Bon ça avance (doucement), apparement le probleme n'effecte pas toutes les connections, mais serait particulier à SMS (1.2). Sinon les source ODBC sont correcte et le cliconfg est correct aussi.
J'ai trouve ça sur le Support Ms :
Citation :
Systems Management Server 2.0 works with SQL Server 6.5 with Service Pack 4 or later. Because of the many improvements in SQL Server 7.0, Microsoft recommends using the most recent version with Systems Management Server 2.0. Note: If you have an earlier version of Systems Management Server, you must first upgrade to version 2.0 before upgrading to SQL Server 7.0.
et ça
Citation :
SQL Server 7.0 does not support SMS 1.2. To use SQL Server 7.0, you will need SMS 2.0. The following information is from /smsmgmt/exec/faq.asp: SMS 2.0 works with SQL Server 6.5 with Service Pack 4 or later. Because of the many improvements in SQL Server 7.0, Microsoft recommends using the most recent version with SMS 2.0. If you are upgrading from a previous version of SMS, you first need to upgrade SMS to 2.0 before upgrading to Microsoft SQL Server 7.0.
Comme MSDE est base sur SQLServer 7, je suis bais**
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