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  Anglais : Est ce que j'ai bien conjugais les verbe souligné?


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Anglais : Est ce que j'ai bien conjugais les verbe souligné?

Posté le 07-11-2007 à 16:12:17  profilanswer

Je devais choisir entre le preterit / present perfect simple / present perfect continuous
Dear Ken
I'm just writing to let you know how i'm getting on with the marketing trip. Sorry i haven't been in touch for so long, but i was very busy since i arrived here on the 18th.
There is lots of interest in the new organic fertiliser.Last week i went to Sydney, where i have met a number of farmers and have seen a couple of agents. I left Sydney last sunday and have been here in Darwin since then , making useful contacts.
So far the feedback at all my meetings have been very positive and i can say that i never had such an enthsiastic response to a new product. I keep hearing the same thing - that interest in organic farming has been growing for the last few years, more and more consumers have been buying organic food, and it looks as if this will continue.
Last night i had dinner with Barry Thomas - you may remember him - he has been working for agrichem london for a couple of years in the 90s, and then has coming over here to set up his own.For the last year or so he has been acting as a distributor for some of our agricultural machinery, and he is interested in becoming a distributor for the fertiliser. I haven't gift him an answer yet, but i think he could be a good choice.
I'd better send this off to your now - I just have been a phone call from another farmer who has hearing about the fertiliser on a radio programme that went out this morning.
I'll be in touch soon.

Posté le 07-11-2007 à 16:12:17  profilanswer

Posté le 07-11-2007 à 16:18:01  profilanswer

C'est le participe qui est mauvais, pas le verbe conjugué en fait (dans le titre du topic, pas l'exercice :D)


Sinon pour vérifier tes conjugaisons:

Message édité par Trefledepique_W le 07-11-2007 à 16:26:08
Posté le 07-11-2007 à 16:19:35  profilanswer

Mauvais choix du temps jdirais. :o


Vu le nombre de verbes forts, ça sent l'exo sur le preterit. 'fin moi le preterit jtrouve que ça passe très bien tout le long.

Message édité par StarHunter le 07-11-2007 à 16:21:09
Posté le 07-11-2007 à 16:49:07  profilanswer

Bah en fait c'etait un exercice a troue et je devais rempli les trou avec un verbe qui metait donnée en le metant soit au preterit soit au present perfect soit au present perfect continuous ....
Donc j'ai essayé de suivre la regle de conjugaison d'utilisé le preterit pour une action passé et terminé dans le temps alors que pour le present perfect simple une action passé mais avec une consequence dans le present et le present perfect continuous pour une action qui a commencé dans le passé et qui continue dans le present ( comme quoi je connais la regle :p ) mais j'aurais voulu avoir l'avis de quelqun sur les verbe que j'ai conjuguais ^^

Posté le 07-11-2007 à 21:13:37  profilanswer

mathieuuuu1 a écrit :

Je devais choisir entre le preterit / present perfect simple / present perfect continuous
Dear Ken
I'm just writing to let you know how i'm getting on with the marketing trip. Sorry i haven't been in touch for so long, but i've been very busy since i arrived here on the 18th.
There is lots of interest in the new organic fertiliser.Last week i went to Sydney, where i met a number of farmers and saw a couple of agents. I left Sydney last sunday and have been here in Darwin since then , making useful contacts.
So far the feedback at all my meetings has been very positive and i can say that i have never had such an enthsiastic response to a new product. I keep hearing the same thing - that interest in organic farming has been growing for the last few years, more and more consumers are buying organic food, and it looks as if this will continue.
Last night i had dinner with Barry Thomas - you may remember him - he worked for agrichem london for a couple of years in the 90s, and then came over here to set up his own.For the last year or so he has been acting as a distributor for some of our agricultural machinery, and he is interested in becoming a distributor for the fertiliser. I haven't given him an answer yet, but i think he could be a good choice.
I'd better send this off to your now - I've just received a phone call from another farmer who heard about the fertiliser on a radio programme that went out this morning.
I'll be in touch soon.

double cli​c
Why so serious?
Posté le 07-11-2007 à 21:16:14  profilanswer

[remarque inutile] comment on peut espérer apprendre la conjugaison des verbes anglais à des gens qui ne savent déjà pas conjuguer les verbes français ? :sweat: [/remarque inutile]

Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
Posté le 09-11-2007 à 09:50:41  profilanswer

[citation à caser n'importe où] Tant qu'il y a de la vie, il y a de l'espoir ! :o [/citation à caser n'importe où]
PS : Je m'excuse d'avance pour ce up inutile...

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