Citation :
2: Run the Demarc PureSecure Windows Installer]
If you haven't already downloaded it, download the *full* PureSecure Windows
package from
When you run the installer, it will install both the Client and the Console.
It is recommended that you do not change the default install directory
(c:\Program Files\Demarc\PureSecure\), but if you have to do so, you'll also
have to change the reference to this directory in the DEMARC_config.conf file
that is in the "cgi" sub-directory.
When it asks you if you would like to register the sensor with the database,
select "Y" and follow the instructions you are presented with to install the
main client.
** A few notes on installing the first sensor:
-The database information should be the following if you followed the
instructions thus far:
DB Host:
DB User: snort
DB Name: snort
DB Password: [whatever you chose to replace 'your_password' above]
-You'll most likely want this main sensor to be the one that sends out the
alerts and monitors remote hosts, so select "yes" when asked if this is going
to be the main sensor.
-The "Name of this sensor" should be a short descriptive name with no spaces
that will identify the machine in the PureSecure web console. Some examples
are: "Monitor_Server" or "rack_1"