make "my own" bios as I wrote above, so I downloaded Trats bios. It is modified official bios with 4283 sata bios included. Besides there is included new sata bios there are some additional modifications, I dont know exactly what modifications...I flashed it and didnt boot again... I red that some people had problems with this bios, so I prepared discette with backup original bios to flash it in case of some troubles...
My problem was I could not boot from any sata drive!!! I always fot NTLDR not found error. I tried to reinstall OS but again I could not boot from it, so the installation was not complete...OK, I decided to flash it from the discette. The discette either wasnt read at all and the drive made terrible noises or when it was read the I got Checksum error. The discette was readable in OS and the discette drive was also working perfectly in OS. OK so I tried another 4 discettes...same result. The DOS flash utility was probably corrupted or something...I was becoming desperate...At lease I had Knoppix burned on DVD so I booted from it, and downloaded all official bioses from asus website and tried one after another. of them was finally working...UF...
But now the best...I can not explain this...The bios was not flashed fully!!! Although the bios version was different, sata bios version as well, system booted normally...BUT, the bios settings I made befor this flash remained the same!!! also there was no post reporter, no logo...After I finished reinstall of win xp I flashed bios again from win and now finally everything was on its place...
If you have some reasonable explanation for this, I am listening...
My troubles were maybe because I didnt do this bios by myself and used some modified bios instead of it, but maybe not... Many people wrote it is working...If you will decide to test it, let me know how successfull you were.
The question is, if you would somehow extract the sata bios from the original Asus bios, then download the same bios from Silicon Image web sites and compare these two files, would they be identical??? Or is Asus somehow modifying this bios before including it??? I dont know...
BTW if you will be successfull with flashing, you will maybe want not to have latest sata bios version. Why? In the bios I tested was 4283 sata bios and it was waiting for 10s for keypress to enter that RAID utility and after that it continued with "booting". So this would really slow down your system start...
So, let me know how successfull you were, I am now waiting for that controller (should come this week), maybe I am coward, but I dont have enough courage to test it again with "my" modified bios :)

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  problème bios avec samsung hd103uj 1 tera


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