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  Error connexion with Ethernet NIC card using winpcap


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Error connexion with Ethernet NIC card using winpcap

Posté le 16-05-2011 à 17:23:23  profilanswer

i'am developping an application with Visual C++ 2010 on windows 7, i want to sent packets and receive the same packets using winpcap libraries. i'am working with the same computer and i want to sent to and receive from my Ethernet NIC card.
the function pcap_sendpacket() returns success, that means the packet is sent!! ok.
the receiver is also working succesfully, but the problem that it does not capture the packet that i send to NIC card.
i tried to use Wireshark to capture this packet but it informes me that there are no packet in the NIC card.
i think this is because the status of the NIC card which is disconnected.
i thought that sending and receiving from NIC card in the same computer doesn't need to use a serial communication with wires.
so how can i solve this problem. can some one help me please :(

Posté le 16-05-2011 à 17:23:23  profilanswer

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  Windows & Software
  Win 7

  Error connexion with Ethernet NIC card using winpcap


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