bon alors il y a un bleme avec la His Radeon 9000,ecran noire au boot de XP.
avec une Hercules Radeon 9000 ca passe!
Sinon bin c sympa la fonction on board VGA disparait des que l'on plante une carte AGP...faut desactiver avec la carte embarquée!
petit extrait de la fake
How to install PCI VGA card in SS51?
Please follow these procedures to install PCI VGA card :
1. Boot up to Windows without PCI video card installed.
Disable SiS651 display adapters in Device Manager under Windows.
2. Reboot and change "Init Display First" to [PCI Slot] under Integrated Peripherals in CMOS Setup Utility in Bios, then save & exit.
3. Shut down system and install PCI VGA card. Boot up into Windows by using PCI video card as primary display device.
4. Install PCI video card drivers, and reboot the system.
5. Enter CMOS Setup Utility during POST while rebooting, disable Onboard VGA in Bios, then save & exit.
Un homme est libre du moment oû il a lestomac plein...