Bonjour tout le monde je travail sur une appli android qui fait le recadrage d'une image j'ai cherché un peu a droite a gauche sur internet et livre et voila ce que j'ai trouvé voir le code en dessous:
le probleme c'est que : eclipse me signale une erreur au niveau des portions de code en rouge (TextureImageDetailsActivity) et je sais pas comment les resoudre aidez mois svp a les resoudres merci infiniment
Code :
class ImageViewWithRectangle extends ImageView {
// Enable or not the cropping rectangle
private boolean hasCropRectangle = false;
// Cropping rectangle that we are drawing over the image
private RectF croppingRect = new RectF();
private RectF intialcroppingRect;
private boolean cropRectInitialized = false;
// Turns this boolean to false when we touch inside it
private boolean moveRectangle = false;
// Turns this boolean to true when we touch the border of the rectangle
private boolean resizeRectangle = false;
// Index of the corner that the user is currently dragging
private int sideIndex = -1;
// Maximum distance from a side to consider that we are touching it
private final float MAXDIST = 20;
// Minimum size of the cropping rectangle
private final int MINSIZE = 5;
// Values to deal with the touching
private float oldTouchValueX;
private float oldTouchValueY;
// This is the bounds of the drawable inside the image view
private RectF drawableRect;
TextureImageDetailsActivity parentContext;
public ImageViewWithRectangle(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
intialcroppingRect = new RectF(20f, 20f, 80f, 80f);
// Set the parent so we can tell it when the crop rectangle is moved
public void setParentContext(TextureImageDetailsActivity context) {
parentContext = context;
public void setImageDrawable (Drawable drawable) {
intialcroppingRect.set(20f, 20f, 80f, 80f);
public void setIsCropped(boolean cropRectangleActivated) {
hasCropRectangle = cropRectangleActivated;
cropRectInitialized = false;
// Invalidate the view so show or hide the rectangle
// Set the cropping rectangle by given value in percentage
public void setCroppingRectangle(RectF cropRect) {
intialcroppingRect = cropRect;
cropRectInitialized = false;
public RectF getCroppingRectangle() {
return croppingRect;
protected void onDraw (Canvas canvas) {
// Let the image draw itself first
if (hasCropRectangle) {
// If we draw the image for the first time we need to initialize the crop rectangle.
if (!cropRectInitialized) {
float widthratio = drawableRect.width()/100f;
float heightratio = drawableRect.height()/100f;
croppingRect.set(intialcroppingRect.left*widthratio + drawableRect.left,*heightratio +,
intialcroppingRect.right*widthratio + drawableRect.left,
intialcroppingRect.bottom*heightratio +;
cropRectInitialized = true;
// Creates a paint object and sets its attributes
Paint paint = new Paint();
// Depending if we move the rectangle or not, we use a different color
if (moveRectangle)
// Draw a rectangle
canvas.drawRect(croppingRect, paint);
// Set the color to green to draw the selected side
// Change the color of the touched side if we are in the operation of resizing the rectangle
if (sideIndex == 0)
// Top side
canvas.drawLine(croppingRect.left,, croppingRect.right,, paint);
else if (sideIndex == 1)
// Right side
canvas.drawLine(croppingRect.right,, croppingRect.right, croppingRect.bottom, paint);
else if (sideIndex == 2)
// Bottom side
canvas.drawLine(croppingRect.right, croppingRect.bottom, croppingRect.left, croppingRect.bottom, paint);
else if (sideIndex == 3)
// Left side
canvas.drawLine(croppingRect.left, croppingRect.bottom, croppingRect.left,, paint);
// From here we darken the outside of the cropping rectangle to
// give a better view of what is ketp.
// Create a path with the imageview bounds minus the cropping rectangle.
Path path = new Path();
path.addRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), Path.Direction.CW);
path.addRect(croppingRect, Path.Direction.CCW);
// Draw this path.
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev){
return onTouchEvent(ev);
// Calculate drawable rect
private void computeDrawableRect() {
// Ratio of the imageView
float imageRatio = (float)getWidth()/getHeight();
float drawableRatio = (float)getDrawable().getIntrinsicWidth()/getDrawable().getIntrinsicHeight();
float dWidth = getDrawable().getIntrinsicWidth();
float dHeight = getDrawable().getIntrinsicHeight();
drawableRect = new RectF();
// If the images have the same ratio, the drawable rect is the same than the image view
if (imageRatio == drawableRatio)
drawableRect.set(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
// If the width is the biggest side in both image
else if (imageRatio < drawableRatio) {
// Get the ratio between the two width
float ratio = dWidth/getWidth();
// So calculate the new size of the height
float height = dHeight/ratio;
float diff = (getHeight() - height)/2f;
// We have now the size of the scaled drawable
drawableRect.set(0, diff, getWidth(), diff + height);
// If the height is the biggest side in both image
else if (imageRatio > drawableRatio) {
// Get the ratio between the two width
float ratio = dHeight/getHeight();
// So calculate the new size of the height
float width = dWidth/ratio;
float diff = (getWidth() - width)/2f;
// We have now the size of the scaled drawable
drawableRect.set(diff, 0, diff + width, getHeight());
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
// Reimplement the touch event to resize and move the position of the cropping rectangle
switch (event.getAction())
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
oldTouchValueX = event.getX();
oldTouchValueY = event.getY();
// Test if the finger touch one of the side
// The side index goes from 0 to 3 with 0 as the top, 1 is the right,
// 2 bottom and 3 left
if (oldTouchValueX > croppingRect.left && oldTouchValueX < croppingRect.right
&& Math.abs(oldTouchValueY - < MAXDIST)
sideIndex = 0;
else if (oldTouchValueY > && oldTouchValueY < croppingRect.bottom
&& Math.abs(oldTouchValueX - croppingRect.right) < MAXDIST)
sideIndex = 1;
else if (oldTouchValueX > croppingRect.left && oldTouchValueX < croppingRect.right
&& Math.abs(oldTouchValueY - croppingRect.bottom) < MAXDIST)
sideIndex = 2;
else if (oldTouchValueY > && oldTouchValueY < croppingRect.bottom
&& Math.abs(oldTouchValueX - croppingRect.left) < MAXDIST)
sideIndex = 3;
if (sideIndex != -1)
resizeRectangle = true;
else if (croppingRect.contains(oldTouchValueX, oldTouchValueY))
moveRectangle = true;
// Invalidate the view so the rectangle is getting redraw
return resizeRectangle || moveRectangle;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
// Get the new position of the finger
float currentX = event.getX();
float currentY = event.getY();
if (hasCropRectangle) {
// If in the right mode, moves the rectangle by the difference
if (moveRectangle) {
float offsetX = currentX-oldTouchValueX;
float offsetY = currentY-oldTouchValueY;
// Check if the offset will not make the rectangle to go outside of the view
if (croppingRect.right + offsetX > drawableRect.right)
offsetX = 0;
else if (croppingRect.left + offsetX < drawableRect.left)
offsetX = 0;
if ( + offsetY <
offsetY = 0;
else if (croppingRect.bottom + offsetY > drawableRect.bottom)
offsetY = 0;
croppingRect.offset(offsetX, offsetY);
// Invalidate the view so the rectangle is getting redraw
else if (resizeRectangle) {
float width = drawableRect.right;
float height = drawableRect.bottom;
// Depending on the side we are currently touching,
// we change the coordinate of the appropriate parameter
switch (sideIndex) {
case 0 : if (currentY > && currentY < height && currentY < (croppingRect.bottom - MINSIZE)) = currentY;
case 1 : if (currentX > drawableRect.left && currentX < width && croppingRect.left < (currentX - MINSIZE)) croppingRect.right = currentX;
case 2 : if (currentY > && currentY < height && < (currentY - MINSIZE)) croppingRect.bottom = currentY;
case 3 : if (currentX > drawableRect.left && currentX < width && currentX < (croppingRect.right - MINSIZE)) croppingRect.left = currentX;
// Invalidate the view so the rectangle is getting redraw
// Register the position of the finger at the end of the move
oldTouchValueX = currentX;
oldTouchValueY = currentY;
return true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
// When the finger is lift, we turn every boolean to false
moveRectangle = false;
resizeRectangle = false;
sideIndex = -1;
// Tells the parent the rectangle was moved
// Invalidate the view so the rectangle is getting redraw
return true;
return super.onTouchEvent(event);
// Returns the ratio width/height of the crop rectangle
public float getRatio() {
return croppingRect.width()/croppingRect.height();
// Returns the cropping rectangle in percentage of the width and height
RectF getCropRectInBitmapCoordinate() {
if (drawableRect == null)
return intialcroppingRect;
float widthratio = 100f/drawableRect.width();
float heightratio = 100f/drawableRect.height();
RectF cropRect = new RectF((croppingRect.left - drawableRect.left)*widthratio,
( -*heightratio,
(croppingRect.right - drawableRect.left)*widthratio,
(croppingRect.bottom -*heightratio);
return cropRect;
// Returns a bitmap which is cropped with the cropping rectangle
public Bitmap getBitmap() {
if (getDrawable() == null)
return null;
// Return the complete image or the cropped rectangle
else if (hasCropRectangle) {
Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)getDrawable()).getBitmap();
return Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap,
Math.round(croppingRect.left), Math.round(,
Math.round(croppingRect.width()), Math.round(croppingRect.height()));
return ((BitmapDrawable)getDrawable()).getBitmap();