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Sujet : gmail et service ouvert à tous ???
El Pollo Diablo

Citation :

We're currently only offering Gmail as part of a preview release and limited test. We don't have details on when Gmail will be made more widely available, as that depends in part on the results of the test.

Donc c'est "when it's done".

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El Pollo Diablo

Citation :

We're currently only offering Gmail as part of a preview release and limited test. We don't have details on when Gmail will be made more widely available, as that depends in part on the results of the test.

Donc c'est "when it's done".

ARSLAN sais pas verra cela
mais quand est ce que Gmail sera ouvert à tous ???
flo119 il suffit de connaitre quelqu'un ayant une adresse et c'est bon... tu as bien quelqu'un dans ton aentourage qui en a une?
ARSLAN Quand est ce que Gmail seras enfin ouvert à tous ???

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