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  Mac Mini - Sortie de veille réseau impossible


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Mac Mini - Sortie de veille réseau impossible

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Posté le 06-10-2016 à 11:02:09  answer

J'ai un Mac Mini (2010), branché à mon DAC à ma TV avec les paramètres de veille suivants :
- Ordinateur en veille après : 1 heure
- Ecran en veille après : 1 heure
- Réactiver lors des accès réseau
Je n'arrive pas a réactiver le Mini depuis mon MBPr en passant par Réseau, en local ou depuis l'extérieur. La seule solution à date est de ne pas laisser le Mini en activité, désactiver la veille.
Dernier reboot, j'ai eu ce message :
Date/Time:       2016-09-27 17:32:39 +0200
OS Version:      10.10.5 (Build 14F1912)
Architecture:    x86_64
Report Version:  21
Event:           Sleep Wake Failure
Steps:           10
Hardware model:  Macmini4,1
Active cpus:     2
Process:         authd [117]
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1183 pages
  Thread 0x24b        1 sample (1)        priority 31
  <thread QoS legacy, boosted, timers coalesced, IO policy important>
 *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2311718) [0xffffff8000434626] 1
   *1  unix_syscall64 + 662 (kernel + 6599926) [0xffffff800084b4f6] 1
     *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6207699) [0xffffff80007eb8d3] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 6208362) [0xffffff80007ebb6a] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 3556033) [0xffffff80005642c1] 1
           *1  spec_read + 609 (kernel + 3669505) [0xffffff800057fe01] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 5835028) [0xffffff8000790914] 1
               *1  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1
                 *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1
                   *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1
                     *1  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1
                       *1  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1
  Binary Images:
         0x1060ec000 -                ???  ???                <40AAB7D7-2132-39D0-9535-D95CC1CE18A9>
 *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff  kernel (2782.50.6) <FE3619E6-270B-34A6-BBD7-BED74EC32693>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process: [912]
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       77412 pages
  Thread 0x41c3b      1 sample (1)        priority 46
  <thread QoS user interactive, boosted, IO policy important>
 *1  hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2311750) [0xffffff8000434646] 1
   *1  mach_call_munger64 + 410 (kernel + 2106522) [0xffffff800040249a] 1
     *1  mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 205 (kernel + 1196925) [0xffffff800032437d] 1
       *1  ipc_kmsg_send + 291 (kernel + 1128947) [0xffffff80003139f3] 1
         *1  ipc_kobject_server + 256 (kernel + 1241200) [0xffffff800032f070] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 1971335) [0xffffff80003e1487] 1
             *1  is_io_connect_method + 499 (kernel + 7336003) [0xffffff80008ff043] 1
               *1  IOUserClient::externalMethod(unsigned int, IOExternalMethodArguments*, IOExternalMethodDispatch*, OSObject*, void*) + 857 (kernel + 7346393) [0xffffff80009018d9] 1
                 *1  shim_io_connect_method_structureI_structureO + 290 (kernel + 7343314) [0xffffff8000900cd2] 1
                   *1  nvDeviceTesla::NewTexture(VendorNewTextureDataRec*, sIONewTextureReturnData*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long*) + 95 (GeForceTesla + 250289) [0xffffff7f827aa1b1] 1
                     *1  IONVAcceleratorTesla::acceleratorWaitEnabled() + 28 (GeForceTesla + 52400) [0xffffff7f82779cb0] 1
                       *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1
                         *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1
                           *1  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1
                             *1  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1
  Binary Images:
         0x100f48000 -                ???  ???                                     <F4EE2D61-005D-392F-95F3-D69B85362333>
 *0xffffff7f8276d000 - 0xffffff7f82802fff 10.0.35 (10.0.0) <688AE3CA-847D-3C62-9A98-E4AC9E9D295D>  /System/Library/Extensions/GeForceTesla.kext/Contents/MacOS/GeForceTesla
 *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff  kernel (2782.50.6)                      <FE3619E6-270B-34A6-BBD7-BED74EC32693>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process:         coreservicesd [96]
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       9054 pages
  Thread 0x2d1        1 sample (1)        priority 31
  <thread QoS legacy, timers coalesced, IO policy important>
 *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2311718) [0xffffff8000434626] 1
   *1  unix_syscall64 + 662 (kernel + 6599926) [0xffffff800084b4f6] 1
     *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6207699) [0xffffff80007eb8d3] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 6208362) [0xffffff80007ebb6a] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 3656304) [0xffffff800057ca70] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 6140919) [0xffffff80007db3f7] 1
             *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1
               *1  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1
                 *1  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1
  Binary Images:
         0x10324b000 -                ???  ???                <AB6CADDA-87BC-3574-8B0D-7424FB14337E>
 *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff  kernel (2782.50.6) <FE3619E6-270B-34A6-BBD7-BED74EC32693>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process:         fseventsd [43]
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1021 pages
  Thread 0x508        1 sample (1)        priority 50
  <timers coalesced, IO policy important>
 *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2311718) [0xffffff8000434626] 1
   *1  unix_syscall64 + 662 (kernel + 6599926) [0xffffff800084b4f6] 1
     *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6207699) [0xffffff80007eb8d3] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 6208362) [0xffffff80007ebb6a] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 3656304) [0xffffff800057ca70] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 6140919) [0xffffff80007db3f7] 1
             *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1
               *1  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1
                 *1  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1
  Binary Images:
         0x1051f6000 -                ???  ???                <B9298BBA-E12E-3861-8CE1-81A5B350321A>
 *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff  kernel (2782.50.6) <FE3619E6-270B-34A6-BBD7-BED74EC32693>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process:         iTunes [262]
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       39921 pages
  Thread 0x1444       1 sample (1)        priority 4
  <thread QoS legacy, suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
 *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2311718) [0xffffff8000434626] 1
   *1  unix_syscall64 + 662 (kernel + 6599926) [0xffffff800084b4f6] 1
     *1  accept_nocancel + 464 (kernel + 6430704) [0xffffff8000821ff0] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1
         *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1
           *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1
               *1  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1
  Thread 0x1445       1 sample (1)        priority 4
  <thread QoS legacy, suppressed, timers limited, IO policy standard>
 *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2311718) [0xffffff8000434626] 1
   *1  unix_syscall64 + 662 (kernel + 6599926) [0xffffff800084b4f6] 1
     *1  accept_nocancel + 464 (kernel + 6430704) [0xffffff8000821ff0] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1
         *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1
           *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1
               *1  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1
  Binary Images:
         0x10a2e4000 -                ???  ???                <C83430C6-C4C1-377C-AFF4-1D02B6CE94A8>
 *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff  kernel (2782.50.6) <FE3619E6-270B-34A6-BBD7-BED74EC32693>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process:         launchd [1]
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3260 pages
  Thread 0x188        1 sample (1)        priority 31
  <thread QoS legacy, IO policy important>
 *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2311718) [0xffffff8000434626] 1
   *1  unix_syscall64 + 662 (kernel + 6599926) [0xffffff800084b4f6] 1
     *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6207699) [0xffffff80007eb8d3] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 6208362) [0xffffff80007ebb6a] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 3556033) [0xffffff80005642c1] 1
           *1  spec_read + 609 (kernel + 3669505) [0xffffff800057fe01] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 5835028) [0xffffff8000790914] 1
               *1  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1
                 *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1
                   *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1
                     *1  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1
                       *1  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1
  Binary Images:
         0x101f35000 -                ???  ???                <C0446878-E8D0-3461-A226-91FF1C2B2DA6>
 *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff  kernel (2782.50.6) <FE3619E6-270B-34A6-BBD7-BED74EC32693>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process:         mds [55]
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       8654 pages
  Thread 0x451        1 sample (1)        priority 50
  <timers coalesced, IO policy important and passive>
 *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2311718) [0xffffff8000434626] 1
   *1  unix_syscall64 + 662 (kernel + 6599926) [0xffffff800084b4f6] 1
     *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6207699) [0xffffff80007eb8d3] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 6208362) [0xffffff80007ebb6a] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 3656304) [0xffffff800057ca70] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 6140919) [0xffffff80007db3f7] 1
             *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1
               *1  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1
                 *1  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1
  Binary Images:
         0x10e5d5000 -                ???  ???                <73704043-C60C-335C-B2B8-25C31B31EE0A>
 *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff  kernel (2782.50.6) <FE3619E6-270B-34A6-BBD7-BED74EC32693>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process:         revisiond [88]
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1287 pages
  Thread 0x3fb        1 sample (1)        priority 4
  <thread QoS background, darwinbg, timers coalesced, IO policy utility>
 *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2311718) [0xffffff8000434626] 1
   *1  unix_syscall64 + 662 (kernel + 6599926) [0xffffff800084b4f6] 1
     *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6207699) [0xffffff80007eb8d3] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 6208362) [0xffffff80007ebb6a] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 3556033) [0xffffff80005642c1] 1
           *1  spec_read + 609 (kernel + 3669505) [0xffffff800057fe01] 1
             *1  ??? (AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless + 6604) [0xffffff7f831429cc] 1
               *1  msleep + 98 (kernel + 6139858) [0xffffff80007dafd2] 1
                 *1  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1
                   *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1
                     *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1
                       *1  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1
                         *1  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1
  Binary Images:
         0x10bb27000 -                ???  ???                                                                           <70794014-C628-3780-893A-A17DD3C30F17>
 *0xffffff7f83141000 - 0xffffff7f83142fff 68.30.1 (1.0.0d1) <0CAE9C74-25CC-39A0-BCA8-09A4E61A62D0>  /System/Library/Extensions/AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless
 *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff  kernel (2782.50.6)                                                            <FE3619E6-270B-34A6-BBD7-BED74EC32693>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process:         securityd [75]
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1097 pages
  Thread 0x26a        1 sample (1)        priority 31
  <thread QoS legacy, timers coalesced, IO policy important>
 *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2311718) [0xffffff8000434626] 1
   *1  unix_syscall64 + 662 (kernel + 6599926) [0xffffff800084b4f6] 1
     *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 6207699) [0xffffff80007eb8d3] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 6208362) [0xffffff80007ebb6a] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 3556033) [0xffffff80005642c1] 1
           *1  spec_read + 609 (kernel + 3669505) [0xffffff800057fe01] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 5835028) [0xffffff8000790914] 1
               *1  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1
                 *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1
                   *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1
                     *1  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1
                       *1  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1
  Binary Images:
         0x102d83000 -                ???  ???                <C7568A52-0031-3177-99AA-C930DAAC1FA7>
 *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff  kernel (2782.50.6) <FE3619E6-270B-34A6-BBD7-BED74EC32693>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process:         stackshot [87]
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       303 pages
  Thread 0x29d        1 sample (1)        priority 31
  <thread QoS legacy, timers coalesced, IO policy important>
 *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2311718) [0xffffff8000434626] 1
   *1  unix_syscall64 + 662 (kernel + 6599926) [0xffffff800084b4f6] 1
     *1  __sigwait_nocancel + 413 (kernel + 6124493) [0xffffff80007d73cd] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1
         *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1
           *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1
               *1  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1
  Binary Images:
         0x1018b5000 -                ???  ???                <6C87EB6C-2F94-302A-8E09-4537877E279F>
 *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff  kernel (2782.50.6) <FE3619E6-270B-34A6-BBD7-BED74EC32693>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process:         SystemUIServer [266]
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       5036 pages
  Thread 0xa26        1 sample (1)        priority 47
  <frontmost, thread QoS user interactive, IO policy important>
 *1  hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2311750) [0xffffff8000434646] 1
   *1  mach_call_munger64 + 410 (kernel + 2106522) [0xffffff800040249a] 1
     *1  mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 205 (kernel + 1196925) [0xffffff800032437d] 1
       *1  ipc_kmsg_send + 759 (kernel + 1129415) [0xffffff8000313bc7] 1
         *1  ipc_mqueue_send + 529 (kernel + 1143985) [0xffffff80003174b1] 1
           *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1
               *1  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1
  Binary Images:
         0x102e3a000 -                ???  ???                <E3BA2A17-E2DE-371B-92EF-E32909BCF2A5>
 *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff  kernel (2782.50.6) <FE3619E6-270B-34A6-BBD7-BED74EC32693>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process:         WindowServer [153]
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       23911 pages
  Thread 0x392        1 sample (1)        priority 79
  <IO policy important>
 *1  hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2311750) [0xffffff8000434646] 1
   *1  mach_call_munger64 + 410 (kernel + 2106522) [0xffffff800040249a] 1
     *1  mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 205 (kernel + 1196925) [0xffffff800032437d] 1
       *1  ipc_kmsg_send + 291 (kernel + 1128947) [0xffffff80003139f3] 1
         *1  ipc_kobject_server + 256 (kernel + 1241200) [0xffffff800032f070] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 1971335) [0xffffff80003e1487] 1
             *1  is_io_connect_method + 499 (kernel + 7336003) [0xffffff80008ff043] 1
               *1  IOUserClient::externalMethod(unsigned int, IOExternalMethodArguments*, IOExternalMethodDispatch*, OSObject*, void*) + 857 (kernel + 7346393) [0xffffff80009018d9] 1
                 *1  shim_io_connect_method_structureI_structureO + 290 (kernel + 7343314) [0xffffff8000900cd2] 1
                   *1  IONVGLContextTesla::set_surface_get_config_status(sIOGLContextSetSurfaceData*, sIOGLContextGetConfigStatus*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long*) + 461 (GeForceTesla + 75969) [0xffffff7f8277f8c1] 1
                     *1  IONVGLContextTesla::get_config(unsigned int*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*) + 101 (GeForceTesla + 86609) [0xffffff7f82782251] 1
                       *1  IONVAcceleratorTesla::acceleratorWaitEnabled() + 28 (GeForceTesla + 52400) [0xffffff7f82779cb0] 1
                         *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1
                           *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1
                             *1  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1
                               *1  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1
  Binary Images:
         0x10f48e000 -                ???  ???                                     <DE442EA4-37E9-305A-849A-B9A9D8C57AD2>
 *0xffffff7f8276d000 - 0xffffff7f82802fff 10.0.35 (10.0.0) <688AE3CA-847D-3C62-9A98-E4AC9E9D295D>  /System/Library/Extensions/GeForceTesla.kext/Contents/MacOS/GeForceTesla
 *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff  kernel (2782.50.6)                      <FE3619E6-270B-34A6-BBD7-BED74EC32693>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Process:         kernel_task [0]
Architecture:    x86_64
Version:         Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Mon Aug 29 21:14:16 PDT 2016; root:xnu-2782.50.6~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Task size:       119359 pages
CPU Time:        22959.926s
  Thread 0x6a         9 samples (1-9)     priority 95
  <IO policy important>
 *9  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-9
   *9  ??? (kernel + 1487063) [0xffffff800036b0d7] 1-9
     *9  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-9
       *9  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-9
         *9  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-9
  Thread 0x6c         9 samples (1-9)     priority 95
  <IO policy important>
 *9  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-9
   *9  mapping_replenish + 647 (kernel + 2101239) [0xffffff8000400ff7] 1-9
     *9  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-9
       *9  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-9
         *9  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-9
  Thread 0x89         9 samples (1-9)     priority 81
  <IO policy important>
 *9  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-9
   *9  pmInitThread + 890 (AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement + 26919) [0xffffff7f82dd2927] 1-9
     *9  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1-9
       *9  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-9
         *9  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-9
           *9  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-9
  Thread 0x8a         9 samples (1-9)     priority 0          idle time 0.057s
 *7  idle_thread + 0 (kernel + 1320080) [0xffffff8000342490] (running)
 *2  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867]
   *2  idle_thread + 32 (kernel + 1320112) [0xffffff80003424b0]
     *2  processor_idle + 171 (kernel + 1318763) [0xffffff8000341f6b]
       *2  machine_idle + 509 (kernel + 2198429) [0xffffff8000418b9d] (running)
  Thread 0x65         8 samples (2-9)     priority 92         cpu time 463.339s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  vm_pageout_continue + 0 (kernel + 1834512) [0xffffff80003bfe10] 2-9
  Thread 0x66         8 samples (2-9)     priority 0          idle time 83795.997s
 *8  idle_thread + 0 (kernel + 1320080) [0xffffff8000342490] (running)
  Thread 0x67         8 samples (2-9)     priority 95         cpu time 7.278s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  sched_traditional_maintenance_continue + 0 (kernel + 1296416) [0xffffff800033c820] 2-9
  Thread 0x68         8 samples (2-9)     priority 80         cpu time 2.426s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  ??? (kernel + 1409520) [0xffffff80003581f0] 2-9
  Thread 0x69         8 samples (2-9)     priority 93         cpu time 0.144s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  ??? (kernel + 1410400) [0xffffff8000358560] 2-9
  Thread 0x6b         8 samples (2-9)     priority 94         cpu time 0.013s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  ??? (kernel + 1430032) [0xffffff800035d210] 2-9
  Thread 0x6d         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0x6f         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0x71         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81         cpu time 368.517s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *1  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 2
   *1  ??? (kernel + 1432642) [0xffffff800035dc42] 2
     *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 2
       *1  ??? (kernel + 1324811) [0xffffff800034370b] (running) 2
 *7  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 3-9
  Thread 0x82         8 samples (2-9)     priority 95
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  ??? (kernel + 1816208) [0xffffff80003bb690] 2-9
  Thread 0x83         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  ??? (kernel + 6141328) [0xffffff80007db590] 2-9
  Thread 0x87         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0x90         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0xa1         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0xc0         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81         cpu time 4299.749s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0xca         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0xcc         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81         cpu time 403.468s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0xd2         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81         cpu time 0.026s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0xd4         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0xd7         8 samples (2-9)     priority 97
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0xd8         8 samples (2-9)     priority 97
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0xda         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81         cpu time 37.351s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0xdb         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81         cpu time 0.065s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0xea         8 samples (2-9)     priority 81         cpu time 0.004s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0x118        8 samples (2-9)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-9
  Thread 0x12f        8 samples (2-9)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  ??? (kernel + 3431680) [0xffffff8000545d00] 2-9
  Thread 0x131        8 samples (2-9)     priority 81         cpu time 0.003s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *8  ??? (kernel + 6343520) [0xffffff800080cb60] 2-9
  Thread 0x139        5 samples (1-5)     priority 81
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 3851167) [0xffffff80005ac39f] 1-5
     *5  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1-5
       *5  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1-5
         *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
           *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
             *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x171        5 samples (1-5)     priority 81
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  MlmeThread(void*) + 33 (RT2870USBWirelessDriver + 190699) [0xffffff7f811898eb] 1-5
     *5  ??? (kernel + 1355724) [0xffffff800034afcc] 1-5
       *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
         *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
           *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x172        5 samples (1-5)     priority 81
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  RTUSBCmdThread(void*) + 417 (RT2870USBWirelessDriver + 367468) [0xffffff7f811b4b6c] 1-5
     *5  ??? (kernel + 1355724) [0xffffff800034afcc] 1-5
       *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
         *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
           *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x173        5 samples (1-5)     priority 81
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  BulkOutDataThread(void*) + 33 (RT2870USBWirelessDriver + 310690) [0xffffff7f811a6da2] 1-5
     *5  ??? (kernel + 1355724) [0xffffff800034afcc] 1-5
       *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
         *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
           *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x174        5 samples (1-5)     priority 81
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  BulkInDataThread(void*) + 33 (RT2870USBWirelessDriver + 305056) [0xffffff7f811a57a0] 1-5
     *5  ??? (kernel + 1355724) [0xffffff800034afcc] 1-5
       *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
         *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
           *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x175        5 samples (1-5)     priority 81
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  DequeuePacketThread(void*) + 33 (RT2870USBWirelessDriver + 309287) [0xffffff7f811a6827] 1-5
     *5  ??? (kernel + 1355724) [0xffffff800034afcc] 1-5
       *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
         *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
           *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x17e        5 samples (1-5)     priority 81
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 6587292) [0xffffff800084839c] 1-5
     *5  mach_msg_receive + 166 (kernel + 1196630) [0xffffff8000324256] 1-5
       *5  ipc_mqueue_receive + 74 (kernel + 1145306) [0xffffff80003179da] 1-5
         *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
           *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
             *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x193        5 samples (1-5)     priority 81
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 6536796) [0xffffff800083be5c] 1-5
     *5  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1-5
       *5  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1-5
         *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
           *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
             *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x388        5 samples (1-5)     priority 97
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  AppleOSXWatchdog::watchdogMainThread() + 120 (AppleOSXWatchdog + 5664) [0xffffff7f82cf3620] 1-5
     *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
       *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
         *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x444        5 samples (1-5)     priority 81
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 3848847) [0xffffff80005aba8f] 1-5
     *5  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1-5
       *5  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1-5
         *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
           *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
             *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x445        5 samples (1-5)     priority 82
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 3839990) [0xffffff80005a97f6] 1-5
     *5  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1-5
       *5  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1-5
         *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
           *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
             *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x446        5 samples (1-5)     priority 82
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 3840596) [0xffffff80005a9a54] 1-5
     *5  msleep + 98 (kernel + 6139858) [0xffffff80007dafd2] 1-5
       *5  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1-5
         *5  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1-5
           *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
             *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
               *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x448        5 samples (1-5)     priority 81
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 3847599) [0xffffff80005ab5af] 1-5
     *5  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1-5
       *5  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1-5
         *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
           *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
             *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x44b        5 samples (1-5)     priority 81
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 3847599) [0xffffff80005ab5af] 1-5
     *5  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1-5
       *5  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1-5
         *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
           *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
             *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x44c        5 samples (1-5)     priority 82
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 3840196) [0xffffff80005a98c4] 1-5
     *5  msleep + 98 (kernel + 6139858) [0xffffff80007dafd2] 1-5
       *5  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1-5
         *5  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1-5
           *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
             *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
               *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x4be        5 samples (1-5)     priority 81
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 3847599) [0xffffff80005ab5af] 1-5
     *5  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1-5
       *5  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1-5
         *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
           *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
             *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x4bf        5 samples (1-5)     priority 82
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 3839990) [0xffffff80005a97f6] 1-5
     *5  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1-5
       *5  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1-5
         *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
           *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
             *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x8f1        5 samples (1-5)     priority 82
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 3840196) [0xffffff80005a98c4] 1-5
     *5  msleep + 98 (kernel + 6139858) [0xffffff80007dafd2] 1-5
       *5  ??? (kernel + 6140953) [0xffffff80007db419] 1-5
         *5  lck_mtx_sleep + 134 (kernel + 1272502) [0xffffff8000336ab6] 1-5
           *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
             *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
               *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x41b8d      5 samples (1-5)     priority 93         cpu time 0.001s
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 1431641) [0xffffff800035d859] 1-5
     *5  IOService::watchdog_timer_expired(void*, void*) + 44 (kernel + 7064156) [0xffffff80008bca5c] 1-5
       *5  IOPMrootDomain::takeStackshot(bool, bool) + 614 (kernel + 7495414) [0xffffff8000925ef6] 1-5
         *5  stack_snapshot_from_kernel + 165 (kernel + 5876581) [0xffffff800079ab65] (running) 1-5
  Thread 0x41b9e      5 samples (1-5)     priority 93
  <IO policy important>
 *5  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 1-5
   *5  ??? (kernel + 1431641) [0xffffff800035d859] 1-5
     *5  IOService::pmDriverCallout(IOService*) + 71 (kernel + 7064359) [0xffffff80008bcb27] 1-5
       *5  IOService::driverSetPowerState() + 435 (kernel + 7094579) [0xffffff80008c4133] 1-5
         *5  RT2870USBWirelessDriver::setPowerState(unsigned long, IOService*) + 141 (RT2870USBWirelessDriver + 645397) [0xffffff7f811f8915] 1-5
           *5  RT2870USBWirelessDriver::NICLoadFirmware(RT2870USBWirelessDriver*) + 174 (RT2870USBWirelessDriver + 551842) [0xffffff7f811e1ba2] 1-5
             *5  LoadAndesFW(RT2870USBWirelessDriver*) + 1337 (RT2870USBWirelessDriver + 727024) [0xffffff7f8120c7f0] 1-5
               *5  USB_Load_ILM_DLM(RT2870USBWirelessDriver*, unsigned char*, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 348 (RT2870USBWirelessDriver + 723883) [0xffffff7f8120bbab] 1-5
                 *5  ??? (kernel + 1355724) [0xffffff800034afcc] 1-5
                   *5  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 1-5
                     *5  ??? (kernel + 1325396) [0xffffff8000343954] 1-5
                       *5  machine_switch_context + 367 (kernel + 2173103) [0xffffff80004128af] 1-5
  Thread 0x132        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81         cpu time 0.017s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 5842480) [0xffffff8000792630] 2-5
  Thread 0x133        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 5891632) [0xffffff800079e630] 2-5
  Thread 0x134        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 5891632) [0xffffff800079e630] 2-5
  Thread 0x135        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 5891632) [0xffffff800079e630] 2-5
  Thread 0x136        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 5891632) [0xffffff800079e630] 2-5
  Thread 0x137        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 6141328) [0xffffff80007db590] 2-5
  Thread 0x138        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 6141328) [0xffffff80007db590] 2-5
  Thread 0x13a        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 6141328) [0xffffff80007db590] 2-5
  Thread 0x13b        4 samples (2-5)     priority 95
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 6169680) [0xffffff80007e2450] 2-5
  Thread 0x13e        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81         cpu time 0.256s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  sockwall_gc_thread + 0 (ALF + 23992) [0xffffff7f83208db8] 2-5
  Thread 0x13f        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x141        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81         cpu time 0.086s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x145        4 samples (2-5)     priority 82         cpu time 8814.483s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *1  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2
 *1  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 3
   *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 1315503) [0xffffff80003412af] 3
     *1  ??? (kernel + 1324811) [0xffffff800034370b] (running) 3
 *2  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 4-5
  Thread 0x146        4 samples (2-5)     priority 82
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x14e        4 samples (2-5)     priority 82         cpu time 0.066s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x17f        4 samples (2-5)     priority 92         cpu time 9.815s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy utility>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 1877120) [0xffffff80003ca480] 2-5
  Thread 0x180        4 samples (2-5)     priority 31         cpu time 6.844s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 1872128) [0xffffff80003c9100] 2-5
  Thread 0x181        4 samples (2-5)     priority 31
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  vm_pressure_thread + 0 (kernel + 1835232) [0xffffff80003c00e0] 2-5
  Thread 0x182        4 samples (2-5)     priority 92
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 1816416) [0xffffff80003bb760] 2-5
  Thread 0x183        4 samples (2-5)     priority 92         cpu time 0.139s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 1628752) [0xffffff800038da50] 2-5
  Thread 0x184        4 samples (2-5)     priority 92         cpu time 1.479s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 1875040) [0xffffff80003c9c60] 2-5
  Thread 0x185        4 samples (2-5)     priority 92         cpu time 0.450s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy utility and passive>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 1039424) [0xffffff80002fdc40] 2-5
  Thread 0x186        4 samples (2-5)     priority 92         cpu time 0.017s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 1041520) [0xffffff80002fe470] 2-5
  Thread 0x187        4 samples (2-5)     priority 92         cpu time 0.007s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy utility and passive>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 1042480) [0xffffff80002fe830] 2-5
  Thread 0x30c        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81         cpu time 6.782s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x30f        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x313        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x316        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x322        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x32b        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81         cpu time 0.202s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x32c        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81         cpu time 17.644s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x32e        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x331        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x36e        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x373        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x379        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x37e        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x5cc        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81         cpu time 2.988s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x5d3        4 samples (2-5)     priority 81         cpu time 8512.914s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 0 (kernel + 7158544) [0xffffff80008d3b10] 2-5
  Thread 0x41b74      4 samples (2-5)     priority 93         cpu time 1.058s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 1430688) [0xffffff800035d4a0] 2-5
  Thread 0x41b8f      4 samples (2-5)     priority 93         cpu time 1.049s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *4  ??? (kernel + 1430688) [0xffffff800035d4a0] 2-5
  Thread 0x41b90      4 samples (2-5)     priority 93         cpu time 1.230s
  <Thread not seen for 1 sample, IO policy important>
 *3  ??? (kernel + 1430688) [0xffffff800035d4a0] 2-4
 *1  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2168935) [0xffffff8000411867] 5
   *1  ??? (kernel + 1431641) [0xffffff800035d859] 5
     *1  IOTimerEventSource::timeoutAndRelease(void*, void*) + 307 (kernel + 7185027) [0xffffff80008da283] 5
       *1  IOTimerEventSource::setTimeout(unsigned int, unsigned int) + 48 (kernel + 7186272) [0xffffff80008da760] 5
         *1  IOTimerEventSource::wakeAtTime(unsigned long long) + 146 (kernel + 7186690) [0xffffff80008da902] 5
           *1  ??? (kernel + 1427696) [0xffffff800035c8f0] (running) 5
  Binary Images:
 *0xffffff7f80a1d000 - 0xffffff7f80a4efff  com.paragon-software.filesystems.ntfs 14.0.483 (483.0.14)       <C722711E-AEBA-3393-9CCA-3A7A6C12E7CA>  /Library/Extensions/ufsd_NTFS.kext/Contents/MacOS/ufsd_NTFS
 *0xffffff7f8115b000 - 0xffffff7f8121ffff  com.Ralink.driver.RT2870USBWirelessDriver (5.0.1)      <15BBC051-D17D-B4C1-9E8A-4CDB59C5D830>  /System/Library/Extensions/RT2870USBWirelessDriver.kext/Contents/MacOS/RT2870USBWirelessDriver
 *0xffffff7f82cf2000 - 0xffffff7f82cf3fff 1.0 (1)                       <EA961D20-4D69-343D-940F-8FA7CE685521>  /System/Library/Extensions/AppleOSXWatchdog.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleOSXWatchdog
 *0xffffff7f82dcc000 - 0xffffff7f82de9fff 218.0.0 (218.0.0) <286AC338-5D29-3DEF-80C1-CF54C305FB1D>  /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement
 *0xffffff7f83203000 - 0xffffff7f83209fff 5.0 (161)                     <C76A3153-3402-360C-9792-15E613E43EB2>  /System/Library/Extensions/ALF.kext/Contents/MacOS/ALF
 *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80009fffff  kernel (2782.50.6)                                              <FE3619E6-270B-34A6-BBD7-BED74EC32693>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
UUID: 3E5F6B81-54C6-4DA6-8BD9-FF2F1D097C7A�  
cps: 2�  
Code: 00000100 27006900�        
Stackshot reason: Watchdog
�  ��Model: Macmini4,1, BootROM MM41.0042.B03, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 8 GB, SMC 1.65f2
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 320M, NVIDIA GeForce 320M, PCI, 256 MB
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x859B, 0x435435313236344243313036372E4D313646
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x859B, 0x435435313236344243313036372E4D313646
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x93), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
Bluetooth: Version 4.3.6f3 16238, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
Serial ATA Device: Hitachi HTS545032B9SA02, 320,07 GB
Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-STDVDRW  GA32N
USB Device: Ext HDD 1021
USB Device: USB 2.0 Hub
USB Device: Ext HDD 1021
USB Device: A6210
USB Device: Ext HDD 1021
USB Device: ATOLL USB Audio 2.0
USB Device: IR Receiver
USB Device: BRCM2070 Hub
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
Thunderbolt Bus:

Une idée ? Merci

Message édité par Profil supprimé le 06-10-2016 à 11:07:33
Posté le 06-10-2016 à 11:02:09  profilanswer

Posté le 06-10-2016 à 12:07:11  profilanswer

T'as quoi comme réseau Wi-Fi ?  
Le réveil par Wi-Fi (notamment) c'est très capricieux sur Mac si t'as pas une borne AirPort. Et pour le LAN classique, tu peux essayer des softs qui envoient le paquet magique ?

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 06-10-2016 à 12:11:20  answer

J'ai un routeur Synology et une clé WiFi Netgear sur mon Mini.

Posté le 06-10-2016 à 15:13:04  profilanswer

Si tu passes pas par la carte réseau interne, ça marchera pas, c'est sur.
Pour que ça marche réellement, faut soit de l'Ethernet, soit du Wi-Fi d'origine, et le réseau peut poser des soucis, mais je ne sais pas si le routeur Synology supporte ça.

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 07-10-2016 à 15:02:36  answer

Je ne suis pas certains de comprendre, c'est quoi la différence entre la carte réseau interne et le WiFi d'origine ? Merci
J'ai tros "gros" changements:
1. OS X10.12
2. Routeur Synology
3. Dongle WiFi Netgear
Depuis, mais à vérifier, j'ai ce souci et je dois régulièrement valider le mot de passe pour accéder au Mini.

Posté le 07-10-2016 à 17:38:16  profilanswer

Ton dongle Wi-Fi Netgear, il utilise pas les pilotes Apple et y a des chances que ce soit ça qui bloque le réveil.  
La commande magique (pour le WOL) en Wi-Fi, c'est pas un standard et donc ça dépend de pleins de choses, de la carte Wi-Fi, des pilotes, du réseau Wi-Fi, etc.
Le réveil en Wi-Fi, ça marche vraiment avec : la carte d'origine (ou en tout cas une qui utilise le pilote Apple) et un routeur Apple.

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 11-10-2016 à 20:44:13  answer

Ok, merci.

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  Mac Mini - Sortie de veille réseau impossible


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