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Traduction à corriger SVP

Posté le 17-06-2008 à 14:12:27  profilanswer

Salut, une américaine va venir chez moi pendant les vacances d'été et je dois lui envoyer un mail en anglais, pourriez vous corriger mes fautes SVP,  
Merci d'avance.

Citation :

Dear Hannah,
Hello, my name is Mathieu, I'm 19, it will be a pleasure to meet you on the next Month, to tell you more about our culture and to know more about yours.  
I received your letter and I read it.
I study in what we call in France "Maths sup" to say Mathematics and Physics studies.  
I like sports, cars, and sport cars! I also like music, particularly Electro, dance. I've been in the USA one time; that was in Miami when I was 11 years old.  
My father, Didier, is a carftsman while my mother, Catherine, is a book-keeping. I have an older brother and an older sister but they both live in Lille, more than one thousand kilometres from my town.
My family and I have a dog which name is "Léa", it's very old for a so big dog, 13 years old.
You asked us what do we like to eat. Well, my mother makes a lot of cakes, we eat fish, meat, pastas; at breakfast bread, yogurt, hot chocolate, coffee...
I joined pictures of my family to this mail,
in a friendly way,

Message édité par spyko2 le 17-06-2008 à 15:05:59

- Mathématiques Spéciales
Posté le 17-06-2008 à 14:12:27  profilanswer

Posté le 17-06-2008 à 14:17:46  profilanswer

tu as oublié le PS : if you are blond with big boobs, i'am interrest

Posté le 17-06-2008 à 14:21:15  profilanswer

lol merci.

- Mathématiques Spéciales
ESC Lille
Posté le 25-06-2008 à 23:45:08  profilanswer

Cette lettre me fait halluciner! J'ai l'impression que c'est le genre de trucs que j'écrivais à 13 ans! lol
T'as un bon niveau, quelques petites fautes mais rien de grave.

ESC Lille
Posté le 25-06-2008 à 23:45:10  profilanswer

Cette lettre me fait halluciner! J'ai l'impression que c'est le genre de trucs que j'écrivais à 13 ans! lol
T'as un bon niveau, quelques petites fautes mais rien de grave.

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