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  Eco-systems @ Dutch site


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Eco-systems @ Dutch site

Posté le 27-04-2007 à 20:37:33  profilanswer

Hi y'all!
After only reading on the forums I decided to register, because I saw something interesting at a Dutch webshop: (the ones who had the HD2900 XT online: [...] ati-2.html, [...] &Itemid=34
When you click on 'Computer systemen' > 'Salland Systemen' you'll notic the 'Salland Ecosystemen'.
They have made some SFF computers to reduce energy usage and to stimulate the environment. A very good initiative I think!
When I translate the text with Babelfish I get this:
Global warming; who does not know the term. Beside factories and cars computers play also a large role. Why a computer buys that much flow consumes whereas only basis applications are used such as Internet, e-mail and office. An average office PC. is in fact still too well for these tasks and charges because of this the environment unnecessarily. Salland thinks of the millieu AND your portemonnee with these ecosystems! These super-compact, quiet and low-energy systems perform very well for these applications without the disadvantages of onbenutte capacity or exuberant flow usage. In most of the cases the processors clock themselves in speed when no rack strength is asked. This system consumes around 25 Watt exclusive TFT, there where the average office PC. sits already rapidly around 150 - 200 Watt. Configure money-saving and environment-friendly computer now your! If required is these where it is logical extend that the flow usage will increase slightly.
The cases look very nice, and also the pricing is nice! I haven't found an other webshop who offer this kind of systems, and with the environment-thing in mind.
What do you guys think?

Posté le 27-04-2007 à 20:37:33  profilanswer

Posté le 28-04-2007 à 00:49:01  profilanswer

Merci de le refaire en français / Please do it again in French, cf forum rules
edit: and post in the correct category as well.

Message édité par freds45 le 28-04-2007 à 00:50:24

Filmstory : gardez trace des films que vous avez vu ! :D

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