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  Modifier / créer / supprimer dans un annuaire commun sous Dameware


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Modifier / créer / supprimer dans un annuaire commun sous Dameware

Posté le 30-01-2008 à 10:00:56  profilanswer

J'ai découvert la solution Dameware il y a peu de temps qui me convient très bien ! La seule et dernière interrogation qui persiste est la suivante : je voudrais disposer d'un annuaire commun à toutes les personnes utilisant Dameware. Cet annuaire doit être dans un dossier partagé pour que tout le monde y accède. On doit y créer plusieurs sous dossiers de type  
- Fililale 1
    - Agence 1
    - Agence 2
    - ...
- Fililale 2
    - Agence 1
    - Agence 2
    - ...
Ainsi, on classerait nos postes comme nous voulons, on enregistrera les nouveaux postes dans les lieux concernés... Bref, on retrouverait nos postes sur le réseau

Message édité par palaud le 30-01-2008 à 10:23:20
Posté le 30-01-2008 à 10:00:56  profilanswer

Posté le 04-02-2008 à 09:14:19  profilanswer

Les utilisateurs de Dameware n'ont jamais eu besoin de faire ça ? (c'est quand même super pratique de classer les postes comme on veut...)

Posté le 18-02-2008 à 08:26:33  profilanswer

Nous avons posé la question directement auprés de l'éditeur, voici leur réponse :
Do you want to share the MRC Host List from one central location, or send your list to other users who would them import it on their local machines? Because if you just want to pass this information to your colleagues then you can send them your DBF files, and then they could import them under a folder in the MRC Saved Host List.
There is also another feature I also wanted to mention. This functionality is not directly supported, but you are welcome to try it out. However, version 4.5 and above does have a new feature, which would allow you to "share" these database files between multiple users, or even just change the location of the database files. You could also have them located on a "read-only" network share, and that way users could not make modifications to the database. However, please also keep in mind that any credentials associated with these entries are not stored within the same database file. The are stored locally on each individual remote machine and therefore cannot be shared. Please also note that these features are not available in any version prior to version 4.5.
In order to change the location the database files are stored, you will need to modify the appropriate "db path" variables on each users local machine (in their own DameWare Development Registry key) within their user profile, to point to the shared list.  
Here is the path for the MRC database file:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DameWare Development\NT Utilities\DNTU\DWRCC Settings]  
"MRC db Path"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\{User Profile}\\Application Data\\DameWare Development\\" --> MRC Saved Host List
Also, just FYI, if you are manually editing the path in the Registry (via Regedit), then you cannot enter the double back-slashes "\\" in the path. You would only enter a single back-slash. In other words, you should only enter "x:\path\". Also, please make sure you end the path with a back-slash character as well. Whereas, if you create a .REG file for distribution, then the path would be separated by double back-slashes ( x:\\path\\ ) instead. This is the same behavior you would see if you manually edited the Registry and then exported that Registry key into a .REG file.
Another thing to keep in mind is that any changes made by these users would also be saved to this shared host list, unless you only give them some type of Read-Only access to this file or directory. However, even with read-only access, this still does not prevent them from making any changes in the Remote Connect dialog before they connect. They can make changes before they connect, but those changes will not be saved.
Lastly, although the MRC Saved Host List itself can be shared amongst multiple users, other information cannot be shared, even with another user profile on the same exact machine. For example, you can share your Mini Remote Control Saved Host List, or even transfer it to another machine or another profile by copying your MRC.DBF database file to the appropriate folder on your new machine. However, for security reasons, any credentials saved within each of these Host Entries cannot be shared or transferred. Our software uses Microsoft's Security APIs (CryptoAPIs) to encrypt and store this information, but it's only accessible by this specific user profile on this specific machine, not even by any other user profile on this same machine.
I hope this helps.
Hum hum... Y'a plus qu'à traduire ! ^^

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  Systèmes & Réseaux Pro

  Modifier / créer / supprimer dans un annuaire commun sous Dameware


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