features :
Opera 6.04 Changelog
This version fixes some issues, mostly related to bookmarks, bookmarklets, and localized versions.
New features
Bookmarks file (*.adr) is automatically backed up
To "*.adr.bak" on startup
To "UnInst\Backup\hotlist_backup.adr" on reinstallation
Added support for changing the Opera application icon
Added "English to Japanese" and "Japanese to English" translation
New opera6.ini settings (advanced usage)
Application Icon=newicon.ico
[User Prefs]
Specifies alternative application icon
Memory optimizations
Opera checks for both HTTP and HTML when checking if it is default browser
Uninstall key changed to "Opera", which means there will only be one uninstall item in "Add/Remove Programs"
Minor updates to default bookmarks
Improved handling of windows with a lot of Flash content
Improved display when playing Windows Media Player files
Improved handling of missing character set in e-mail attachments
Fix for Japanese, Chinese, and Korean legacy encodings
Fix to allow bookmarklets (generally JavaScript URLs) to be used with special buttons
Fix for JavaScript URL handling
Fix for Java still processing after Window with applet closed
Fix for occasional loss of bookmarks (after an involuntary exit)
Fix for printing of headers and footers
Fix for saving pages and suggesting filenames
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