Pour Infor :
* RAW-DAO 96 = 2352 bytes RAW Data + 96 Bytes P-W Subchannel Data. This is the best mode for CloneCD. It allows writing of all subchannel information, including Digital Signatures,CD-Text, ISRC, Catalog Numbers, CD+G, CD+Midi, Gaps, Indices and Crazy TOCs.
* RAW-DAO 94 = 2352 bytes RAW Data + 94 Bytes P-W Subchannel Data. Same as RAW-DAO 96, but 2-Bytes CRC of the Q Subchannel are generated by the writer.
* RAW-DAO 16 = 2352 bytes RAW Data + 16 Bytes P-Q Subchannel Data. This is the second best mode for CloneCD. It allows writing of most subchannel information, including most Digital Signatures, ISRC, Catalog Numbers, Gaps, Indices and Crazy TOCs. 2-Bytes CRC of the Q Subchannel are generated by the writer.
* RAW-SAO = 2352 bytes RAW Data. This is the third best mode for CloneCD. Feature support is drive dependant. ISRC, Catalog Numbers and Indices can be written. Usually CD-Text, CD+G and CD+MIDI can be written as well. Crazy TOCs and Digital Signatures can't be written in this mode.
* SAO = 2352 bytes error corrected Data. This is the worst mode for CloneCD. Writing of ISRC, Catalog Numbers, Indices and usually CD-Text is supported.