j'obtiens ca :
coyote# set system = `hostname`
coyote# set ipaddr = `ypcat hosts | grep $system | cut -f1`
ypcat: not found
BusyBox v0.41 (20000120-1649) multi-call binary -- GPL2
Usage: grep [OPTIONS]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Search for PATTERN in each FILE or standard input.
-h suppress the prefixing filename on output
-i ignore case distinctions
-n print line number with output lines
-q be quiet. Returns 0 if result was found, 1 otherwise
This version of grep matches strings (not regular expresions).
donc ca marche pas
Windows, c'est pas comme un pétaure : On a beau brailler dessus; si ca veut pas marcher, bah ca marche pas...