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Lindsey Stirling ? Une friandise très sucrée qui arriverait à mettre un sourire sur la face du plus triste sire
Bon d'abord c'est qui Lindsey ( prononcer Lindzy ) Stirling ?
- Un portrait-interview ici :
- Une interview très intéressante bien qu'assez ancienne ( septembre 2011 ) :
Lindsey Stirling is a young and unique hip hop violinist that not only plays fun original music on the fiddle but also finds a way to control her bow while dancing, jumping, and performing impressive gymnastic moves. Besides being a fantastic entertainer Lindsey also strives to help others.
I’ve really enjoyed watching you perform and for me it is obvious that you are on your way to great things. Can you tell us a little about yourself, your age, where you grew up and where you live?
I grew up in Gilbert AZ, and I am now a 24 years old college student. I now live in Utah and I am in my senior year at BYU. I am studying to be a recreational therapist and I want to work with troubled teenage girls. I currently work at a residential treatment center helping teenage girls go through recovery and love it. It is such a rewarding job because I get to be a small part of helping someone rediscover the healthy side of themselves. I have found that music and finding passion in life is very helpful for this.
What gave you the idea of combining intensive dance and playing the violin?
When I was a senior in high school I did several talent competitions in order to earn money for college and I got sick of being the boring act. Singers would sing upbeat show tunes, dancers would bring the house down with energetic, pop routines and I felt like I put everyone to sleep. I didn’t want to just impress my audience, I wanted them to have fun with me. So I started to write to beats and I began to choreograph my routines. They started extremely simple but as I have practiced… (a ton!) They’ve evolved.
What came first, dancing or fiddling?
I have always loved dance but my parents couldn’t afford both dance lessons and violin lessons. So my mom told me when I was six years old that I had to chose either dance or violin. I chose violin but I think it’s pretty funny that i went ahead and did both… I’ve actually never had a dance lesson. I learned how to moonwalk, and glide and c walk through looking up tutorials on Youtube, and other than that I just use to go to a lot of dance parties so… that’s where I learned my little moves.
How long have you been playing?
I’ve played the violin for over 18 years
Which style of dancing do you prefer?
I guess all I know is Lindsey Style. Ha ha, I don’t know I only know your basic moves you would use at a dance party but if I could learn any type of dance I would love to learn contemporary.
In your videos it is very obvious that you are extremely flexible and limber. What do you do to be able to bend like that or are you just naturally that way?
I’m kinda a naturally flexible person. I don’t stretch at all but the more I do those moves as I practice and perform, the better they’ve gotten.
Most violinists struggle to keep their bow movements controlled with very little or no body movement. How do you keep bow control while jumping?
It’s all muscle memory. I just practice the songs really slowly as I put the choreography with it and my bow arm learns what parts of the song it needs to use more pressure and it learns where it can lighten up.
Do you try to time bow changes and accents with your dance movements?
I time my dance moves to the beat of the actual song so no, a lot of times my violin is on the off beats which makes it even more of a challenge to put the two together. That’s why I always master the violin part, then I make and learn the dance, only then do i put the two together.
Can you tell us a little about your violin studies, teachers?
My parents used to play a lot of classical music in our home on an old record player (that was our only source of music). I can still hear the scratchy sound of the record playing as my sisters and I danced around the couch to Scheherazade. My parents would also take my sisters and I to all the free orchestra concerts in LA. as result, I begged my mom to let me play the violin. My parents couldn’t afford lessons but finally my mom found a young college student that was willing to give me 15 minute lessons. (No one else would do it because they felt that a child couldn’t learn at that rate) I started taking private lessons when I was 6 and took them until i was 18. When I was 17 I began taking lessons from a very uptight teacher that came highly recommended and he only accepted “the best” students. He had a huge ego and one week I came to my lesson and for the second time in a row, I hadn’t practiced as much as he thought I should have. He hit my music off the stand, and told me “get in your little white car, go home and never come back. you’re not worth my time” That was the last private lesson I ever took but since then I have gone in my own direction and I think he’d be surprised to see where his failure of a student is today. I also played in the high school orchestra and did regionals and allstate multiple times.
Do you write your own arrangements, any original compositions?
I was writing my own arrangements to hymns since I was a kid and now I continue to write all my own arrangements. I have three original songs that are up on itunes and 3 more that will be coming out within the next month. I am going to release a full album by the end of this year.
Your movements appear to me as very original, do you do your own choreography?
I do because I can only use my lower body so I have to accentuate those moves. Twice, dancers have choreographed a routine to my music and then I adapted their dance to fit what I can do.
What is your favorite genre to play?
I love hip hop and trans music just because I can really dance to it
What do you recommend to those who are interested in following in your footsteps?
Yes yes. The only reason I can do what I do is because I had 12 years of strictly classical training. I always tell people that if you can get a strong classical foundation, you can play anything. You gotta practice the boring stuff in order to do the fun stuff.
Dancing and playing is pretty fantastic and it leads me to wonder if you ever sing or would like to sing while performing as well?
I sing in the bands I play with but only as a backup vocalist. I do not have powerful enough voice to want to sing lead. On some of my songs I am starting to do really light background vocals.
Do you have any fiddling or dancing idols?
I loved Bond as a kid and hearing them was what made me realize that the violin could be fun and crazy. It didn’t have to be so ridged. I also loved Mark o Connor, and Vanessa Mae. All these artists helped me discover my own unique style.
What kind of projects do you have lined up for us all to enjoy in the future?
I will have a cd done by december and for the last month or so I’ve been producing a youtube video every other week. These include fun little videos, live performances and they also include music videos to my original songs. I will continue to do these for sure.
You seem well on your way to stardom. What are your goals and dreams and where can you see yourself in the future of entertainment?
I have decided that my violin is going to pay may way around the world. I want to travel to amazing places and do it as a performer. I would love to be a featured violinist on shows such as Glee, the Ellen show, and such, and I absolutely love to perform so it would be awesome to link up with another artist and tour.
Née aux US en 1986, la petite Lindsey à l'âge de 5 ans tanne ses parents pour se voir offrir un violon et des leçons auprès d'un professeur.
Ses parents malgré leurs revenus modestes cèdent et pendant 12 ans la petite va suivre une formation classique.
A 16 ans avec ses potes elle monte un groupe de rock "Stomp On Melvin" où elle expérimente un son violon rock.
J'ai beau chercher je ne trouve pas beaucoup de vidéos de ses performances de l'époque à part quelques secondes de vidéo dans le portrait linké au dessus et ça :
Stomp On Melvin ( Lindsey a 16 ans ) :
En 2010 elle participe à l'émission TV américaine "America's Got Talent" et parvient jusqu'aux quarts de finale.
Bien que recalée, cette première exposition d'envergure laisse apercevoir au plus grand nombre ce qui caractérise le mieux Lindsey Stirling : un violon énergique accompagné de danse moderne ( backbend, moonwalk etc...).
Autant elle a étudié pendant 12 années le violon, autant elle n'a jamais pris de cours de danse, elle a maté et rematé des dizaines de vidéos sur Youtube pour s'approprier certains mouvements, en somme c'est une Youtube-trained dancer
Les images parlant plus que les mots, voici sa prestation lors de cette émission en 2010 :
Performance perfectible : quelques fausses notes ( stress ? trop focus sur la danse ? ) et aucune compo mais l'effet est là, on sent le potentiel.
Cette année 2010 elle sort sur itunes un premier EP de 3 titres dont Transcendence qui restera comme l'un dont elle est le plus fière spécifiquement pour le "message" qu'elle a voulu transmettre à travers ce titre : aller au delà des obstacles et des faiblesses pour laisser émerger sa véritable personnalité : transcendence ( j'aurais pu ajouter aussi Spontaneous Me ).
L'année 2011 sera vraiment l'année qui va voir croître sa renommée de manière exponentielle grâce à Youtube où elle poste des vidéos de sa musique, le plus souvent filmée par son ex-boyfriend Devin Graham, ce qui donne des images superbes.
2012 va encore amplifier le mouvement.
Quelques exemples de ses titres les plus connus tirés de sa 1ère chaîne YT officielle :
Jetez un oeil au nombre de vues
- Electric Daisy : [...] g&index=28
- Spontaneous Me :
- Crystallize :
- Elements : [...] CD&index=1
- Phantom of The Opera : [...] CD&index=7
- Shadows ( clip superbe ) : [...] CD&index=6
Ces clips donnent une bonne idée de ce qu'est Lindsey Stirling ( du violon sur un fond de dub-step like par exemple ) mais sur scène en live, elle révèle vraiment sa personnalité : sa joie d'être là où elle est aujourd'hui et le bonheur de partager ces moments avec de nombreux groupes croisés lors de ses tournées.
C'est la positivité qu'elle dégage que j'aime avant tout, elle aime les gens, aime les rendre heureux, et puis bon j'aime aussi bien entendu son peacock hair-style ( envie de tenter la même coiffure ? Un tuto ici : la Peacock made by Lindsey herself : ) et son look en général ( elle fabrique elle même ses tenues souvent originales ( qui aurait osé la single-socks avant elle ?
A propos de prestations en live, le festival Celtica dans la vallée d'Aoste cet été 2012 fut l'occasion de la voir se mêler à d'autres artistes à jouer ses morceaux ou les morceaux des autres, le partage dans la complicité ça fait plaisir à voir
Avec les italiens du groupe "The Sidh" jouant l'un de leur morceaux ( Legend of Sidh ) superbe :
En échange ils jouent avec elle son "Spontaneous Me" :
Autre partage, cette fois-ci avec un jeune pianiste hawaien aveugle, là elle reste assise mais quelques "regards" suffisent pour sentir qu'à travers la musique le courant passe, regardez le bonheur de Kuha'o c'est beau à voir :
Son 1er album est sorti :
http://lindseystirlingviolin.mybig [...] cal-album/ [...] d562100121
Privilégier l'achat directement sur son site plutôt que passer par des intermédiaires, c'est la meilleure façon de l'aider
- Site officiel :
- Chaînes Youtube :
plus spécialement dédié à ses tournées :
Lindsey se les gèle en Hollande : [...] Vg&index=1
- 236 vidéos sur Lindsey !!! [...] D94F7D3ECA
- A lire ! Son blog ( dernière entrée en décembre 2012, en stand by pour la tournée européenne sans doute, j'espère qu'elle va en reprendre l'écriture bientôt ) on en apprend beaucoup sur elle, ses relations avec sa famille, sa Foi, ses "standards" et sa façon de voir les choses, très très intéressant pour mieux cerner le personnage et comprendre pourquoi elle est si positive et vraiment unique dans le paysage artistique, une vraie vraie grande personne avec un coeur gros comme ça
Juste un exemple :
Noel dans la Stirling Family :
"For the duration of December, the Stirling home is filled with familiar sounds, smells, and activities that bring up memories from the past and fills me up like a rich cup of hot chocolate.
These include the scratchy sound of the old record player that plays our favorite Christmas tunes, the annual Christmas photo shoot with our new pajamas, watching A Christmas Story while eating Chinese food, smelling of home-made banana bread, having a Christmas Eve sleepover in my little sister's room, and playing cards as a family. These are just some of the traditions that have weathered the storms of change that have passed over my home but this year we started a new tradition that I'd like to share.
Christmas is a celebration of Christ's birth and as tradition deems, we give gifts in symbolism of the gifts that the Wise men gave to the Savior. Giving presents is great and fun, but the greatest gift we can give to Christ is to render service to those in need. Last year, we decided that we would do some kind of service project in behalf of each member of the family. Throughout the year we would work on these projects (big or small). We each wrote a letter to every member of the family telling them what we did in behalf of them and why we chose that service for them. We then rapped up the letters and put them under the Christmas tree so we could all read them on Christmas morning. This being the first attempt at this new tradition, most of us (myself included) procrastinated a bit, so they were smaller scale projects but regardless, reading these stories of service brought an extremely sweet spirit to our Christmas and made me want to be better.
I want to share with you just one of them. My 22 year old sister Brooke is very shy and she does not like to stand out in any way but this was the service she did in behalf of me.
“I a frequently presented with small opportunities to serve on a daily basis, but unfortunately I usually don't act fast enough and then the moment is gone. So this year, instead of thinking to much about it or worrying what other people would think, I decided I would just get up and serve. Here are a few examples of the things I did this year:
* I saw an older Christian missionary at ASU trying to pass out cards. Everyone was ignoring him so I walked up and asked if I could have one.
* Put flyers up around Provo to make people smile.
* I gave some people at the bus stop a ride to campus.
The list went on and at the end she shared this sweet story:
“ I was walking behind a man on ASU campus and even though I couldn't see his face, I felt like I needed to offer him something. Of course, I was afraid of offending him if he was fine so I thought about it till we turned our separate ways. As I walked away, I thought of you and I turned around to go find him. He was stopped waiting at the cross walk when I caught up to him and I just said, “Are you ok?” He looked at me and said, “I'm hungry.” I knew I didn't have any food or cash on me so I offered to take him to the cafeteria and buy him something but he said it was ok. Then, just to be sure, I checked my wallet and I found a $5.
I never cary cash and I don't even know where it came from .”
Everyday we walk amidst a see of people who have hopes, fears, worries, families, needs, and desires. By serving others we will see them as just that. Rather than being a crowd, they are individuals. Brooke's example of service made me want to be better at serving the individuals around me."
Certains vont trouver ça idéaliste ou je-ne-sais-quoi, tant pis pour eux et leur esprit chagrin, moi au contraire je trouve ça tout à fait honorable. [...] aoiwx8WxmQ
Allez y'a tant de choses à dire sur Lindsey Stirling, tant de bonne humeur, de sourires et de positivité apportés par ce vent de fraîcheur soufflé par une tite jeune femme d'1m55...
Juste pour dire qu'au milieu des guerres, de la misère, du froid, de la grisaille et tout le bordel ben ça fait drôlement du bien quoi voilà
Alors ouais personne ne peut dire où elle sera dans quelques années mais en attendant, elle sera demain 18 janvier 2012 à la Maroquinerie à Paris et je n'y serai pas ![[:cerveau totoz] [:cerveau totoz]]( totoz.gif)
Message édité par poiro le 02-03-2013 à 20:49:30