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Auteur | Sujet : Le futur dans les films |
Publicité | Posté le 23-08-2004 à 22:46:39 |
printf Baston ! | Ben Retour vers le futur |
double clic Why so serious? | matrix ? --------------- Tell me why all the clowns have gone. |
La Monne AdministrateurTu dois rompre. |
tssstare | en fait il y a très peu de films récents qui portent vraiment toute l'histoire sur le futur, ils s'en servent souvent comme toile de fond... |
double clic Why so serious? |
--------------- Tell me why all the clowns have gone. |
Shaad | Retour vers le futur
greenleaf | Avalon |
Publicité | Posté le 23-08-2004 à 23:10:49 |
benji123 |
Babouchka You're no fun anymore |
nogood 10 ans sur HFR ! | Blade Runner
Eonwe |
Babouchka You're no fun anymore | La planète des singes (non pas le machin de tim burton)
Message édité par Babouchka le 23-08-2004 à 23:15:31 |
double clic Why so serious? | la planète des singes ? --------------- Tell me why all the clowns have gone. |
drasche |
--------------- Whichever format the fan may want to listen is fine with us – vinyl, wax cylinders, shellac, 8-track, iPod, cloud storage, cranial implants – just as long as it’s loud and rockin' (Billy Gibbons, ZZ Top) |
double clic Why so serious? |
--------------- Tell me why all the clowns have gone. |
benji123 | c bien brazil?
Babouchka You're no fun anymore |
drasche |
--------------- Whichever format the fan may want to listen is fine with us – vinyl, wax cylinders, shellac, 8-track, iPod, cloud storage, cranial implants – just as long as it’s loud and rockin' (Billy Gibbons, ZZ Top) |
Eonwe |
--------------- Flickr |
benji123 | je viens de voir ca...mais g peur de par accroché....1925 |
Shaad |
nikolai | Babylon 5 aussi --------------- Soutenez l'association Chat Qu'un Son Toit - 86 | les RoadRunners sur BOiNC |
Shaad |
benji123 | starship troopers...j'avais bien aimé...ca faisait vraiment caricatural par rapport a maintenant mais tout a fais possible...
drasche |
--------------- Whichever format the fan may want to listen is fine with us – vinyl, wax cylinders, shellac, 8-track, iPod, cloud storage, cranial implants – just as long as it’s loud and rockin' (Billy Gibbons, ZZ Top) |
greenleaf |
daube intersidérale |
elessar53 con comme un drapeau | 1984, c'est bien ... mais sa pu quand c'est le bahut qui te le donne à lire !!! tu l'apprecie que quand tu en a finit avec le bachot.. |
double clic Why so serious? |
--------------- Tell me why all the clowns have gone. |
benji123 | 1984, c koi ca? un boukin? |
benji123 |
drasche |
--------------- Whichever format the fan may want to listen is fine with us – vinyl, wax cylinders, shellac, 8-track, iPod, cloud storage, cranial implants – just as long as it’s loud and rockin' (Billy Gibbons, ZZ Top) |
Shaad |
drasche |
--------------- Whichever format the fan may want to listen is fine with us – vinyl, wax cylinders, shellac, 8-track, iPod, cloud storage, cranial implants – just as long as it’s loud and rockin' (Billy Gibbons, ZZ Top) |
benji123 |
double clic Why so serious? |
--------------- Tell me why all the clowns have gone. |
Eonwe |
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