Auteur | Sujet : [VDS] Rien, ne pas lock |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | Reprise du message précédent : --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
Publicité | Posté le 10-06-2011 à 00:54:22 |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | up --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
Mad Pat Beaux nénés, bonne sans thé !Transactions (131) |
Yoyo64 Y€$Transactions (95) |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | up --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
Dartoms Transactions (2) | Bonjour,
--------------- Mon Feed-Back |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | légère rayure sur le capot, et logo Dell sur le capot un poil écaillé. pour le reste c'est de l'usure normale. le dessous et le palmrest sont cleans.
--------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | je l'utilise actuellement sous Ubuntu 10.04 ça marche au poil, pas besoin de compiler quoi que ce soit --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
Dartoms Transactions (2) | Ok d'accord !
--------------- Mon Feed-Back |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | Ouaip, le seul point à tweaker un peu c'est pour le décodage hardware des vidéos HD sous Linux mais c'est dû à un support très récent de la carte vidéo
--------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
Publicité | Posté le 10-06-2011 à 14:11:18 |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | up --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
Mad Pat Beaux nénés, bonne sans thé !Transactions (131) |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | je vais les uploader dans quelques minutes --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | et voilà --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
Mad Pat Beaux nénés, bonne sans thé !Transactions (131) |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | Ah ca y est t'achètes? --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
Mad Pat Beaux nénés, bonne sans thé !Transactions (131) |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | Me disais bien que t'etais un troudbal --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
Mad Pat Beaux nénés, bonne sans thé !Transactions (131) |
DrDooM Transactions (242) |
--------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | up --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
troble Transactions (53) | Un E4300 t'intéresserait à l'échange ? |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | pas du tout, je ne l'échange que contre des billets --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
troble Transactions (53) | Bonne vente alors |
kingway Transactions (42) | si je me trompe pas j'ai vu conky sur ton bureau sur l'une des photos
DrDooM Transactions (242) | quand j'aurai le temps, mais je l'avais récup sur gnome-look ou sur le site de conky de toute façon --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
kingway Transactions (42) | ok, bah si jamais t'as le temps ,)
DrDooM Transactions (242) | up --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | Up --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
vvv666vvv HarD AwarETransactions (45) | c'est quoi la différence entre le 4200 et le 4300 ? |
vvv666vvv HarD AwarETransactions (45) | C'est bon j'ai vu ^^ (google) |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | Ouaip 12" pour le e4200 et 13" pour le e4300 --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | up --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | up --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
Stylken Transactions (77) | Toujours pas intéressé par l'idée de faire l'échange vs un SSD Crucial M225 256 Go + euros ? (Tu n'avais point répondu à cette question dans mon topic ) Message édité par Stylken le 12-06-2011 à 12:37:59 --------------- F' - [Achats / ventes] |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | Non pas d'echange --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | up --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | up --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | j'ai vérifié la garantie, il est garanti jusqu'au 16/02/2012 --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
tableix Notre pouvoir, ne pas acheter!Transactions (9) | contre un ipad2 @apple l'inventeur de la tablet Message édité par tableix le 12-06-2011 à 20:39:35 --------------- mes dons http://forum.hardware.fr/forum2.ph [...] w=0&nojs=0 |
DrDooM Transactions (242) | ipad2? quel modèle? --------------- "By the time I pay my scientist, all the people in my lab, my developers, the lab rats, it's a wash. Well, why you do it then, baby Billy? Well, cause I'm selfless" |
Publicité | Posté le |