je comprends rien à ce passage:
Ctrl+click on the text layer in the Layers palette to bring out its selection. Click the Channels tab and hit the Save selection as Channel-button . Stay in the Channels palette and click on the newly made channel, Alpha 1.
Make sure that your selection is still active and go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur... Set the Radius to 4. Go on once more to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur... (Ctrl+Alt+F) and set the Radius to 2. Repeate the filter once more with 1 as the radius. Remove the selection by choosing Select > Deselect (Ctrl+D) and use the filter one final time (Ctrl+F) still with 1 as the radius. |
c'est juste 3 flous gaussiens a la suite?
j'ai du mal avec les masques de fusion
Message édité par kameha le 16-07-2004 à 10:23:25