Ton probleme s'appelle NIMDA (peut etre). On a eu ce virus au boulot et toute les machine infectee avait d'un seul coup un probleme memoire a l'ouverture des mail sous outlook. Regarde dans WINDOWS\TEMP si tu a des EXE bizarre (je ne sais plus le nom et dans WINDOWS\SYSTEM si tu a LOAD.EXE c'est que tu es infecte.
Solution sur ANTIVIRUS.COM (il y a un patch qui te vire cette merde)
FIX_NIMDA (version 1.00)
Trend Micro, Inc.
I. Description
This tool is designed to clean a system that was infected by PE_NIMDA.A.
This tool will clean the system without having to boot using the boot disk or emergency rescue disk.
When FIX_NIMDA.EXE is executed, it will perform the following steps:
o Terminate PE_NIMDA.A in memory.
o Remove traces of PE_NIMDA.A in SYSTEM.INI file.
o Scan all files on all fixed drives for infected executable and
EML files.
o Clean all infected files and delete all non-cleanable files.
o Scan/clean all HTM/HTML/ASP files for PE_NIMDA.A by executing
II. Requirements
This tool is designed to run under Windows NT/2K and Windows 9X/ME.
For this tool to execute properly under Windows NT/2000 it needs the
following DLL files:
Be sure that these two files are present in the "Winnt\system32" directory.
III. How to use
Once you have determined that your system is infected by PE_NIMDA.A,
disconnect your computer from your network to prevent further infection,
and run FIX_NIMDA.EXE from a clean disk. SLIDE.EXE and SLIDE.DAT should
be present in the same directory as FIX_NIMDA.EXE.
IV. Notes
1. There are instances where the original mother file gets infected with
PE_NIMDA.A thereby detection would be PE_NIMDA.A. The file gets cleaned
and another scan of the file reveals that it is the non-cleanable original
mother file which FIX_NIMDA.EXE will delete.