Maximum number of monitors
The maximum number of monitors isn't known, but the often-cited limit of 10 monitors on Windows 2000/XP is only a limitation of the Display Properties applet, not the system as a whole. So installing more than 10 monitors should work fine, but you would need a custom application, for example UltraMon, to configure them. See this newsgroup thread for more information.
I have tested a 12-monitor Windows XP system with 3 Matrox G450 MMS quad cards, using UltraMon for configuration. Colorgraphic has built a 16-monitor system with Xentera GT cards, and expects to be able to run up to 64 monitors: see this thread and this thread for more information.
en plus, si l'extension de bureau t'intéresse (ou la théorie pure du nombre maxi de moniteurs) tu peux multiplier par trois chaque sorties physiques avec des matrox triple head.
ensuite on peut encore monter chaque sorties sur des splitters qui ne vont faire que du clone.(4x, 6x, 8x, ..)
Message édité par c_planet le 10-04-2009 à 22:52:34