c' un Proliant 1600R (4 ou 5 U)
bi p!! 400 (evo en p!!! bus100 512ko)
320mo ECC
2*UW (voir U2W)
carte raid compaq 2*UW
cage Hot Plug 5 places dispo
Code :
- Space-saving rack-mountable form factor (5U)
- Intel Pentium® II processor 400 MHz (dual processor capability)
- 512-KB second level ECC cache standard
- 100 MHz GTL Bus Design
- 64 MB 100 MHz registered ECC SDRAM memory standard, expandable to 1 GB
- Two PCI and four shared PCI/ISA slots (six total slots)
- Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX PCI UTP Controller (embedded) on the PCI bus
- Integrated Dual Channel Wide-Ultra SCSI-3 Controller
- Support for up to five 1.0-inch hot-plug hard drives or two 1.6-inch and one 1-inch hot plug hard drives
- 63.7 GB maximum internal storage (45.5 GB of internal hot plug storage)
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