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  Petite correction de texte pour un examen :D


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Petite correction de texte pour un examen :D

Posté le 04-04-2008 à 21:56:16  profilanswer

Bonjour, j aimerais bien que quelqu'un corrige les eventuelles erreurs de mon texte à propos de la Formule 1. Dans le premier paragraphe, je résumé l'opignion d'une personne qui déteste ce sport. Et dans le second paragraphe, je donne mon opignon personnelle à propos du sujet.
En vous remerciant d'avance...
Formula one is just useless. BBC should ban formula one from television and this sport should be banned from everywhere.
Formula one shouldn’t exist. Our fees pay for this stupid sport. This sport is a noisy sport, and what’s more, it’s just boring. Cars are just going round the track again and again. The only exciting thing is when these expensive cars got crashed.  
Moreover, racing pilots don’t do anything interesting with their bodies, they don’t train like athletes. And you can’t see them, because they wear special equipments.  
Another important negative aspect is that this sport is really polluting sport… And there is also a noisy pollution that you can hear for kilometres around.
Teams spend a lot of money to create new cars. It is a very expensive sport. But teams can win a lot too. That is why some teams are tempted to spy on other teams.
It’s just a stupid, tedious, useless sport.
 I know that there are negative aspects in this sport. Firstly, it’s a very polluting sport; these cars give off a lot of CO2. Secondly, a formula 1 car is really noisy, and you can hear it from a great distance. And finally, cars are very expensive, so, everyone can’t practice without having sponsors. For example, I can’t afford it if I would like to drive this kind of car.
But there are more positive aspects than negative aspects. People who like fast cars and adrenaline couldn’t wish for anything more.
Maybe drivers haven’t got bodies like athletes, rugby men or footballers but they must have a great physical condition and they must be quick-witted. They must be concentrated on what happens around them if they want to be the fastest and the bests.
All of us aren’t able to be as fast as Schumarer for example. You must be skilful with your car. Because if drivers aren’t, it could become very dangerous for them and for the other drivers on the track.
So, stop saying that this sport is useless because you don’t like it.

Posté le 04-04-2008 à 21:56:16  profilanswer

Posté le 04-04-2008 à 22:44:56  profilanswer

what's more -> moreover/besides
got crashed -> crash/get crashed/end up crashing/end up being crashed
this sport is really polluting sport -> this sport is a really polluting sport
kilometres -> kilometers
I can’t afford it if I would like to drive this kind of car -> I couldn't afford it if I wanted to drive this kind of car
Schumarer -> Schumacher [:dawa]
Y'a pas mal de formulations qui pourraient être améliorées, mais dans l'ensemble ça se laisse lire (enfin ça dépend de ton niveau d'études)
A noter que je suis pas infaillible non plus, j'ai pu louper quelques erreurs et mes propositions sont peut être pas si bonnes que ça, à toi de voir

Posté le 05-04-2008 à 00:15:56  profilanswer

Je te remercie pour ta correction :D

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